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Corpus Nullifiers And Slow Hitting Weapon: Possible Fix.


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To begin with, this is NOT a whine/nurf-pls post, i know why the nullifiers exist, and why they should stay, and stay annoying.

This topic focus solely on bringing the bows/sniper/slow&hard hitting weapons on par with the fast hitting weapons like the Soma.


Because if you ever used a bow against Corpus, you know how unfair it feels to fight them, compared to a fast weapon.


So how can we make them feel more fair when using those weapons, while still keeping them annoying/useful, even with fast hitting weapon?


Well, here my take on the problem.




Give the bubble a damage threshold/absorption.



Let me give you an example. (note that this is just that, an example, the numbers are in no way what i think they should or would be)


You fire an arrow, it deals 25k damage, it has 3m punch through.

The bubble have a 10k damage threshold and a 1m "punch through resistance"


Right now, the bubble will shrink a little, and that's it.


With this idea, the bubble will absorb it's threshold of damage and punch through, shrink, and, if there is still some damage left, the projectile/shot will go on and damage things inside the bubble.

Which mean our arrow will go through the shield, and deal 15k damage and have 2m punch through to everything it could hit inside the bubble.

Now, if the arrow miss, and traverse the bubble again on the other side, it will have, after that, only 5k damage and 1m punch through.

If it hits another bubble, the projectile will break, as it doesn't have enough to pass the threshold now, but will still shrink it normally.



It can also work with explosives.

If the explosive doesn't have punch through, it explode on the bubble surface and the damage has to exceed the "explosive damage" threshold to affect targets inside the bubble for the remaining damage, as it would for an arrow.


The different damage threshold would, of course, scale on enemy level.



This way:

- the fast weapons can still shred the bubble the way they always did

- the slow weapons can actually do something.

- the primary function of the nullifiers (preventing power abuse/spam) is preserved.


The only 'hard part' would be to find a good scaling point to keep things fair through the whole game.

Edited by Lomuwiel
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I can't agree, because I think nullifires were MENT to be annoying, and that DE wants us to enter the bubble and kill the nullifier rather then destroy the bubble, which is why it takes time to destroy the bubble, as well as why it regens if you dont shoot it for like 3 seconds.

I hate them. Almost everyone I know hates them.

Which is why its fun.

There are many nullifier nerf requests, but if there were no nullifiers you could have take a valkyr with hysteria to T4 survival and not do anything.

But the nullifiers ensure you won't get bored from hysteria, and give you something else to do rather then run around and press E.

DE want you to enter the bubble so you will have to shut down your powers and actually do something.

HOWEVER, I do think bows should go threw the nullifier shield, but thats because of the punch threw bows have. 

But thats also the case with frost's bubble, I think arrows should go threw it. But thats for anouter topic.

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Well, they changed damage one time, and they work on a second take, so, one can dream...


And i'm 100% sure that DE actually want the best for the game, and work hard to make it better.

Still, they did mistakes before, they still do, and we do too, and it's fine. That's why it's important to keep giving ideas on how to make the game better.



Really, that´s how you start your thread?


You are not we and fun is no measurement.


You are actually totally right, that's a pretty bad start of a post, but i couldnt find a better one, so, how would you start, could you help me? EDIT: better?




That's why i dont just ask for a nerf, i know why they are what they are, and why they should stay annoying in that way, however, the weapon difference they create is neither their goal, nor serve their primary function. And just allowing punch through to work wouldnt do it, as Soma&co would be even better at blowing bubble, and would make them irrelevant.

Edited by Lomuwiel
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Oh and also also adding to it, that Valkyr example was only 1 example.

I basically ment to ensure you won't camp and to add some more fun to void missions.

I only find the nullifiers annoying in void survival only, because most people do more void survivals rather then corpus survivals, and in void missions many people try to camp in the same place / big room, where in corpus the rooms are smaller. Although in corpus defense in open area tilesets its can be annoying.

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