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2 Females: Abyss And Widow


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Hi people. First of all, sorry if my English is bad; Ill try to do this post as understandable as I can.

Before we start I would like to clarify that since the last update, there are more male warframes than females, (28 warframes in total, which 15 are men and 13 women), of course I’m not counting the primes so, objectively, it would be good to have the same number of male and female characters again.

Now that I clarified that, let’s get to the point: there are many excellent concepts warframes into the forums of every language that DE could consider to launch 2 new female characters in the following updates. Some of these concepts are:


Warframe gravity ABYSS


It is a close combat Warframe with the ability to perform crowd control and to bring speed benefits to the group and herself. She works as a good tank as well with her last ability.

Originally taken from the following link: http://n4n0-1805.dev...Abyss-450916567  and original idea from ​​N4n0-1805, the original deviantart artist.

The abyss name sounds good to me, but DE has the last word.




Passive: 25% attack speed with all melee weapons.


1. Density: Abyss detonates a field that increases the density from enemies within the area so they will move slower, preventing flying or jumping units to perform these actions. This ability is affected by duration and range mods.

Maximized will slow the enemy by 70% in an area of ​​40 meters.

2. Fluency: Abyss will detonate a flow field that will reduce the mass density of all the warframes (including Abyss), reducing all incoming damage and also gaining a speed boost when running of 30%, as well as light jumping and landing. Fluency is affected by range and duration mods.

Maximized, this skill will mitigate 100% damage to Abyss and 50% to allies within 20 meters.

3. massive Gravity: when activated, Abyss will use all her strength to emit a powerful wave of gravity to greatly increase the weight of enemies, keeping them lying on the ground, preventing them from moving or attacking. This ability works as a crowd control and is affected by range and duration mods.

Maximized, this skill keeps the enemy on the ground for 10 seconds within an area of ​​30 meters.

4. black hole: Abyss generates a black hole at her left hand that functions as a shield while at her right hand she uses the melee weapon Abyss has equipped normally.

The shield absorbs the enemy’s bullets and, disabling the ability, the shield returns all the damage absorbed as a beam. This skill uses duration and efficiency mods to reduce energy consumed per second; strength to increase the damage multiplier from the redirected bullets; and range mods to increase the beam distance.

When efficiency is maximized, Abyss will consume 0.65 energy points per second; maximizing strength, the beam’s multiplier will be of x10; and maximizing range, the beam will reach a distance of 30 meters.


Warframe spider: WIDOW


This warframe is sneaky because their skills are based more on crowd control and camouflage than attacks, however, I personally think her last skill is devastating.

The image was taken from: the deviantart artist TheStardweller and this is the link: http://thestardwelle...Widow-406750980

Again, the previous name depends entirely on DE.


She has the following skills:


Passive: 20% wall latching duration


1. Seduction: Widow uses a provocative dance to mesmerize enemies around, incapacitating them for a while. It uses range and duration mods. When it’s maximized on duration, the effect of courtship lasts 10 seconds; maximizing the range, it will have 20 meters of diameter.

2. Stalking: Widow takes a spider idle, making her invisible and imperceptible to the enemy, allowing her to stick to walls and ceilings of the stage. It consumes Energy per second while active. This ability makes use of duration and efficiency mods, consuming 0.50 energy points per second once maximized.

3. spiderweb: Widow throws a mass of spider web strings, distributed among nearby enemies with a maximum difference of 5 meters among them , preventing their movement and reducing their accuracy when shooting. It can be launched while "stalking" is active. It uses range mods to increase the casting distance among her and the enemies, but not to increase the distance distribution of the web between the enemies. Maximized, this skill has a range of 35 meters.

4. Devour: Widow rushes to the enemies in order to catch them between their legs and start chewing them. This skill gets bonus damage when is used as "stalking" is enabled. It uses strength and range mods. Maximizing this skills, allows Widow to make a base damage of 6000 points without "stalking" and 8000 points while "Stalking" is active (both are tripled if the enemy has not detected widow) in a distance of 30 meters .

Note: The previous warframes skills have no negative effects for efficiency modifiers.

Basic skills and statistics of each warframe can be adjusted in their values ​​for a better balance in the game.


Wanna know your opinions :D.

Edited by Pit90
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Wukong and Nezha don't belong to the DE we have...they belong to the China branch which were brought over because the community from DE wanted it. so if you discount them your back to tie number...which I feel like you should since they are guest from china and not really our Canadian De product

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Wukong and Nezha don't belong to the DE we have...they belong to the China branch which were brought over because the community from DE wanted it. so if you discount them your back to tie number...which I feel like you should since they are guest from china and not really our Canadian De product

That's not right... De still owns Warframe in it's entirety. They just have distribution rights to <name of company I forgot> They didn't sell some of Warframe to them... All of Warframe belongs to DE.

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Wukong and Nezha don't belong to the DE we have...they belong to the China branch which were brought over because the community from DE wanted it. so if you discount them your back to tie number...which I feel like you should since they are guest from china and not really our Canadian De product


I know those are chinese warframes. I'm not against that or something,  but even if Wukong or Nezha are not from the tie, they will be there always so DE has to release females in order to balance the things; think about it, I dont believe DE removes Wukong or Nezha for any reason.

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I am just looking at it by the product you suggest you look at our warframe they say made in Canada you look at their warframe they say made in china even the prospect and the theme behind them differs from our normal warframe their is actual inspiration of their culture such as Journey to the west Monkey King Wukong or the God of protection Nezha while our is inspiration of control of a power.such fire lightning water ice earth wind ect.

The fact being while is still under the flag Warframe is not under the same flag made with prospect of your community in mind.

Their Warframe were made with the audience they are trying to attract or the audience they wish to keep our warframes are made for us our audience in mind such as the warframe we have.

In turn either being male or female is decided and design by the respective branch not for their audience this is why I don't consider Wukong or Nezha as part of our warframes cause they were not design with us in mind but their respective main culture.

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Thats a good idea, May the gods listen to you

Maybe we will get a good unique way to get Chinese Warframe parts like a special massive samurai boss on an ancient Chinese tileset with orokin aspects. Making them a dojo research or a sortie drop is kind of a disappointment. This is what I would like to see.

Edited by OroPlushy
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Maybe we will get a good unique way to get Chinese Warframe parts like a special massive samurai boss on an ancient Chinese tileset with orokin aspects. Making them a dojo research or a sortie drop is kind of a disappointment. This is what I would like to see.

That's why i think it was too soon to release Nezha, they could do a quest for him titled "the god of protection" or something like that.


About the chinese folklore thye should do something like you said, even a samurai warframe would be awesome. with an appearance based on the full iron armor they wore or A Guan Yin based warframe.

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Well while the idea of quest is nice and all they are our guest content not our content that is why I feel like just getting them into the game to have Christmas and new years free while we enjoy something to do is what they had in mind.

In honest truth I can sympathies.As for your uptakes her are some female characters ideas

This one is basically inspired by batman ivy but is concept that DE has not use control over living plants....While it has is lacking in reason the fact that we can have living mass of organic life in space without them dying themselves(looking at infested) can cover up this gap which allows us the creation of an actual Plant like Warframe which allows the following concept that I wish to see if you like

I have no name for the 1st warframe except passive and skills

Because passive are not intended to make the warframe this passive is not amazing but sure

passive Health orbs orb work X% more health.

1skill seed

Warframe fire a projectile that does damage X damage(which is affected by primary weapon mods) that leeches life of an enemy dealing a DoT finisher and if it kills the enemy it mind controlling is corpse(while this idea belong to nyx is a different type of mind control is a mixture of Shadow of the undead and mind control but limiting that is only simple enemy can such skill truly kill)

2skill Growth

Warframe sends a wave forward  that promotes the growth of things as such an armor of Vine grows around it absorbing X% of damage and any seeded enemy who are in the leech life face receive large amount of damage and leeching stops dead walking enemy corpse gets consume creating plants that provide buffs depending on the faction.The work like either heal station,damage turrent ,or energy station.

Corpus that die become an energy releasing tree,infested become healing station,and grineer become damage turrent.

3skill Roots

Warframe roots itself in place any enemy entering the range become entangle and begin move slower and slower until they come to a stop.While entangle enemy loose their weapons until they leave the area of entanglement. while rooted warframe receives health and can pass is health cap but once skill is deactivated the health is lost and release in a blast of energy x damage . allies that are hurt receive health while in the area but it takes away from the health that the warframe receives.If growth is casted while in the rooted form it crushes the entangle enemy depending on how badly slow they are(crush refers to the enemy will receive damage and their armor will be broken)

4skill bloom

Warframe will glow melee kills will yield an automatic seed corpsed

leeched enemy that are still alive and are killed will yield station.

corpse enemy will get damage buff and health buff

station when bloom casted will become plant fighters that have the same level as the warframe and fire seeds at the enemy.

all abilities are castable.

This is the plant concept not sure if you life it bt female frame I am thinking like I said a Poison ivy kind of look to it except were flesh would be it would look like molted metal while plants are it will slim infested plant looking flesh..as for the red hair like it will be energy color.


Now my other concept which is the concept of construction we know the sentient are know for using their enemy technology against them but their has to be at least a warframe that does the same.we do have Vauban but he is more of tactical trapper.

SO here is my concept on this warframe I don't plan for a passive for it because I feel like it don't needed.

1st skill turret

it places turret down 2 at max (reason because you only have 2 weapons)

This turret have health,shield,and armor affected by power strength but the turret use your primary and secondary weapon as their form of attack..when you put turret down it takes away your option of using the weapon the turret has.But the turret itself has the weapon that those the same amount of damage as your weapon would be it modded or anything like that(turret can be buffed by tenno ability)

2nd skill scavenging

basically a nekros desecrate and shadow of the undead .except it has no range actually casting range it works on the mechanics that enemy killed will be pulled in towards you as you kind of vaccum the corpses up. the more corpses you vaccum the more the bag or pack I plan for this concept to have fills up..it will be like reverse iron skin timer.Once the pack fills up depending on the enemy swallow it will release bag full of minor enemy


corpus....(different kinds of ospreys)

grineer.... latchers(just bunch lot)

This enemy will will of course work for your cause and will disappear once they are killed.They work as decoy as they become priority target for the enemy

3rd skill Rework

This is more of stealth skill sleight of hand combination with Vauban tesla.

This skill works as tesla ball you throw it on anything mechanical it makes it go haywire were it those an arc like volt overload when it affects light or it causes the shut down but by your order.Basically here are the rules

hits corpus/grineer/orokin closet opens even if is locked

hit camera/turret they now work for you ignoring you but activating for enemy

Hitting console will trigger shut down if the enemy has not alerted already

hitting console when enemy has alerted already will take away the alert

hitting a console when enemy has shutdown will open the place up and turn of the alert

hitting an enemy will cause a small emp wave that disables their weapon.

hitting a tenno friend will give them extra shield and better ammo effectiveness

Now the 4th skill Total Rework

basic idea of power suit here you summon wise. that increase the damage of any weapon your using by X% increase speed,increase armor,increases weapon effcitiveness such as lower drain on ammo and fire rate and reload speed) enemy near you that have rework ball on them will begin  to fight for you turrets near you will have their health restore and shield and get armor buff.allies born from scavenger will upgrade themselves..

Osprey will turn oxium osprey

maggots to chargers

and latchers to rollers.



and here are my ideas

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  • 4 weeks later...

'Abyss' abilities and concept sounds veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery similar to another concept that I literally just got done reading. Hmmm, one you two is a plagiarist.


It's possible other people have thought this concept before me, in fact is obvious but even if the post you read is older than mine, it was not my intention to be a plagiarist, thats why I put the images with their respective artists. 

Edited by Pit90
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