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June 4Th: Community Hot Topics


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I'm curious if this is the 160+ MB update that I just did. I played earlier today and there wasn't an update. This seems like a good sized update, but details of what was done were kind of hard to track down. I know that major updates get the front page treatment in the game launcher, but other client/launcher based games keep a running list of updates with links to their forums or websites detailing what each update entails.

You devs are amazing, no doubt about it, so what I'm hoping here is that you'll be able to include this type of system in the future. In the meantime I'm going to get in there and kick some Grineer, Corpus and Infested butt!

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June 4th Community Hot Topics!


1. RNG:



June 7 Edit:


Today we released an updated Defense Mission reward table. The previous issue was the dilution of the sought after mods throughout the entire solar system. We have now made rewards faction specific. Once you've had to chance to kill some baddies, no matter how tough, let us know what you think!



The RNG system is MUCH better in endless defense!


I ran some Neptune Infested Defense to get materials for crafting and got different cards on level 5, 10, 15 and 20.  I also got a level I Void Key at wave 5 and a level II Void Key at wave 10 (on different runs).

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I'd like to see a way to invite peopel to a squad without having to add them to your friends list first, as well as an option for people that pass a connection test that bascally makes them the host of any game they join. Because I am sick to death of getting into games where it takes 10-15 seconds to loot anything because its all synced and the hosts connection sucks balls, Nevermind the fact that in that situation you might as well try not to fight, because your hits will not even register on the enemies, till like 10+ seconds later. This really needs to be fixed because its a major joykill. Make the drops show up client side, then just sync with the host AFTER they are picked up.

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Really hope this won't get buried and/or forgotten.

Will the devs add some voicework for the Warframes? 

I found it a bit perplexing to finally get the Banshee who is supposedly based around using sound and whatnot and not hearing her say anything or scream.


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New Jump Flip Mechanism:


The new jump flip move looks nice don't get me wrong, but it interferes with other parkour aspects of the game. Would it be at all possible to have the user double-tap "sprint" while running up a wall or even hit crouch to perform the maneuvre, to prevent this?

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With the release on the PS4, I'm wondering if the gameplay and storyline will be the same as PC? Or is there going to be a major difference between the two? And for the story part of Warframe, will this be a separate mode of play, or integrated into the current system of missions that are done through the map?


On a side note, could there be other planetoids added like Chiron and Vesta, for example? I love to see new places to explore. I'd love it if there was a planetoid that was a carefully hidden Tenno home base or something along the lines of where the Tenno have a place to themselves outside of the dojo.


I really want to see a fun, engaging game evolve from this beta that we have now that doesn't always require the grinding, but at the same time is easy to understand for those new to this type of play. I also would possibly like to see exclusive Warframes for the PC and PS4 respectively. But I'm not sure how others may respond to this.

Will players on the PS4 be able to interact with those on the PC? And is it possible to have a version of this game for Mac users?

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[note: this post was made in jest as some sort of venting rant, don't take it seriously...although it'll be a honour to have my butt handed to me by the producer and all...xD]

You're probably going to kick my sorry &#!, but honour demands it. As per My clan getting its research cancelled/rolled back.

We now have two on-going researches. I've taken a look at both, as Warlord I have highest privileges and I see no option what-so-ever to cancel them. So it is impossible that one of my officers did so accidentally.

The only conclusion thus is a bug in the program. Therefore, my clan screams for blood.

And so it is upon me to provide.

Redeem your code's sins and allow us a measure of vengeance and relief. Face me.

How do you answer?

Best Regards,

Edited by OriKlein
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Just wanted to extend my sincere compliments for your overall work. The new video especially really captures the overall atmosphere of the game especially the coop aspect.

I will surely save a copy for myself and to show it around. Keep it up.

I will surely contribute a couple of ideas I have in the feed back forum.

My main ideas to keep this game running is to diversify these 3 main elements of the game

The missions

The warframes

The enemy to fight against both the troop types and the introduction of new races.

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DE is a for profit entity and games cost money to make.

Does DE need to sustain and fiscally justify this production? Yes.

Has DE made mistakes? Yes.

Will DE continue to make mistakes? Yes.

Has DE sold us to the wolves yet? No.

DE is not EA.

Let us remain vigilant and protect them from ever going astray onto that path.

For the glory and prosperity of Warframe!

Best Regards,

Edited by OriKlein
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Thanks DERebecca.  We're so excited about more endgame content!  Endless defense seems like the only way to get a challenge for a maxed Warframe.  We were wondering about how all the new items and new mods would be farmable with so many out there, and we're so glad to know you've got a plan.  Keep those challenges coming.  I can't wait for my group to be more focused on our teamwork than we are on our mods.

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I am new at this game, and have only been playing for a few days.

I must admit that this is one of the best free to play games I have come across, it is even better than a lot of the commercial games (the ones you pay for)

I just wanted to know if there is a way to see my ping/latency ingame? If so, then how?

And if not, then will it be possible to introduce this option in a later patch.


Most of the time the game runs really smoothly, but other times there is a massive delay.

I do not know whether the server hosts the games, or whether a host is chosen from one of the four players, but regardless of that, a way to be able to see my ping will be much appreciated. 



As of right now there are no dedicated servers. All missions and even dojo instances are hosted by players. Depending on how well the game does financially, there's always the chances of them purchasing and providing dedicated servers, but that's not something you should look forward to.

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One thing that the media will ask for corrections. The comment name rifle kills and pistol kills (that acts like an optional mission) please correct it. Instead, use primary weapon kills or secondary weapon kills.


Also they need to fix Ash's blade storm and the team heal. Ash can provide significant out of reach killings for the team defense, as well as the team heal that supposedly heal all players. But now Ash can only provide cover by shurikens or smoke screen, and team heal only heals one player that is the owner. I have posted this on the bug report and still no response.


If Warframe will be released on a new console, please do what you can to fix some bugs. And thank you for making some new changes, it is only a matter of time before this game ranks up since the updates are significant and helpful for the player as well as the player's response and opinion. And I have no complains whether they're ninja or not, since it was called Warframe for a reason. The ninja-like moves are more likely just an extension(and Ash is the only ninja-like tenno I know)

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2. End Game and Diverse Content!

Complaints about grind & farm are being heard loud and clear, our players want more to do in the game. More complexity, more skill based objectives. Lots of great ideas are being presented in the forums, thanks for the continued creativity while we make new content.

You might want to try to reduce the ammount of grinding by looking at the drop rates of the boss Hyena. I have done 10 runs without any Loki parts, and usually it takes like 5-7 runs to get one control module. It's pain in the &#! to get materials for those Dojo weapons currently.

Edited by GalliumGD
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Is there any plans on updating the tutorial since there has been the announcement of Warframe being released on the PS4? I know it would be beneficial to give new players better information regarding mods and resources. I don't know how many times I've ran M-Prime Online; farming Ferrite because every BP needs like 5k of it; and mark mods or resources only to watch the newer player run by it without picking it up or realizing that it's beneficial to them.

A simple video would do much like what was done with the Vauban preview.

Edited by WolfxDeekon
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June 4th Community Hot Topics!


A lot of posts this weekend have filled me with a sense that our players do not believe things are going to ever change. Or, if things do change, it’s for the wrong reasons or a step in the wrong direction. Although only a fraction of our players participate in our forums, it is these players that remind us the importance of balance, content, and fairness.

I suppose I should be posting more, but I saw this and figured that I should say that I have really enjoyed Warframe so far! I've been playing steadily with two of my friends together since maybe a month or two before the server capacity was increased to help with the downtime caused by players DDoS'ing the game and forum every update, (long winded way of saying I don't know when exactly I started playing buts its been some time now) and I'm still excited for every update and still very interested to see where its going. I can't even really think of anything off the top of my head that I think you guys are doing wrong or going in the wrong direction with that isn't already being reviewed or currently still being tweaked to find something that works, things get tweaked but mostly improved and if they don't you guys come back and fix/change it!

I think the game has been significantly improved since I've started playing and I can't wait to see where it will continue to go. Thanks for making a fun PvE game that my friends and I can enjoy playing together :)

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It's always a good thing to see that the DE team is always checking up on us and hearing our feedback, so thanks a lot for that.

That said, although I do believe the defense loot tables are now substantially better, they are too good imo.

What was rare before is no longer as rare. I will create a topic shorlt on the appropriate section to give suggestions as to how to fix this while not changing the drop tables themselves, Hopefully it'll help.

Also, I'm curious here... what was/is the whole great E3 secret? Was it the trailer? The announcement of Warframe for PS4? Both? It is all fine and very good news indeed, but the way the whole hype train was handled about it made me think it was some new content/mechanic that would be making it's debut there to make everyone's jaw drop to the floor at the same time.

Still, very gj all of you nonetheless. I've been keeping track of you guys on E3. Shame I couldn't be there myself, as I live in a land far far away.

I've also seen the photos of scott and rebecca eating sushi... Might be an accquired taste for you, hahaha. Just keep at it!

Best Regards!

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