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Paris Prime Build



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Ill both screenshots for builds on both weapons, just let me get them!


Edit: Here are the screenshots for the builds


Paris Prime (Currently built for Void/Infested)



You can't really get much variety with this kind of build. Well... you can move around mods, like remove Hammer Shot and replace with Thunderbolt if you find yourself in situations where (Only for infested) mobs like to group up. The damage falls off at later levels but is pretty fun to use on lower level mobs.


One more thing, if you like to use Heavy Caliber for all your rifles, use it at your own risk. Sure, it gives you pretty massive numbers, but it hinders the Paris Prime too greatly, for me anyways, which it why I substituted a Hammer shot for it. Or you could replace Hammer shot with either Thermite rounds for Infested and corrupted flesh or Rime Rounds for the shielding in the void, but lose on a pretty nice crit multiplier


Dread (Currently built for Void/Infested)



Unlike the Paris Prime, the accuracy loss from Heavy Caliber doesn't seem to affect it as much. (In my experience anyways) But you can replace it (If you don't want to lose on your accuracy) with a different and still useful mod, like Fanged Fusillade if you plan on getting some high damage slash proc bleed-outs.


Note that these builds are for solo and should run Viral in the Void if in a team with 4 Corrosive Projections.


Edit: If you need help with builds for anything else, just send me a PM. :P

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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Split Chamber

Point Strike

Vital Sense

Vile Acceleration

3x Elemental Mods based on faction

What about Grineer? Is the 3x elemental mods all make one elemental combo? Or do you have one elemental combo and just another elemental after that, like Radiation and Toxin?


It's easier to mod for Void/Infested/Corpus with just 3 remaining slots after the mandatory mods. Magnetic and Toxin for Corpus and Corrosive and Fire for Void/infested. I feel that it should be made more simple for the Grineer faction as well.


That's why I usually just cut out the middleman and just use Radiation on it's own and use a better mod for the 3rd slot like hammer shot, speed trigger or something else to that effect.

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What about Grineer? Is the 3x elemental mods all make one elemental combo? Or do you have one elemental combo and just another elemental after that, like Radiation and Toxin?


It's easier to mod for Void/Infested/Corpus with just 3 remaining slots after the mandatory mods. Magnetic and Toxin for Corpus and Corrosive and Fire for Void/infested. I feel that it should be made more simple for the Grineer faction as well.


That's why I usually just cut out the middleman and just use Radiation on it's own and use a better mod for the 3rd slot like hammer shot, speed trigger or something else to that effect.

Radiation and Toxin, as Toxin gives 25% increase on Ferrite armor. Though half the time I just use my Infested build of Corrosive/Fire on Grineer if there aren't going to be many bombards or napalmers as Corrosive/Fire does more damage to the other units.

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Radiation and Toxin, as Toxin gives 25% increase on Ferrite armor. Though half the time I just use my Infested build of Corrosive/Fire on Grineer if there aren't going to be many bombards or napalmers as Corrosive/Fire does more damage to the other units.

Yeah, I'm just unlucky enough to keep running into em. *Equips Radiation to the Max*

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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Split Chamber

Point Strike

Vital Sense

Vile Acceleration

3x Elemental Mods based on faction

What this guy said.  Oh, you wanted a dread build?  Still what this guy said XD

Only thing I really have to add is do corrosive and cold.  Cold gets a 25% bonus against alloy, and you've still got the huge bonus against ferrite armor.


Or, if you really want to try hard, 4 CP, viral and heat.  Buhbye clone wars.

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It's not as good, but it's close enough that if you want to do it, you can.  Calc final was yesterday so math isn't really something I can stomach right now, but I'm pretty sure Hammer Shot is like a 28% increase and that third elemental is like a 31% increase, or about 2% better than Hammer Shot.  It's a good thing to be able to equip though, with the elemental resistance on some of the sorties I've been using it on an impact build on my Rakta.

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Okay so I have a legitimate question here. I have seen most people advocating for the 3X elemental, but realistically speaking how usable would a 2X elemental and wildcard mod (e.g. Hammershot) be? 

In my personal opinion, just one elemental combo plus Hammer shot is better.


I get pretty big numbers. I'll go to the simulator and get some math going.

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It's not as good, but it's close enough that if you want to do it, you can.  Calc final was yesterday so math isn't really something I can stomach right now, but I'm pretty sure Hammer Shot is like a 28% increase and that third elemental is like a 31% increase, or about 2% better than Hammer Shot.  It's a good thing to be able to equip though, with the elemental resistance on some of the sorties I've been using it on an impact build on my Rakta.

From my testing, I consistently got higher numbers with the "Single Elemental Combo and Hammer shot" I took both builds and spawned in a lvl 30 bombard and shot them in the head 3 times with both.


Radiation + Hammer Shot = 15,810 everytime


Radiation + Toxin = 13,240 eveytime (Except that it red crit on the 2nd time)


Here's a couple pictures for proof in case you wanted them


Hammershot + Radiation



Radiation + Toxin



It's not much of a damage increase, like a 15-17% increase, but it's there.

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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From my testing, I consistently got higher numbers with the "Single Elemental Combo and Hammer shot" I took both builds and spawned in a lvl 30 bombard and shot them in the head 3 times with both.


Radiation + Hammer Shot = 15,810 everytime


Radiation + Toxin = 13,240 eveytime (Except that it red crit on the 2nd time)


Here's a couple pictures for proof in case you wanted them


Hammershot + Radiation



Radiation + Toxin



It's not much of a damage increase, like a 15-17% increase, but it's there.

Thanks for that.


Even if it turns out the math from Cwellann is right (I have seen it in several threads and makes sense from a logical standpoint) it looks as if the difference shouldn't be incredibly drastic, though potentially noticeable depending on a variety of situational circumstances. I may try them both and use the one that feels the best. Try the whole "use the force" thing if you follow.

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Thanks for that.


Even if it turns out the math from Cwellann is right (I have seen it in several threads and makes sense from a logical standpoint) it looks as if the difference shouldn't be incredibly drastic, though potentially noticeable depending on a variety of situational circumstances. I may try them both and use the one that feels the best. Try the whole "use the force" thing if you follow.

Yeah. Hope you can get a good build from this!


His math may or may not be correct from a logical standpoint, but the only thing that matters is how the game engine calculates the damage. And I pretty much disproved his statement on the matter.


Edit: Another reason I like the Radiation + Hammershot is because having Radiation + Toxin makes me think of Toxin as an annoying third wheel completely destroying the relationship that electric and fire have!

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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Biggest benefit to using a third elemental is it allows you to hedge your bets.  That is, let's say Gunners are your worst nightmare (personally I dislike them more than Bombards, for some reason I'm just way better at dancing with a Bombard than a Gunner), so you run Corrosive.  Ok, well, that's great, but corrosive does jack all against alloy (slight exaggeration, it's not slash XD ).  Cold, however, gets a 25% bonus against alloy.  It's not much, but it's better than nothing, and will come up slightly better than hammershot in this scenario.  Radiation and Toxin is the exact same as this, just with the scenario flipped to Bombards placed as the highest priority.  


However, if we're talking void (which is kind of my starting assumption for everything), we have to consider shields as well.  Cold gets a 50% bonus against them, while radiation gets a 25% penalty.  On the other hand, toxin just straight up waltzes right past shields.


Again, about void, the biggest bogeyman of them all, the @#$%^&* Ancient Healer.  Corrosive and Cold performs significantly better against this annoyance than radiation and toxin does, and if you translate that into a damage buff against everything else, it gets pretty darn huge.


What I'm trying to stress is that, outside of the Simulacrum, variance of damage types is kind of a big deal, especially with Gunners in the mix.  That lack of bonus damage and armor bypass vs them when running radiation is extremely noticeable.  Granted, Paris Prime gets a bit of a pass on this because puncture is good against ferrite, but I personally notice the hell out of it, and do not like.


There's more than one way to skin a cat though, and we have three weapon slots for a reason.  Personally, I really can't stand the sluggishness of the weapon swap speed, but if that's not a thing that bothers you, running a build designed for nothing but assassinating one variety of heavy on one weapon and running an "everything else" type of build on your other weapon is a really good solution to this.  Your melee, as far as I'm concerned, is either for healing yourself, or hurting yourself, or both, with the exception that if it's the latter it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that now your secondary is a Winds of Purity Furis, and now your primary being able to cover all the bases is a really big deal.


Specific Factions

Bane mod will always outweigh Hammershot.  Straight 30% buff to base, so everything else calculates off of it.


Mods that don't ever get unequipped:  Serration Split Chamber Point Strike Vital Sense

Mods that never get equipped:  Heavy Cal.  Jesus cries when people do this


Didn't put a speed mod because if you really need to be concerned about your bow damage, that means you're in some high level territory, and as a bow's place in this game is one shotting things, the ability to one shot overrides ease of use.  Obviously for lower level stuff putting the speed back in is better, because overkill damage doesn't do anything but give your e-peen a half chub.  Hammershot's probably the best thing to drop to pop some ease of use in, again because of the cross-complimentary idea of modding.



You'll be running 4CP's(or possibly three if that mod's working right yet).  Radiation and Corrosive no longer matter, but viral sure as heck does.

Additional mods:  Cryo Rounds, Stormbringer, Bane mod, choice of Hammershot or Hellfire (or Fanged Fusillade for Dread, though I'd prefer hard CC over a slash proc in the event my target actually lived through a headshot from that weapon)



Magnetic and Toxin.  Same thing for the fourth.  I'm actually in the Simulacrum right now playing around with this, and while with the same setup the Hammershot vs bane mod is close, slotting the bane mod allows me to put 90% toxin back in instead of having to use a 60/60.  Puts headcrit damage to 18.8k vs 16.2k with the hammershot setup.  Yes that's with a 2 from the top Cryo Rounds, I'm too lazy to constantly move my polarities around.



No.  Bring something else.  Seriously.  Ok, fine.  What Weeze said.  Corrosive/Fire.  Might want speed trigger or vile for these guys no matter what if you're not bringing some extremely solid CC, just to be able to hit the darn things.  Alternately, I could just git gud.


Unrelated final note:  Be really careful about Vile Acceleration before you forma for it.  Take your Paris into the Simulacrum with nothing, vile, and speed, and see where your comfortable speed is at.  Be honest with yourself about it too, spawn in some fast moving buggers and go for headshots don't spawn in an Ancient Healer on your Frost, pop Freeze on it, and then spam arrows at its head.  If you can't shoot faster than speed lets you consistently, you're doing nothing but hurting yourself by putting vile in instead.  If you have a little Legolas in you on the other hand, Vile's your best bet.  Also, eventually, as discussed above you may want to drop the firerate mod for an additional damage mod (probably a doubling up with a 60/60 to maintain your elemental types) to extend your ability to OHK a few minutes longer.  Assuming you plan to put, say, malignant force in, speed trigger would be a better bet as they share the same polarity.



Corrosive and Cold is the clear winner for an "I don't want to mod before every mission" build, and for non 4CP void.


PS  If you're looking for forma'ing suggestions OP, mine has 5 forma, for a total of 5 Madurai and 2 Naramon.

Edited by (PS4)Cwellann
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From my testing, I consistently got higher numbers with the "Single Elemental Combo and Hammer shot" I took both builds and spawned in a lvl 30 bombard and shot them in the head 3 times with both.

Radiation + Hammer Shot = 15,810 everytime

Radiation + Toxin = 13,240 eveytime (Except that it red crit on the 2nd time)

Here's a couple pictures for proof in case you wanted them

Hammershot + Radiation


Radiation + Toxin


It's not much of a damage increase, like a 15-17% increase, but it's there.

Yeah you should get slightly higher numbers on the unit that your main Elemental type receives the 75% bonus, in this case radiation vs a bombard, but it can suffer against all the other units that don't get the 75% bonus, that is where that 3rd element really helps bring up your damage against them. Overall it probably comes out closer to even, hard to say. You would need to test those two builds against a Ferrite target like a Heavy Gunner and see how big the difference is there. Edited by weezedog
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Corrosive and Cold

Gunner              4652

Bombard           1325

Ancient            36154


Corrosive and Hammer Shot

Gunner             5555

Bombard          1126

Ancient           39617


Radiation and Toxin

Gunner             1841

Bombard           3971

Ancient            14339


Radiation and Hammer Shot

Gunner            1742

Bombard          4714

Ancient           13983


All tests done vs lvl 95 Corrupted without CP,  Of note, the radiation setups are not capable of one shotting an Ancient without both arrows being red crits, and even then it might not kill it.

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Yeah you should get slightly higher numbers on the unit that your main Elemental type receives the 75% bonus, in this case radiation vs a bombard, but it can suffer against all the other units that don't get the 75% bonus, that is where that 3rd element really helps bring up your damage against them. Overall it probably comes out closer to even, hard to say. You would need to test those two builds against a Ferrite target like a Heavy Gunner and see how big the difference is there.

That wasn't really the point I was trying to make. I was trying to show that Radiation + Hammershot is better for bombards/napalms which are the ones you want to get rid of first.


And yes I have tested both and you do get more overall damage from the...


Radiation + Toxin 




...Then the Radiation + Hammershot



You got like a 600 damage difference between the builds when fighting Heavy Baes.


For me, it isn't enough to justify leaving Hammershot out when it hits those Bombards/Napalms that much harder. I would replace it with a Bane mod before then. I can 1-shot the lvl 30 Heavy Baes anyway.

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That wasn't really the point I was trying to make. I was trying to show that Radiation + Hammershot is better for bombards/napalms which are the ones you want to get rid of first.

If all you're looking for is increased damage against Bombards/Napalms, adding a 60%/60% elec or fire mod to increase the Radiation damage will significantly outperform Hammer Shot (as well as add a touch more status and probably save a forma).

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90% element give u more overall dmg than hammershot... hammershot is good for wepons who have over 2x base crit multi like rubico than u get massive dmg bonus from hammershot!

-serration.slit chamber vile acc. point strike vital sense 2x90% element last mod if u have piercing calibar for paris fanged for dread.if u dont have that mods use 3x 90 lements for  very good dmg

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If all you're looking for is increased damage against Bombards/Napalms, adding a 60%/60% elec or fire mod to increase the Radiation damage will significantly outperform Hammer Shot (as well as add a touch more status and probably save a forma).

That is correct. But after some playing around it seems that I get into more deadly situations involving Heavy Baes and Troopers when using 90%/90%/60%, which is why I cuz went for crit damage to help with any non alloy armor enemy.

90% element give u more overall dmg than hammershot... hammershot is good for wepons who have over 2x base crit multi like rubico than u get massive dmg bonus from hammershot!

-serration.slit chamber vile acc. point strike vital sense 2x90% element last mod if u have piercing calibar for paris fanged for dread.if u dont have that mods use 3x 90 lements for  very good dmg

Viral and Fire or Radiation and Cold?


btw, 666 posts... :DDD



Edit: One elemental combo and Hammershot is more effective than 3x 90% (But not by much)


Radiation + Hammershot (In a newer test)




Radiation + Cold


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That is correct. But after some playing around it seems that I get into more deadly situations involving Heavy Baes and Troopers when using 90%/90%/60%, which is why I cuz went for crit damage to help with any non alloy armor enemy.


Viral and Fire or Radiation and Toxin?

Yeah I usually run Rad+Puncture (Piercing Caliber) on my Paris Prime for Grineer, letting the puncture help with the Ferrite enemies, but I'm not too sure about for Void anymore. The Rad/Puncture damage seriously sucks against Ancient Healers, and when they show up they are 'OMG must die right now' targets and I usually don't line up headshots, so they need the added damage from Corrosive. I might just go back to Corrosive+Cold for Void (the bonuses against shields are helpful too). Or I'll bring a dedicated anti-Ancient pistol.


When running with 4x CP, I swap to Dread, and use Viral+Fire (all 90%'s). I have Fanged Fusillade, but installing it reduces the chance of getting a Viral proc (for more slash procs) and the potential to get a Fire proc is far more useful than some extra slash procs, imo. The damage is similar, with FF adding 3.8% more damage than 90% Fire - barely noticeable.

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Yeah I usually run Rad+Puncture (Piercing Caliber) on my Paris Prime for Grineer, letting the puncture help with the Ferrite enemies, but I'm not too sure about for Void anymore. The Rad/Puncture damage seriously sucks against Ancient Healers, and when they show up they are 'OMG must die right now' targets and I usually don't line up headshots, so they need the added damage from Corrosive. I might just go back to Corrosive+Cold for Void (the bonuses against shields are helpful too). Or I'll bring a dedicated anti-Ancient pistol.


When running with 4x CP, I swap to Dread, and use Viral+Fire (all 90%'s). I have Fanged Fusillade, but installing it reduces the chance of getting a Viral proc (for more slash procs) and the potential to get a Fire proc is far more useful than some extra slash procs, imo. The damage is similar, with FF adding 3.8% more damage than 90% Fire - barely noticeable.

Yeah. I usually class my weapons for specific enemies. I hate those healers too!


Never tested Radiation + PC, I should try it out.


Edit: Radiation + HS is still more effective, but I also see the usefulness in PC for everything else.

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