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[Warframe Concept] Mir - The Glutton (Rough Sketch Added)


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So I have this idea cooking in my head since I started this game(which was a few months ago). I really love gravity based skills in MMOs. :D


This is Mir, the glutton, the devourer. Her abilities lets her consume large amount of damage, enemies, and if not careful even allies...


Her abilities works with each other to feed it.



HP: 100/300

Shield: 50/150

EN: 100/175

Armor: 50

Sprint Speed: 1.1





Compress en 25

Mir concentrate on a small amount of space and compress the gravity around it. Enemies caught in the area will be compressed into 1 single point, like a mini black hole but only lasts 1 sec. They will then be thrown after the skill is done dealing impact dmg.


Power range: 20/30/40/50m

Compression radius: 1/3/9/15m


Animation style is similar to Trinity, using her left arm to aim with.


Zero G en 75

Mir creates a field of distorted gravity, lifting enemy caught in the area. Enemies will be disoriented for 2 sec, but will still be floating for a few seconds. Basically a root skill they wont be able to move, but enemies with ranged weapon will still be able to shoot you.
Power radius: 10/15/20/30m
Power duration: 5/7/9/11sec
Mir and allies caught in the area, will gain jump, bullet jump and slide bonus for the duration.
Mir's 1st skill will be buffed during this duration also, Compress' range will be doubled but only affect enemies who are floating...
Animation style is the charge kick atk, using her right leg she does an axe kick. 

Black Hole en 25 

Mir  shouts out a micro black hole, small it maybe it can distort the space around it.
This skill alone will have different lvls and effects depending on how much it consumes.
-Lv-a guage will appear on the lower right showing what lvl the black hole is and how matter it consumes.
-absorb area- the area where the enemy just gets sucks in.
-bullet absorb area- ask Mag `-`
-distortion area- This area distorts the projectiles direction,  but does not get absorb... Ye may still get hit in this area tho...
-energy consumption- only consumes energy per sec if not fed with in the second. By fed I mean  feed it bullets and enemies...
Lv1/1m/3m/10m/1 en per sec
Lv2/5m/12m/13m/5 en per sec
Lv3/10m/15m/20m/10 en per sec
Lv4/15m/20m/x/15 en per sec
LvEX/20m/20m/x/0en per sec
Rank 0 lv1 to 2
Rank 1 lv1 to 3
Rank 2 lv1 to 4
Rank 3 lv1 to EX
Using Compress can lvl up the black hole from 1 to 2 easily, and at lvl 2 if Mir is within 5m of the black hole using compress will toss any enemy to the black hole directly.
Using Zero G when the black hole is lvl 4 will instantly pull enemies caught in Zero G's effect.
Reaching Lv 4 and Lv Ex does take some time... But when EX is reached it will start affecting yer allies too, it will start eating their bullets, and if they are with in 10m they will also get pulled in. Their shield will be automatically depleted and their health will drop 1 tic per second, in exchange the dmg multiplier will increase dramatically...
This will also effect Mir, shield depletion and health tics off 2 points per sec...
Skill animation is similar to Valkyr's shouting lol...

Quasar en 25

This skill can only be activated when black hole is active.
It releases all the matter it absorb in a huge twin beams of lights
Something like this:
        ^beams                   ^Black hole          ^beams
And spins in 360 dealing damage to all enemies with out wall cover(cant pass walls lel)
The dmg it deals depends on the lvl of the initial Black Hole



I havent drawn anything for a really really long time. And I was never good to begin with. lol



I basically like the simple sleek look, nothing too fancy and bulky...


Also I have an idea on the face clothe where ye can put sigils on there? Or just a lotus mark by default.


I based her off a lamprey, long and sleek... And the sugar plum fairy... =w=




Her mouth is where she shoots the black hole from. :)

Edited by Neptlude
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Actually a quite interesting idea, insofar as Gravity type frames go. I've seen many concepts but this one seems to have the most potential IMO, although I think you have a long ways to go. I think the abilities need some more thinking out, with regards to the order and energy costs, as well as perhaps sticking to your concepts, but perhaps giving functions from some abilities to others. Overall good job, but needs a lot more work to be truly presentable.

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Really interesting ideas, First gravity kind of frame that the powers are not that op.

Great job. =]


        ^beams                   ^Black hole          ^beams
This figure made me giggled a bit. Creative ahaahaha.
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First off, I'm struggling to make the connection between Glutton and Gravity, sure black holes absorb almost everything that falls into their gravity well but the term Glutton makes me think of food and eating food not gravity and black holes.




 when EX is reached it will start affecting yer allies too, it will start eating their bullets, and if they are with in 10m they will also get pulled in. Their shield will be automatically depleted and their health will drop 1 tic per second, in exchange the dmg multiplier will increase dramatically...


Negative effects on allies is a HUGE no-no. Waaaaaay too much trolling potential there. What if you put it on top of a downed capture target, an Intercept point, a rare mod, in front of a door or on top of a downed ally? Since it pulls in allies within 10 meters and automatically depletes their shields once they reach a certain point (ya know, the shields protecting their health? The health that keeps them from dying?), it forces them to constantly move away from it or stay out of the AoE.


It's very much possible that an ally would be downed somewhere in the AoE after passing though the center (since it automatically depletes shields and detron crewmen/scorches are a thing), other players likely have to venture inside the AoE to revive him/her (likely through the shield removing area and into the killzone), stand still while reviving, get pulled in while/after reviving (assuming they aren't already in the epicenter) and get all their shield removed/take damage from this ability because all their shields were removed.


My suggestion: remove the shield depletion and damage, then balance everything else accordingly. You can keep the whole "pull allies" though, that can have some interesting uses like pulling downed allies into a covered position for safe revival.

Edited by GrandMAsterDan
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Originally reaching EX lvl is very hard... it will need to absorb huge amount of dmg to reach EX lvl not to mention ye need to keep yer energy up to even last that long...


It wasnt meant to be; " summon black hole. then boom its an EX lvl black hole." :D it will take up 5 to mins of constant feeding it to reach its EX lvl.


The reason I added the negative effect its so people will need to release the hole at some point... `-` 


Edited BH, it will also eat up Mir's health now. :D

Edited by Neptlude
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The reason I added the negative effect its so people will need to release the hole at some point... `-` 


Edited BH, it will also eat up Mir's health now. :D


...that doesn't really adress the issue of this ability affecting your allies, which is the big no-no I mentioned. 


Trolls WANT the negative effect that can hit their "allies" so that they can troll them. A negative effect on allies might make normal players turn off the ability but it only enables trolls to troll harder and @$$hole players just won't care they'll just say: "stop going into my black hole nub" even if they put it right in front of a door. 


In fact, the ability might even be worse now since this implies that Mir previously could go through Black Hole without losing her shields making her the most viable lifeline for downed allies in the AoE. Now she's just as vulnurable to this ability as other players.



-energy consumption- only consumes energy per sec if not fed with in the second. By fed I mean  feed it bullets and enemies...

so 1 shot every second from enemies or a weapon like the Soma Prime (200 round magazine = ~3 minutes before energy drain) or the Paris/Dread/Cernos (0.7 second re-arrow time) would keep it from draining energy? That + Team Energy Restores, Energy Siphon, Efficency mods, Primed Flow, and energy orbs from enemies dying to this ability means you can keep it up for a while without running out of energy. making this:

it will need to absorb huge amount of dmg to reach EX lvl not to mention ye need to keep yer energy up to even last that long...

kinda moot. In all honesty, it's absolutely fine that you can keep this ability up for a long time, just keep in mind that energy drain isn't as big of a limitation as you might think.


It wasnt meant to be; " summon black hole. then boom its an EX lvl black hole." :D it will take up 5 to mins of constant feeding it to reach its EX lvl.

That's fine. While 5 minutes definitely is a long time in Warframe - meaning you won't see the EX black hole in more fast paced missions like exterminate - I can definitely see it coming out on endless Defense or Interception missions (Draco, T4D, OOD) and possibly on Survival missions if you decide to camp.


5 minutes of continuous fire is a fair trade-off for edvastating power. You can keep that in, nothing particularly wrong with that. But remember that these are missions where you'll be spending a lot of time in one map or tileset and the enemy levels and damage go up almost endlessly thus you (and your squishy allies) absolutely need your shields to keep you from dying. 


Seriously just take out that allied shield removal and maybe add Mir's stats.

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so 1 shot every second from enemies or a weapon like the Soma Prime (200 round magazine = ~3 minutes before energy drain) or the Paris/Dread/Cernos (0.7 second re-arrow time) would keep it from draining energy? That + Team Energy Restores, Energy Siphon, Efficency mods, Primed Flow, and energy orbs from enemies dying to this ability means you can keep it up for a while without running out of energy. making this:

kinda moot. In all honesty, it's absolutely fine that you can keep this ability up for a long time, just keep in mind that energy drain isn't as big of a limitation as you might think.

Nope it will only negate energy drain for that sec. Example, if some does like 5 hits in 1 sec, it will only negate that 1 sec. :) and usually energy regen mods like energy siphon or energy overflow doesnt usually work if there are continuous skills in play.




Seriously just take out that allied shield removal and maybe add Mir's stats.



 My original idea for this frame, is with great power comes with great risks(not going all uncle ben on ye lol). Whats the point of playing anymore when the black hole can sustain itself for almost an unlimited amount of time.. `-`


Since enemy fire will get sucked in, melee mobs who gets too close will get sucked in. Ye can basically just afk and grind at that point... o. o



And its not like we're going to see this frame in game. XD 

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