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Why Is F2P An Excuse, Not A Feature? (Anymore)


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Easily. Path of Exile, WildStar, Firefall.


Fact of the matter is, Warframe's F2P model is not the best on the market - that title belongs largely to GGG's Path of Exile, which is one of the most consumer-friendly games you can ever pick up and play. The fact that it is thriving, despite being a niche dungeon crawler, is also quite telling.


Doesn't PoE charge for inventory expansions like WF does? I know they mostly deal with cosmetics, but the last time I played some time ago you had to purchase more bank tabs.

Edited by TheGuyverOne
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It is immature players like OP who keep moaning about time locked stuff and being unable to have two weapons at the same time. Well boo-hoo so you can't get what you want easy peasily ? You can't unlock everything in 24 hours so you complain and see it as a design fault?

Here's something eye opening: you don't NEED Wukong or War.

You WANT them.

But because you can't get them in a few clicks without paying you complain.

It does not take long to get the parts for Wukong, heck he is easier to get than Ivara, Oberon, Equinox, etc.

And about this War thing, yeah you can't have both but you can change between them.

Either pick the best two-hander weapon or best one-hander weapon. It is YOUR choice.

Just lol at Oberon... Easier than Oberon really? Yeah if its a small clan its easy still needs nitain tho, Oberon doesnt require any special mats, if its a big clan its not that simple.

Hundreds of Oberon parts in The inventory that worth millions, how can that be hard to obtain if u go draco and come with 3 4 full sets.....

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OP and others are worked up over nothing and whining. This whole war thing is so insignificant. You can max both and settle on whichever you prefer. There is nothing wrong with this. The main issue with wukong was the research for large dead clans, and DE addressed that by allowing down sizing. I like DE's pay model for the most part.

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Easily. Path of Exile, WildStar, Firefall.


Fact of the matter is, Warframe's F2P model is not the best on the market - that title belongs largely to GGG's Path of Exile, which is one of the most consumer-friendly games you can ever pick up and play. The fact that it is thriving, despite being a niche dungeon crawler, is also quite telling.

PoE charges real money for cosmetics and stash pages too.

Firefall has this pay to get the coolest looking stuff or grind your hindparts to do so.


Let's see here... yup. Warframe has the same things (frame/weapon slots, skins, cosmetics for plat... yup. all there.) in it's own way.

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Situation isn't this bad, but you get my idea


This is a massive over-exaggeration of the situation in Warframe compared to what you've just shown. As someone pointed out, there is next to nothing in the Cash Shop that is required to run the game bar Reactors/Catalyst and those run cheap unlike most F2P games that will put items you need to increase your stats for $2 ~ $10 a pop.

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just going to say that stalker drops both war and broken war BPs.

Just to say that you need each of them to craft the other.

This is a massive over-exaggeration of the situation in Warframe compared to what you've just shown. As someone pointed out, there is next to nothing in the Cash Shop that is required to run the game bar Reactors/Catalyst and those run cheap unlike most F2P games that will put items you need to increase your stats for $2 ~ $10 a pop.

It's said so in the spoiler

OP and others are worked up over nothing and whining. This whole war thing is so insignificant. You can max both and settle on whichever you prefer. There is nothing wrong with this. The main issue with wukong was the research for large dead clans, and DE addressed that by allowing down sizing. I like DE's pay model for the most part.

There is nothing with crafting a weapon that requires an event weapon which then must be used for crafting for the event weapon or you lose it forever. 



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There is nothing with crafting a weapon that requires an event weapon which then must be used for crafting for the event weapon or you lose it forever. 



You don't lose the weapon forever, you can craft each weapon from the other.

As for your previous comment about losing a potato - basically you're losing something you never paid for, plus you get to keep the weapon slot. Besides with all the potatoes that came shortly pre-U18 you should have plenty to not care. If you weren't there at the time or did not bother doing the easy missions for said potatoes... you missed them, but they were there.

In the end - try both weapons and choose which one you like better and be patient, for DE will bring the option of obtaining the weapon again.

Edited by TMHowler
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There is nothing with crafting a weapon that requires an event weapon which then must be used for crafting for the event weapon or you lose it forever. 



This poor attempt at sarcasm just comes off as further overreaction.  You already have to pay plat to own every weapon in the game, it's called weapon slots.  So you can pay plat and own both of these as well.  In the meantime you can continue to enjoy free access to both weapons, and switch back and forth as you please with a small resource and time cost.  So, pony up some cash for convenience or play for for free and still have access to every weapon in the game.

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You don't lose the weapon forever, you can craft each weapon from the other.

As for your previous comment about losing a potato - basically you're losing something you never paid for, plus you get to keep the weapon slot. Besides with all the potatoes that came shortly pre-U18 you should have plenty to not care. If you weren't there at the time or did not bother doing the easy missions for said potatoes... you missed them, but they were there.

In the end - try both weapons and choose which one you like better and be patient, for DE will bring the option of obtaining the weapon again.

Well you know, probably we just have different perception of things. Perhaps I was too harsh, perhaps you are too easy going.


tl; dr: That's just your opinion man.


The amount of Potato DE dished out is enough to supercharge all available Frame and perhaps all available weapon (I don't really know, since I buy Potato most of them for supporting DE, if you are going to say I am a freeloader). But do you think anyone would want to waste 5 Nitian Extract each time (as stated above, really rare), 12 hour wait time of not being able to use both, grind it back to 30 once (twice if you forma which I did)?

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This poor attempt at sarcasm just comes off as further overreaction.  You already have to pay plat to own every weapon in the game, it's called weapon slots.  So you can pay plat and own both of these as well.  In the meantime you can continue to enjoy free access to both weapons, and switch back and forth as you please with a small resource and time cost.  So, pony up some cash for convenience or play for for free and still have access to every weapon in the game.

Oh. I paid for the slot all right. But unlike for most weapon, which is pretty reasonable, I pay the premium cost ONCE, now I have to pay it each time I want to use it. Which is the better deal?

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Nitain? Rare?  Don't make me laugh.  You get alerts for it 4 times a day.  It's nobody's fault but your own if you refuse to use the apps that tell you when alerts are about to happen.

Well, I love to be a NEET but the situation forced me to go to college and a part time job, sorry. 


I usually get one when I wake up, and one in the evening. The other two are most often occurs at 2-3 AM here or during my class/shift.

To the op, if you don't like the fact it's pay to accelerate. I suppose de can switch to using advertisements in the game everywhere.

Well, I would not want to see that. 


I mean, it's cool if it's pay to accelerate. Just let the contents flow at an acceptable rate, not crawling.

Edited by tinyranitar
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Ha! Name just one F2P model that is "better" (whatever that means) than Warframe.

Skyforge. Nothing but grinding and farming. Only time they ask for actual money is if a player wants to skip the grind for a class when it is offered in a bundle on their site. In fact their paid currency is used for two things: speed up / reset missions and boosters. Other than that:


Want to gain access to the Necromancer class = grind it out till you get it.

Want that sweet outfit in the marketplace = grind and farm the map till you get the tokens for it.

Want the paid currency without paying a cent = grind / login daily for enough in game credits and then trade them for the currency.


The game is all grind and farm with little to no RNG, with the RNG being for event missions on the amount of event currency you get. Especially after they changed up the missions where there is a list of items you can get when you beat them, and once you do you CHOOSE what you get. If that was applied to warframe = Sorites and defense / survival / interception missions giving players the choice for what they want from the list provided.


Only downside is when you reach a high enough level (prestige) and you grind too much, you will hit your weekly limit for grinding and instead of getting cores to unlock nodes for more stats and classes, you will get other types of useful tokens (unless you farmed so much you already have everything.)

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Skyforge. Nothing but grinding and farming. Only time they ask for actual money is if a player wants to skip the grind for a class when it is offered in a bundle on their site. In fact their paid currency is used for two things: speed up / reset missions and boosters. Other than that:

I just checked the game. It looks amazing. I'll give it a try.

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