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Need Help Understanding Builds?



Ok so i dont understand this warframe and weapon build things. I just put on random mods on my warframe which i feel are good.

I see many people asking for specific builds like Ev trinity or slow nova or greedy mag. I dont understand this 'slow'nova thing. If someone could plz explain.

Also if someone could list the builds for these warframes and weapons;


1. mirage

2. Loki

3. Rhino

4. Frost

5. Nekros

6. Ash

7. mesa

8. Nyx

9. Chroma

10. Limbo

11. Vauban


1. Soma

2. Hek

3. Amprex

4. Sonicor

5. Orthos

6. Lex

7. Hikou

Also if someone could list a few mods like flow/streamline/redirection etc that everyone uses that would help alot.


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9 answers to this question

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Nova got 2 version, 1 that make her ult slow enemies, while other 1 make her ult accelerate enemies


Try searching the forum since most of these frame has been asked a lot of times


Usual weapon mod: multishot , damage & crit, status mod


Frame mod: anything that got +power in its description (e.g. intensify) --> increase your damage / number of thing depending on your frames. +efficiency(e.g. streamline) --> reduce energy usage, capped at -75% energy usage, +range(e.g. stretch) --> increase your ability range, +duration(e.g. continuity) --> increase your ability duration

Edited by TheFalseEclipse
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Slow Nova = >100% power strength (for instance, my Slow Nova build incorporates Power Drift + Intensify, for a power strength of 145%). This increases the 'strength' (effectiveness) of the slowdown and the blast damage from exploding enemies for her ultimate (Molecular Prime).


Speed Nova = <100% power strength, with maxed out power range (Overextended + Stretch + Cunning Drift = 250% range, 40% power strength) for M Prime. This actually happens to increase the speed at which enemies move, so they get to you faster. Supposedly makes for faster farming, but...I haven't really noticed during my time playing that it actually...helps for that purpose. Seems to be pretty much psychological. But hey.


I prefer running as Slow Nova because I actually like it to feel like a debuff.

Edited by FrostSpecter
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If you really want to get into making builds for Warframes and weapons, you'll need some specific mods, some of which are rare and better off buying from others.

First off there's the Warframe Power mods, which are mostly rare, though the really good ones you need to find in Orokin Derelict Vaults, which are a bit tricky to get. Once you have the mods, you need to find out what aspects of what Warframe abilities you want improved.


For example, Loki is really good to have a lot of Power Duration on, and currently there are 3 mods that increase that. "Continuity" which is a regular rare mod dropped by enemies and increase duration by 30%, "Constitution" which is a Nightmare mod rewarded at the end of Nightmare missions and increases duration by 28%, and "Narrow Minded" which drops from Orokin Derelict Vaults and increases duration by 99% but needs A LOT of Fusion Cores. However, Narrow Minded reduces Power Range, so your other abilities, particularly Radial Disarm, will be less effective.

Now, you can try to make Radial Disarm better by balancing Duration and Range, or have separate builds. One build for duration and one for range.


There are 3 Power Range mods. "Stretch" which is an uncommon mod dropped by enemies and increase range by 45%, "Overextended" which is a rare mod that drops from Orokin Derelict Vaults and increase Range by 90%, but reduce Power Strength by 60% (don't worry, you won't need Strength on Loki), and there's "Cunning Drift" which drops from the Cunning Test in the Orokin Moon and increases range by 15%.


Also, generally for all Warframes it's good to have as much Power Efficiency as you can. There's 2 mods for that. "Streamline" which is a rare mod dropped from enemies and increase efficiency by 30%, and "Fleeting Expertise" which drops from Orokin Derelict Vaults and increase efficiency by 50%, but reduces duration by 50%. The loss of Duration can be a pain, but it's worth it by far.

You only need a total of 75% Efficiency though, anything above that won't have any effect. With 75% efficiency, all your Warframe powers will cost 25% of its normal energy cost. So an Ultimate Power will only cost 25 energy.


So now you see, it takes some mod-hunting and some balancing, and learning what parts of Warframe Powers are good to mod for. 

Now, onto Weapon modding.


Aside from the regular mods you've probably learned to use (the ones for pure Damage, Multishot, and Attack Speed for melee) you will definitely want to use Element mods. There are four Elements: Toxic, Heat, Electricity, and Cold. Putting two of these elements on a single weapon will combine the elements into a better, stronger element. Now, the elements you should use depends on the enemies you're fighting, but I'll give you the general rule.


For Grineer enemies, you should have Heat + Electricity, which creates Radiation, and Toxic + Cold, which creates Viral. If you can only fit on three mods, forget about Cold, since Toxic has pretty much the same effect as Viral, only less effective.

Radiation is great against Alloy Armor, which the most common Grineer enemies have, as well as the heavy Grineer. Viral and Toxic is great against the Cloned Flesh all Grineer have.


For Corpus enemies, you should have Electricity + Cold, which creates Magnetic, and Toxic. Magnetic is great against Shields and Proto Shields, which all Corpus enemies have, and Toxic can actually bypass the Shields and attack the Health directly, and deals extra damage to the non-robot Corpus.


For Infested, as well as Corrupted enemies, you should have Electricity + Toxic, which creates Corrosive, and Heat. Against the Infested, Corrosive is great on the tougher enemies, while the Heat takes care of the lighter common enemies. Against the Corrupted, Corrosive works best on the Corrupted Grineer and Corrupted Infested, while the Heat works best on the Corrupted Corpus.


Well, that's about it. To answer your minor questions, "EV Trinity" is a Trinity Warframe with a build focusing on her "Energy Vampire" Power.

"Slow Nova" is a Nova Warframe with a build that can make enemies as slow as possible with her "Molecular Prime" Power.


If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Edited by Cyborg-Rox
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If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

could you list me build types for 







Thanks in advance

build types as in slow nova/ speed nova for nova, like that

Edited by Qazihasham
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Cyborg's got a really good post, and it's always good to experiment. That being said, I'm gonna run through your list real quick and give an overview of how I play (I'm not saying any of these are 'best' builds, FYI).


Mirage: Range and duration (Overextended, Primed Continuity, Constitution, Cunning Drift, Stretch) because I play a Hall of Mirrors+Prism Blind build.

Loki: Range and duration (same as Mirage, almost) because I want Invisibility to last and Radial Disarm to hit half the map.

Rhino: I don't min/max him. Primed Cont, Intensify, Stretch, Streamline, Power Drift, maxed Redirection are the center of my build.

Frost: Power strength, range, armor. IIRC, my exact build is:

Rejuvenation, Rush, Primed Flow, Redirection, Steel Fiber, Armored Agility, Power Drift, Cunning Drift, Intensify, and Stretch.

Mesa: Haven't really played with min/maxing her. Haven't had to. Duration and power strength are good for Shatter Shield, though - which is what keeps you alive.

Nyx: Range and duration. My build for Nyxie is same as Mirage...almost.

Limbo: Duration is everything. Range is good if you want to go for a Cataclysm build, but duration trumps all. Rift Walk and Banish can make any Rescue, Spy, Capture, etc. a joke.


For my Nova, I swap out between two builds. In both, I have:

Energy Siphon, Redirection, Rush, Stretch, Cunning Drift, Primed Flow, Primed Continuity, Streamline


Slow Nova (Slova): Intensify, Power Drift, 

Speed Nova (Speeva): Overextended, Constitution

Edited by FrostSpecter
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could you list me build types for 







Thanks in advance

build types as in slow nova/ speed nova for nova, like that


* Mirage works best with her first and forth ability. Duration for her first ability, which gives her a damage boost and makes enemies less likely to target you, and range for her 4th ability's blind effect, which you should activate as soon as you cast it. Also use Natural Talent, as the cast speed on her 4th ability is very slow, and can get you killed.


* I've already talked about Loki, but you'll want a balance of Duration and Range. You can go full Duration if you play solo, but your teammates will thank you with a good Range on your Radial Disarm.


* A lot of people play with Strength on Rhino, but I prefer having regular Strength with balanced Range and Duration, and also Steel Fiber to increase Iron Skin's health.


* On Frost, I play with Range and Strength, with a Steel Fiber to increase Frost Globe's health.


* Hmm, Mesa is a tricky one. A lot of people go for pure Strength, but I have a great balanced build for her. I have a bit of Strength so her Shatter Shield is as strong as it can get, a bit of duration to help Shatter Shield and Shooting Gallery, and maximum range for Shooting Gallery. With this build, Shooting Gallery can be used to stun almost all enemies around you, Shatter Shield gives you great damage resistance, and Peacemaker has decent damage.


* I personally only use Chroma as a pure tank. So with red energy, I forget about Range, and actually sacrifice Efficiency as well, and go for pure Strength, with a decent duration. This build focuses on Vex Armor, which with this build will give you around 8000 armor and 6x more damage with your weapons.

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