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Syndicate Melee


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Soon? Obviously not. In the Devstream it was clear they hadn't even thought about it.


It doesn't take much to make syndicate weapons compared to others since the models and anims are all finished. It is just a reskin and new stats. Also since they emphasized that each weapon should be something under used here are my picks for each syndicate. 


Arbiters- Telos Cronus, Has to be a sword IMO since of the arbiter sigils. We already have skana prime and dakra so this seems like the next best option. 


Cephalon Suda- Synoid Gram.  this one is tough since other Suda weapons were pretty unique but Gram is under used and sort of fits the look, and another heavy sword would be great for people that can't get war. 


Steel Meridian- Vaykor Dual Heat Sword. The elements match up with the proc and syndicate effect and I think it would look great in the meridian colors. 


Perrin Sequence- Secura Lecta hardly anyone uses whips at all might increase in popularity if it has some good stats. 


New Loka- Sancti Kogake another weapon type with few options that could use at least one decent choice. 


Red Veil- Rakta Dark Dagger. Used for assassinations plus it has dark in the name so it seems fitting enough for the darkest syndicate. 

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If they wanted to troll the fanbase:


Vaykor Sheev

Telos Ceramic Dagger

Synoid Gamm (a broken piece of Gammacor you stab people with)

Rakta Heat Dagger

Secura Dark Dagger

Sancti Karyst


The melee choices are kinda interesting in practice, as there's 1 Grineer-faction, 1 Corpus-faction, 3 "Tenno"-factions, and 1 oddball faction that received custom gear.


Existing weapons tend to be Grineer/Corpus/Tenno/Infested in practice, which suggested any Infested melee is out from the start.  A lot of weapons are kinda ambiguous as to their origins as well, and we'd just "assume" they're Tenno/whatever by appearance.  Arguably there's a "style" element of each syndicate, since the other weapons will give references to the syndicate.


Of course, "Forged in the fires of liberation" or "Bring down judgement" says little about the method or nature of the faction.  Arguably, the only ones with sorta strong characterization in tactics are Red Veil or Perrin Sequence, since the former has weapons mentioning assassinations, and latter mentions use by executives.  I feel like the executive bit eliminates the Serro (manual labor) and Prova (grunt). So...


Secura Lecta (and it could probably use the boost - a whip seems like something that might be used by the high and mighty executive to keep the peasants at bay)


Telos Boltace (gotta complete the set, if you had to give them a sword, I'd go with Gram simply because it gets less use, but HEAVY BLADES are already so popular that it's sort of an Ugh thought.  Another possibility is the Magister, which literally is described as wielding "justice and truth".)


Synoid BLANK (I'm thinking they'll have to make one, like before)


Vaykor Halikar/Amphis/Sheev? (Basolok or Ack & Brunt make more sense for fires of liberation or defending the weak, but they're SOOO new. Relatively speaking, Jat Kittag, Atterax, and Cleavers are already too popular to get updated.  Everyone hates machetes.  Halikar kinda makes sense in that their other weapons are described as being taken from officers, but you'd kinda assume they'd be killing them, not disarming them.)


Rakta Venka/Karyst (Stick with the Assassin theme, the dagger probably makes more sense in the sense that fewer people use them.  Though their fire obsession might imply a "Heat Dagger" would be a better fit.  Silva an Aegis fit a fire theme too, but shields don't fit assassins.  I'm resistant to handing them a Nikana simply because they're already so popular.)


Sancti Kogake (Based of the "defend their temples" line, I started thinking of them like "monks", which suggested a sparring approach would make sense in context.  The Castanas follow the monks defending temples theme in the line of setting traps, and the shotgun... is a weird outlier, but if you only have two shots then being able to follow up with fists quickly makes sense I think.  Alternatively, an Ether blade might fit the cleansing theme, but the augments of three of the Syndicates already feature straight swords, and everyone's hung up on Broken War or Dakra anyway.  Nikana is already overly popular, as is Orthos).

Edited by (PS4)Zeylon
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Secura Lecta (and it could probably use the boost - a whip seems like something that might be used by the high and mighty executive to keep the peasants at bay)


Telos Boltace (gotta complete the set, if you had to give them a sword, I'd go with Gram simply because it gets less use, but HEAVY BLADES are already so popular that it's sort of an Ugh thought.  Another possibility is the Magister, which literally is described as wielding "justice and truth".)


Synoid BLANK (I'm thinking they'll have to make one, like before)


Vaykor Halikar/Amphis/Sheev? (Basolok or Ack & Brunt make more sense for fires of liberation or defending the weak, but they're SOOO new. Relatively speaking, Jat Kittag, Atterax, and Cleavers are already too popular to get updated.  Everyone hates machetes.  Halikar kinda makes sense in that their other weapons are described as being taken from officers, but you'd kinda assume they'd be killing them, not disarming them.)


Rakta Venka/Karyst (Stick with the Assassin theme, the dagger probably makes more sense in the sense that fewer people use them.  Though their fire obsession might imply a "Heat Dagger" would be a better fit.  Silva an Aegis fit a fire theme too, but shields don't fit assassins.  I'm resistant to handing them a Nikana simply because they're already so popular.)


Sancti Kogake (Based of the "defend their temples" line, I started thinking of them like "monks", which suggested a sparring approach would make sense in context.  The Castanas follow the monks defending temples theme in the line of setting traps, and the shotgun... is a weird outlier, but if you only have two shots then being able to follow up with fists quickly makes sense I think.  Alternatively, an Ether blade might fit the cleansing theme, but the augments of three of the Syndicates already feature straight swords, and everyone's hung up on Broken War or Dakra anyway.  Nikana is already overly popular, as is Orthos).


As an aside, instead of JUST releasing a syndicate melee, it might be nifty if each syndicate melee had an accompanying stance/style.


So, the New Loka temple monks would offer you a New Loka Martial Arts Stance to use with your Sancti Kogake.  The Red Veil could have an Assassin's Dagger stance.  And surely the Arbiters of Hexis have techniques they use to arbitrate they could impart... etc.


Mind you, I get the impression that Syndicate weapons are recycled old weapons because it lets them re-release older content as new with less effort (and six stances would be a fair amount of effort).  However, it would be interesting.

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As an aside, instead of JUST releasing a syndicate melee, it might be nifty if each syndicate melee had an accompanying stance/style.


So, the New Loka temple monks would offer you a New Loka Martial Arts Stance to use with your Sancti Kogake.  The Red Veil could have an Assassin's Dagger stance.  And surely the Arbiters of Hexis have techniques they use to arbitrate they could impart... etc.


Mind you, I get the impression that Syndicate weapons are recycled old weapons because it lets them re-release older content as new with less effort (and six stances would be a fair amount of effort).  However, it would be interesting.



That's why I wanted exclusive weapons for syndicates, but with known visual. Like double rakta heat daggers, Gammacor like redeemer, Loka's venka claws but for fists and feet, etc etc


And the idea of exclusive stance is awesome imo. They need some more unique things

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