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Two Xbox One's In The Same Router. Keep Disconnecting


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Me and my bro have been playing our xbox together before with no issues playing destiny. We recently moved over to warframe which is awesome btw. Our xboxs are wired directly to the same router. upnp is enabled and our both our nat types are open. However when we start playing only one of us can play while the other who connect afterwards keeps disconnecting from warframe. Sometimes but rarely we are able to play at the same time, but can never join each others party. Im not sure what the issues is so if someone can help.

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Port contention, probably.


Not sure if there's a way to modify which network ports the console versions of the game uses. Other games might have automatic port negotiation to allow multiple consoles to play the same game on the same network (i.e. Destiny), but I don't think Warframe automatically detects available ports that aren't in use by other devices and switches to them automatically. 

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i tell you something, i have connetion issues with this god dam game, this is only game i get dissconnected from kicked out of and so on, and they will just say " oh it's your provider" or " you must open new ports" no thats not the case here. i've open new ports and i still have the same issues, it is the severs DE have it's the game aswell, each update causes more problems for player's and they couldn't give a dam you be lucky to get a reply from them. I'm waiting for a seriious update that fixes everything but that aint happening as they're more bothered about new frames/skins so on, dont get me wrong the game is great to play when it has no issues i have spent 1500+ hours into this and now am stoping playing due to game freezing loosing items what i want back but id be lucky to get get a bronze core from DE and keys changing and so on, something needs to be done, my chat keeps disconnecting, so hopefully DE has a brain and listen to the COMMUNITY  and FIX these issues instead of money grabbing and bringing new content out god dam.

Edited by (XB1)TAKT tigga
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If I had to take a guess, if you have UPnP enabled, it can open and manage your ports, however both the xbox ones are using the same ports. 


I would recommend setting a different static IP for each of the xbox's, and then assigning and opening the ports for each ip seperately. 


If you need a guide on how to do this, then visit www.portforward.com


Please remember that Warframe for the Xbox One has its own ports too, these are : 3960, 3962, 4950, 4955.


I have been having disconnection issues since I started this game, have been in contact with Dev support for the past week, and they still haven't been able to fix it. So I wouldn't hold out any hope, but best of luck to you.

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