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Ask A Cephalon, Jan 05


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Hello Cordylon,


I'm a little worried about Ordis, he occasionally has outbursts where his voice warps and he exhibits a rather blood thirsty demeanor wheather it is due to his long isolation a glitch in his systems or both I don't know, but I was thinking would it be possible to put his bloodlust to use by constructing a robotic proxy for Ordis to control that could be deployed during me missions to allow my some additional support outside of my fellow Tenno and/or any specters I might have bought along as well as allowing Ordis to vent in a way that is normally denied to him.

Edited by Neo3602
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Sir mister master fellow gentleman don monsieur comrade Cephalon Cordylon sir, I would like to inquire how cephalon life continues to exist in this universe. It has been stated in the past that it is possible for a Cephalon's data to be terminated. Assuming that this will end the existence of the Cephalon if they don't have a back up data unit, ultimately killing it, will all Cephalons one day cease to exist, or do you have some form of reproduction to sustain and prolong you're kinds existence

With best regards,

The Frost

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Dear Cephalon, I have questions concerning Valkyr.


When Valkyr was captured and taken to the the Zanuka labs how did 'The Operator' go insane. Is it not possible to disconnect from a Warframe? or are warframes a sentient suit of war with an AI in them?

Addendum. If the stalker is in a warframe or controlling a warframe he had to know where the moon was, right? So are warframes actually Sentiant (Hunhow type sentiant) suits that are ALIVE, That you, the Tenno, are controlling and dominating to use as your war machines? :O #Loomynarty confirmed!!!

I actually blew my own mind coming up with that...

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What are the infection risks of returning to the liset after engaging in close-range combat with the infested?  Can melee weapons or the Warframe itself carry traces of the disease and contaminate the ship?  Also, how does the disease spread, and how can accidental containment breaches be avoided?



Also, what is the "Neural Sentry" the Lotus refers to on occasion?  Will any kind of mission ever directly involve one?

Edited by Orreven
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Greetings Cephalon Cordylon,


I got a few (a lot) small (big) questions for you, if you don't mind that is.

1) Where do Relays come from? Who manages them and How are they manufactured?

2) There seems to be a difference between a "liset" and an "orbiter", would you please explain the difference? Also i wonder what an orbiter looks like if it has a different exterior than our landingcrafts.


3) Would it be possible to copy a Cephalon and upload it to an enemy (preferably Corpus) ship's mainframe and making it take over the basic operations after exterminating all biologic life on the vessel? Is it also possible to moddify Corpus moa's and drones to act as crew for the vessel and park our liset (or meaby even our orbiter) into it?


4) Is it possible with the current tenno technology and resources for us to create a station that can increase the power and range of mags crush and loki's radial disarm? if yes, would the Lotus allow such station to be build to disarm any treats near planets, an crush any infested?


5) How many Cephalons are there? Also can you install multiple Cephalons in one orbiter or liset?


6) Do you know Cephalon Jordas? If you knew him, what was he like before the infestation took him away. He seemed like a nice Cephalon.

Thank you for reading Cephalon Cordylon.


Ps: i found some not that damaged Ospreys, would you like me to ask Ordis to whipe their memorybanks, repair them and send them to you?


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Two weeks ago I stumbled across this 'ancient box' while looking for a Syndicate Mark. Inside I found an arrangement of old technology's, one of which being a strange rectangle labelled 'iPhone'. But what really caught my eye was a 3D model of Earth, and I noticed how different it is to the Earth now. This 'Old Earth' has five continents instead of three, two polar ice-caps as-well-as, what looks like to be desserts.       


I just wanted to ask how and why planet Earth has changed so much.

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