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De, Why Is This Going To Be A Launch Title For The Ps4?


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ugh levels of ignorance...you realise that the console market has changed yes?  There will be a lot of F2P titles on consoles and early release games to boot.  Ever heard of Dust 514?  That's in ongoing development on the PS3 right now.  Blacklight Retribution? Another F2P launch title for the PS4.  Gaming is changing, suck it up and deal with it.  "Oh noz, they're actively soliciting the community for improvements in the game this is le terrible" srsly?  lol come on people, ongoing development of F2P titles is actually one their strong points, especially when the community is as involved in the process as DE had made us.


Oh yeah, and for everybody &!$$ing and moaning about the patching process on consoles, you should probably educate yourself with regards to Sony's policies.  There is good reason Indie companies are flocking to their banner and they were the toast of the town at GDC this year.  Sony is going out of its way to make life better for indie devs PLUS DE already stated PC updates are priority one and will never be held back for the console version.  


Last statement, I'm a more recent fan of Sony as I feel they've been doing things 'correct' lately.  Don't mistake me for a blind fanboy, I'm very mercenary in my loyalty's.  I side with w/e I feel is currently the best in terms of tech, gaming, and software in general.  

Excuse us for having seen something happen over and over and over again over the last few decades and having skepticism that history would repeat itself.

Do you have any idea the number of times companies have promised their new decision wont effect their product and when it really comes down to it, the promises came up flat?

Not saying DE wont stick to it but... Talk is cheap.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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Excuse us for having seen something happen over and over and over again over the last few decades and having skepticism that history would repeat itself.

Do you have any idea the number of times companies have promised their new decision wont effect their product and when it really comes down to it, the promises came up flat?

Not saying DE wont stick to it but... Talk is cheap.


I can understand that but at the same time DE has built up a decent amount of cache with me.  I tend to look at companies on an individual basis if I have a history with them and so far DE has had made every effort to do right by us (void key refunds+forma and openly addressing small clan issues are a great example).  Sure they're not perfect, but at the same time they listen and react not just respond.  


The only concern I personally have and haven't seen it brought up as of yet, is the injection of console players.  DE listens to their playerbase, we all (should) know this by now.  Even if they can't get everything done right away they generally let us know whats a bit of whats on the road map.  I'm just worried about how console gamers will react to this game and how that will shape feedback/development. 

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I can understand that but at the same time DE has built up a decent amount of cache with me.  I tend to look at companies on an individual basis if I have a history with them and so far DE has had made every effort to do right by us (void key refunds+forma and openly addressing small clan issues are a great example).  Sure they're not perfect, but at the same time they listen and react not just respond.  


The only concern I personally have and haven't seen it brought up as of yet, is the injection of console players.  DE listens to their playerbase, we all (should) know this by now.  Even if they can't get everything done right away they generally let us know whats a bit of whats on the road map.  I'm just worried about how console gamers will react to this game and how that will shape feedback/development. 

Honestly, had it not been for how DE has been acting in the past this announcement would have resulted in me just walking away immediately... but then again I also would not have spent as much as I have.

That concern has been commented on, not sure if on this thread specifically, but it has been voiced and it is another one I share.

A lot of my concern stems from feeling the game doesn't yet seem to have it's feet planted firmly and it makes me nervous when companies in general try to extend their reach when they aren't fully stabilized yet. But like I've said before... time will tell.

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Honestly, had it not been for how DE has been acting in the past this announcement would have resulted in me just walking away immediately... but then again I also would not have spent as much as I have.

That concern has been commented on, not sure if on this thread specifically, but it has been voiced and it is another one I share.

A lot of my concern stems from feeling the game doesn't yet seem to have it's feet planted firmly and it makes me nervous when companies in general try to extend their reach when they aren't fully stabilized yet. But like I've said before... time will tell.


I think you nailed it right there, and time will tell.  Luckily , we have a little more than half a year before PS4's release and rereading the announcement they didn't say that it would be a release title so it may not even come until a few months post PS4 release (which from Sony's perspective allows them to sell titles at the cost of losing some marketability of have high quality F2P titles out the gate so you can buy the console and not a game too for those a bit more cash strapped).  


All we can do now is play the game, and work as hard as we can to help DE shape this game into what we want it to be.  

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Alot of people use Blacklight Retribution for comparison but it isnt fairing so well. That games updates 4 times a year with new content and PWE business policy are destroying the game as we speak. If you want proof look at the steam numbers. What DE did smart and risky was having no publisher but that worked out good on their end so that good. But the question remains the same for both games.


If you can barely handle one port of the game, how can you handle another?


Its like your barely passing classes, and your adding one more class to your schedule.


P.S. I love Warframe and Blacklight Retribution. Both great F2P that changed the scope of the genre 

Edited by iBrigandi
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Alot of people use Blacklight Retribution for comparison but it isnt fairing so well. That games updates 4 times a year with new content and PWE business policy are destroying the game as we speak. If you proof look at the steam numbers. What DE did smart and risky was having no publisher but that worked out good on their end so that good. But the question remains the same for both games.


If you can barely handle one port of the game, how can you handle another?


Its like your barely passing classes, and your adding one more class to your schedule.


P.S. I love Warframe and Blacklight Retribution. Both great F2P that changed the scope of the genre 


Hmm not sure if BLR is failing or not, I've recently gotten over 10 ppl on my steam list to start playing and well a love it.  I started playing during onslaught - I find the game to be one the better FPS titles out there, its mechanics feel solid as hell.  But throwing BLR out there is more a statement than an example, its declaring the direction that consoles (or at least PS4) is moving.  Apparently War Thunder is also going to PS4 (war thunder is a great game btw).  I don't really feel like DE is 'failing their classes' either by the by nor BLR.  PWE nickels and dimes, that's their hall mark yes although the option to grind out OS makes it easier for free players on BLR and DE well, this is a quality title.  I've put more hours in this game than most games I've bought up front - the only thing with DE atm is some balancing and ofc adding content but thats just part of the development cycle and rankly is the norm these days.  


The days where titles ship "complete" is more or less in its twilight, AAA super titles like CoD and BF4 are probably going to be the last of them.  Frankly, I prefer this model bc it allows us to shape games and if successful guarantees ongoing content updates instead of crappy sequel after sequel which eventually mutates into some abomination. 

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