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[Spoilers]Can Someone Help Clarify This For Me?


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I have a couple questions regarding the lore. I've been a fairy good follower of the lore, but I tend to get it in fragmented piles from different sources at different times. So now what I thought I understood about the lore seems misinterpreted to me.

This is how I perceived the codex entres, and also the speculation of others. it is just a quick summary of the things I would like some clarification on.

The Corpus and Orokin had created the Sentient to escape their own destiny (death). The Orokin had advanced far beyond the technology you and I use today, but they haven't advanced far enough, fast enough. The solar system was over-populated, war was looming, and resources were quickly fading away. Then the Orokin made the Solar Highway, in order to escape to a fresh start. When the solar rails were made, they accidentally discovered the void. After traveling through the void, they discovered it would be a one way trip, as exposure to the void makes them barren. So as a fail-safe measure, a Corpus man presented a cube-like machine to the council. This cube was the birth of the Sentient, as it could adapt to literally anything that was thrown at it. The Orokin crafted this new technology into a working army, that's job was to finish the Solar Highway, and also to scout out (and eliminate) any life on the other side of the highway. They were to pave the way for the chosen ones to claim their rightful throne as superior species. The Orokin intended to leave the lower Corpus classes and ALL of the Grineer behind, and let them die along with our solar system. But before this plan could be finished, the Sentient came back, changed from the other side, and turned on their makers. Desperation caused the Orokin to launch the Zariman, unintentionally making the Tenno. Once the Zariman returner, the Orokin began experimenting on the Tenno, as it was like nothing they had ever seen or understood. Quickly, they discovered that the Tenno could be used as ultimate weapons to finish the Sentient off once and for all. However, the Sentient were no longer just drones of Corpus creation. Something had taken control of their ranks. Hunhow, Natah, and other figures seem to be biological life, controlling the Sentient.

So here are my questions:

I was under the impression that the void made the OROKIN barren. Does it only make whatever Natah and her father are barren? Or is it both?

How is it that the void destroys the Sentient, when the Sentient went through the Solar Highway, AND returned?

Is it true that the Corpus invented the first type of Sentient?

What on earth do we know about Natah and her father?

Is the Stalker functioning as his own Operator? Or is he puppetting a Warframe?

does the void energy also make Tenno immune to aging? Or are we still children, just because we've been in statis this whole time?

Whenever we defend a capsule, the people in the capsules do not look like the operator. They look more like the non-Tenno civilians that we see on relays. Are these potentially grown up versions of Tenno who have exited stasis, like the stalker?

Why are there non-powered Tenno in the relays? Could they be offsprings of Tenno who didn't acquire the void powers from their parents (strong brotherly bonds).

How are Warframes made? Are they truly puppets, or is there something else that we need to know about them?

Sorry I feel like I'm starting to jumble off questions, but I have so many and they are so fragmented. I just want a sound version of the lore that contains everything CANON right now. All these theory threads and YouTube videos are really messing me up. There isn't a glued together canon story anywhere

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1.The Void makes the Sentients barren. Source: Crewman entry.


2.Corpus were somewhat Orokin at the time, sooooo... yes?


3. Everything in the Natah quest is all we know.


4. No sure canon on the Stlaker other than what is in his Codex


5. I'm assuming Tenno are transphasic beings, kinda outside of the stable universe whiile partially in the Void


6. I honestly have been annoyed by this for a long time. Only conjecture lies about what is inside those pods.


7. Those probably aren't Tenno... But I have no idea.


8. Warframes are organic "golems" which we overtake via touch or Transference. They most likely have a mind of their own, but it is only a primal one.

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1. In the Second Dream quest, Lotus herself mentions how the void is "poison" to the Sentients, which is why they won't follow you in when you're first making your trip to the Moon while it's still hidden in the Void. It's why Hunhow wasn't able to attack the Tenno Heart, because he and his sentients couldn't enter the Void, which is why Lotus hid it there in the first place.

2. I think the Solar Highways were made to transport the Sentients directly to the Tau System (where the Orokin wanted to conquer and live), rather than to the Void. Perhaps as a way to bypass the void safely since the Sentients could not go there without killing themselves.

3. I don't think there's necessarily a distinction between Corpus and Orokin at that point. They are all Orokin. In the Second Dream quest, Hunhow even refers to Alad V as an Orokin (quite viciously, too). I honestly think that the Grineer AND the Corpus splintered off from the remains of the Orokin Empire after it's fall. They are all technically Orokin by blood, but have become something vastly different over time (especially the Grineer).

4. We know that Lotus (formerly Natah) was responsible for somehow convincing or outright forcing the Tenno WarFrames to eliminate the Orokin Empire (I like to believe that she put them to sleep and then took direct control of our WarFrames while we were unconscious). Her father was a higher-up Sentient who demanded that after she finished with that, she was to eliminate the Tenno as well. She refused to do that. It's likely she fought other Sentients to keep us safe, and maybe even destroyed her own father in the process. We know that she was rendered barren, and had tender motherly instincts that took over when she saw all us helpless, adorable murder-machines. She looked at us and said "These... these are my children now...". That took guts!

5. I am absolutely 100% certain Stalker is not Tenno. Whether or not he's a guy in a suit or a guy controlling a frame-like device is uncertain, but I know for a fact he cannot be Tenno (or he would have been among those spilling Orokin blood, thus invalidating his reasoning for seeking vengeance on us, since he would have been asleep and not known).

6. Honestly I think it's a little of both, or possibly either. The Void is freaking magical for some reason. It gave us crazy insane powers we could barely control without using the WarFrames, so there's no reason it couldn't make us forever young, too. But saying we didn't age because we were in stasis is also a pretty good explanation.

7. So far the idea most people agree on is that WarFrames are made of two parts. An exoskeleton, and an endoskeleton. Endoskeletons look like those guys in the tights and masks, and are semi-biological but not actual living separate beings. The Endoskeleton is what the Tenno is actually controlling when he's using his WarFrame, whereas the WarFrame itself is just an armor that augments what kinds of powers and abilities are utilized. Wait, didn't they update the WarFrame cryopods so that the glass is Opaque and you can't see inside them anymore? I think that was a move specifically to line things up with the lore, so that you can just kinda imagine what kind of Frame is in the capsule, instead of what once appeared to be a skinsuited Tenno.

8. I think the Relays are mostly home to Tenno SYMPATHIZERS, humans, Corpus, Grineer and such. They're all wearing typical civilian getup. The only actual Tenno in the relays are the players who drop by to visit.

9. The Orokin made the first WarFrames with their highly advanced technology. And it's known that the Tenno themselves are capable of creating WarFrames if they like (Nova, for instance). It's technology that is beyond the understanding of Corpus and Grineer, which is why they don't have their own WarFrames (although the Corpus succeeded in using WarFrame technology in some limited aspects, with Alad V's Zanuka project).


Edited by Soldatto
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I think this has all the answers you're looking for and explains a lot of stuff. Some is also conjecture, but most of that is labeled as such: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Story_and_History


Edit: Not sure it's been updated since the release of Second Dream, but using what you know from doing it, you should be able to spot anything that's outdated/wrong.

Edited by Maicael
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