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The Boss I Didn't Want To Kill.


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darwin my dear boy was,is, and still is wrong so is evalution.

No... what is wrong is the theory of evolution misapplied to social structures. Especially as it was expressed in eugenics.

The god of the gaps loves to exploit human patternicity. For example check out this chair.


Don't let the gaps fool you.

Edited by Brasten
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This topic shows the beginning of a Thread-naught. :D


Just to chip in my thoughts:


This isn't a matter of morality, it's a matter of survival. The Grineer are hunting down Tenno, and the Tenno are doing the same to the Grineer. It's essentially a case of 'Racism', whereby humans (assumption) are killing each other based on differences in idealogy, and the desperate fight for survival.


I could care less about the idealogy. Fact is, the Grineer represent a threat to me (as a Tenno), and if it was within my power to eliminate these threats, then I will.


Think about this, if you were Grineer, wouldn't you want to wipe out the Tenno, to prevent them from wiping you out?


In a fight for survival, the moral philosophers who refuse to fight, will die.


"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."

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It's times like this I wish I had a downvote button.


Yeah, its not enough that it totally "Misspellt", Its also confusing Evolution and Natural Selection, which while being parts of the same process, cannot be used interchangeably.


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