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"anti-Matter Themed New Warframe"


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^ This guys got it right.




Also feel free to take a A level physics course.

You need to take an entry level debate course because attacking one source, and not the content sourced from the source, as well as IGNORING my other sources automatically grants me ground on everything you failed to address because you have not sufficiently disproven my argument.







Yes. Let's Scan Grineers brains with Gamma Rays till they die.

Im not going to go back, but about half the qq in this thread is about how its only going to cause some super massive explosion.

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Im not going to go back, but about half the qq in this thread is about how its only going to cause some super massive explosion.


Because Brain Scan is so useful in combat.


Hadron: I'm so sorry, Hek. It's cancer.

Hek: :(

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This excessive logic is going to RUIN the awesomeness that could have been Hadron- The Antimatter Warframe. Btw how is a necro frame more logical?


I didn't say logical, I said plausible. You could reanimate dead soliders, or something, to fight for you,

Or when you die, assuming you have the energy, you instantly return to full health, but its a high energy cost.

Or something along those descriptions.

However I cannot think for the life of me how an antimatter suit would work, and what benefits it'd have.


It also seems we're no closer to an answer of how the antimatter suit is going to work, even with all the arguing about the science of antimatter, which I was apart of admittedly, but what I really would like is an answer, of how it's going to work.

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Because Brain Scan is so useful in combat.


Hadron: I'm so sorry, Hek. It's cancer.

Hek: :(

Hahahahahaha! No but seriously Warframe isn't the most logical game in the world. and follow up Hawk Warframe should be named Raptor

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Also, if people are going to bring gamma rays into this, I sincerely hope no-one mentions the hulk, and turning enemies into the hulk, or maybe just turning yourself into the hulk, which really points that the design team were wrong, and should've picked beserker.

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Please; Someone explain to me how this will work.

We already had this discussion in the council. Basically, Anti-matter frame is going to end up using small amounts of anti-matter. Since anti-matter follows E=MC^2, you can vary how big the boom is by how much anti-matter you use as a detonator, hence why you can have an anti-matter frame without setting off a Hiroshima bomb-equivalent inside the ship you're boarding.

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We already had this discussion in the council. Basically, Anti-matter frame is going to end up using small amounts of anti-matter. Since anti-matter follows E=MC^2, you can vary how big the boom is by how much anti-matter you use as a detonator, hence why you can have an anti-matter frame without setting off a Hiroshima bomb-equivalent inside the ship you're boarding.

Science, B8tch!

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and I will use them when I get $50 and upgrade to design council


Hawk = Aristaeus, after the greek spirit of hunting,

Necro = Odin or Hel, for Norse

Antimatter = I like the idea of Hadron.

Earth = Gaia

Beserker = Conan. Yes. Conan.

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from wikipedia: antimatter is material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but have opposite charge and quantum spin.


So, it only makes sense that one of the frames abilities is a spin "move" that kills everything around. Something like this:


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We already had this discussion in the council. Basically, Anti-matter frame is going to end up using small amounts of anti-matter. Since anti-matter follows E=MC^2, you can vary how big the boom is by how much anti-matter you use as a detonator, hence why you can have an anti-matter frame without setting off a Hiroshima bomb-equivalent inside the ship you're boarding.


Then really he's not antimatter, he's just explosives. And explosives would've been a much better idea.

But if you're using small amounts of antimatter, it wouldn't even create an explosion, if it's low energy, it'd just create photons.

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from wikipedia: antimatter is material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but have opposite charge and quantum spin.


So, it only makes sense that one of the frames abilities is a spin "move" that kills everything around. Something like this:



I like the idea, but that's something that'd come under Beserker, like a melee whirlwind type thing.


Also quantum spin, has NOTHING to do with spinning.

Edited by Kcoyle4795
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Kcoyle, are you saying its going to explode or not? 


Anti-matter propulsion would do very little anyway, all that is is a new slash dash/rhino charge etc.



And exactly, what would the point be, in having a character capable of only affecting single antiparticles, besides the enemies saying "Oh, I felt a tiny explosion in me. Meh."

maby we can use si-fi magic and just reverse half the atoms in them with a 'reverse matter ray' making them anialate themselves. That would be a badass disintegration visual effect.


'course it would destroy the ship. The amount of energy released would probably vaporize half of the ship in the inital annihilation.


And it wouldn't really make any exotic particles. Antimatter works in the same way as normal matter, and forms into the same sort of particles as normal matter. I don't think it'd really lead to making any exotic particles.

But none of the interactions have been proven. There has been no test to date of something like, water and anti water mixed together. For all we know they only repel eachother. But here your saying it is going to blow up the entire ship again. So im confused.


There's a difference between small scale explosives and something that's x10^n stronger than a nuclear blast.

Huge explosion? 


Yeah, I have. I find it funny that you also didn't factor in that explosives are much more effective in closed spaces, and technically the rocket launcher should kill you, if it were even near you. And even most people in the same room. And that it'd be silly for people to even have explosives on a space ship, with small enclosed spaces. But no, you didn't.


And these aren't javelins. These are small scale launchers that fire small explosive devices.


But an energy release from an antimatter bullet making contact with the air, would be about. 0.01*(3x10^8)^2 if you assumed the bullet had a mass of 10 grams.

Or, you know, It may do nothing but neutralize each other, possibly rendering there no air in the ship.

Antimatter isn't just disintergation, antimatter would imply antimatter somehow interacting with normal matter, which creates annihilation. On a large scale, for example, a bullet made of antimatter, impacting upon a person, this would create a large amount of energy from the annihilation.

Why do you assume Annihilation = explosion? If I mix asids and bases together they neutralize, science is unsure what the results of matter and antimater mixing would be it could be similar.


Please; Someone explain to me how this will work.


In my opinion, this is a really stupid idea. Especially if it involves the use of using antimatter as some form of weapon/projectile.


Or, what if you accidentally touch it yourself, OOPS JUST ANNIHILATED MYSELF.


I may be coming off aggressive and hostile, but I just really don't know how they can really implement this and bring it off as being truly 'Anti-matter'

Or are they going down the route of, "Oh you turn, a few sub-atomic particles within their body, causing part of their body to spontaneously annihilate."


I really have no idea.

TLDR; How will an antimatter warfame work, without going against the laws of physics?



In the end Shadow Mage got it right. Its science-fiction, fiction being the key word. This frame idea has great potential for awesome effects and game play. The laws of physics only apply on demand and the author can have unlimited creative potential. If you REALY want to go protest go to the CSI forums, that S#&$ is way more far fetched most of the time than anything warframe is trying to do. In short:






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In the end Shadow Mage got it right. Its science-fiction, fiction being the key word. This frame idea has great potential for awesome effects and game play. The laws of physics only apply on demand and the author can have unlimited creative potential. If you REALY want to go protest go to the CSI forums, that S#&$ is way more far fetched most of the time than anything warframe is trying to do. In short:


It all depends on the amount of energy released, being the point.

And acids and bases are not antimatter and matter. We already know what happens when they mix. They annihilate. A reaction where both bodies masses are turned into energy. Even if this is just theory, it's the most plausible theory. Hence why it's accepted.

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