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Movement 2.0 Fed Into Klizard's Grinder


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Movement 2.0

What we received vs. what we were teased


This ties in well with my Sliding Concept.

After playing with it for as long as it has now been out I am finally ready to put a review in for it. Played on mouse & keyboard, regular Xbox controller, and the new Steam controller.



My thoughts on the main changes to movement, as it stands now, per action.




I thoroughly enjoy the hopping aspect, it has helped alleviate the troubles with controlling yourself on the wall and made scaling upwards relatively explainable, also creates some interesting maneuvers between different walls which I have come to use quite frequently. The channeled glow on every hop was something I wasn't expecting but quite enjoy as well.



The hopping itself is interesting in execution but not nearly as stylish as wall-running was, even with the problems that occurred with the glitches from the way it was previously implemented. Wall hopping as it is kills your momentum if you're going faster than the speed it gives you, which just makes me sad when I have a good rhythm going and its lost on a hop. The hopping itself also has a nasty tendency to catch on weird corners when using it to ascend or travel along a wall. In corners it also likes to try to propel you horizontally instead of vertically when pushing into the corner, which happens in places that you don't strictly call a "corner"

We can also perform this on enemies, but I can hardly get it to work without really forcing it and even when I do I hardly notice that I did... It is just not worth it most of the time.



I enjoy this feature greatly! Though personally I would rather have it as an option and not the primary action against a wall, especially when it doesn't agree with what I think I am inputting.


Wall Latch


The wall latch is one of the more interesting things we can do now, it is nice to be able to set up for complicated jumps of to catch yourself when you're falling. Using it as an ambush is fun and having the "floor be lava" is how I get through some missions... because I can.



While its awesome to be able to aim from the wall and shoot, I can hardly see thanks to the awkward camera angles, even when switching shoulders (Which I do often Sub-note: I wish switching shoulders mirrored your character's stance so that everything equated the same way. Like left handed firing and fighting, this is very noticeable and annoying with non-hitscan weapons, are our Tenno that ambidextrous?)

Also when jumping off of the wall like this the only thing we can do that looks relatively natural is a wall hop, the rest is just fighting the system to get it to do what we want. (Like a bullet jump)



Its fun, but so hard to see and the fun ideas that were in the development build didn't come through.


Bullet Jump


This unexpected feature came through and was a little hard to enjoy at first, but this grew on me the more I used it. It's very stylish and pulls the idea that we are powerful enough to do as we damn well please. This is also the only move right now that lets us aim our melee attacks completely, which I have come to love.



Bullet jump has its own innate speed or momentum that cancels out most of ours if we're going faster than it wants us to. If we spent the time to gain that speed it'd be nice to keep it (this applies to the wall hop as well).



Not much to complain about this one, I really enjoy the bullet jump addition.




Running on the ziplines gave us the ability to finally get some control on the lines! While also making us look more like actual ninjas!



We aren't able to use most powers on the lines (Even 1 handed abilities that don't make sense as to why we can't). We lost the ability to zip on the lines entirely, which isn't entirely negative but if it was done in a more interesting way it could have been a ton more fun.



I am glad we can run on them now, which I tend to actually use now, but I miss zipping. Now they are just tightropes.


What I think it should be

This is a long one that thoroughly goes through the control and function of movement based off of what they teased and previewed in their dev build to us, along with my own thoughts on how I personally would like it to be so a little bias here. All this is supposed to add to what we can currently do and only alter some controls.


I also realize that I have no idea what the trials were while they were developing the new system or why they went with the current state that it is so this is just a mock up of what I would hope for it to be if the team were to take another look at it now after 2.0's rework.


I tried my best to think of how it would apply with ease to both keyboard and controller, we'll see what you think.

If this section really belongs elsewhere I'll fix it, for now this seemed appropriate here.


General Overview

Attempting to add momentum synergies throughout all aspects of movement, keeping momentum across most actions along the same direction. Same direction meaning any change less than 90 degrees.

Add mechanics to understand the tap of a button, the holding of a button, and actions using more precise timing.

All actions minimum/maximum modifiers are based off of a Frame's final speed stat + mods, higher modifiers increasing those values. Making higher speed boost all movement actions across the board.


Wall Running

Wall running comes back with some changes, no longer with the function of stick-flinging you but instead holding the flow of movement along a wall into a run.


  • Characters "soft lock" onto the wall allowing them to follow the curves of the surface.
  • Shares a timer with Wall Latch. (The same duration you can latch is the same duration you can run)
  • Wall running speed has a minimum threshold, based off of the Frame's "Speed" stat, and if the character is currently travelling below that threshold they speed up to match it. With vertical speed the threshold is matched, if not starting at that speed, before decreasing while travelling upward.
  • Wall running keeps horizontal or vertical momentum that is higher than it's base and only the momentum related to each one. (with vertical losing momentum at a moderate rate until reaching a stop where it initiates a Wall Latch with the remaining time)

If at high speeds of one type of momentum (Vertical vs. Horizontal) and attempting the opposite kind of Wall Run there is a small moment of friction where the character slows that opposite type of momentum while still travelling towards the desired direction.


If at high speeds and switching directions of the same type of momentum (Horizontal vs. Horizontal or Vertical vs. Vertical) there is a small moment of friction where the character grinds to a stop before starting the opposite direction from 0. (Catching up to its' base speed)


Both above are affected by the momentum when initiated and if both of the above can apply then both will. (As in if you're catching yourself from a diagonal fall)



  • Wall running occurs when holding jump against a wall.
  • Once started a Wall Run will continue as long as jump is held unless otherwise altered by other controls or till the duration ends.

This allows you to release the forward input and control climb instead.

  • Pressing up or down has minimal but noticeable control on height when running horizontally.

Wall running upward shortens the duration on the timer faster while downward pauses it. (Subject to balance)

  • If holding forward input from start to end of horizontal Wall Running the character will travel in a direct line, altered height only occurs when releasing forward input first.

Example: If a player is holding W to run forward then starting a Wall Run the character will run in a straight line until W is released and repressed, causing the character to run at an upward climb. Momentum is kept either way.

  • Pressing left or right has minimal but noticeable control on lateral movement when running vertically.
  • Extended holding of a direction directly away from the surface causes the character to detach without jumping or crouching. Aiming only alters these controls at extreme changes.

Like running forward and aiming behind you, this should feel like it makes sense.



  • Shares the energy strands effect of Wall Latch.

This also helps to indicate the shared timer.

  • Leaves a residual trail of energy on the wall from the Frame's hand resembling their energy color and lingers a while before fizzling out.

This is just for fun and aesthetics, but can be used to follow players both in and out of PvP. Though in Conclave the duration can me lowered.

I thought of this partially from the Grineer transmission you can hear in the Liset where they talk about scanning for residual energy residue.


Wall Hopping

Wall hopping stays relatively the same but is activated with the tap of a key, and has added functionality for proper timing as well as preservation and gain of momentum.


  • Wall Hops have a minimum speed threshold, based of Frame Speed, that any hop in the same direction will instantly reach if currently moving slower than that threshold.
  • Wall Hops have a modifier after the minimum threshold that increases momentum with each hop in the same relative direction, up to a maximum total value.
  • Wall Hops above the maximum modifier keep the increased momentum if going in the same relative direction.
  • Well timed hops increase speed exponentially but only have a small window of opportunity and can only occur when traveling in the same relative direction

This has been deemed  "hop-dash" (by me, for lack of better creativity) and has its own maximum value, being roughly 4 times the speed of a regular maximum hop, while also being more difficult to achieve.

This feature was teased by the team but didn't make it into the current build as it is.

  • Wall Hops do not alter much momentum of opposing types (Horizontal vs. Vertical) and only slows them slightly with each hop.

This allows a potential U-shaped movement along a surface when used sequentially in the same direction

  • Hopping against the same type of momentum (Horizontal vs. Horizontal or Vertical vs. Vertical) causes the character to skid with each hop causing increased friction.

The amount of hops this takes depends on current momentum vs. hop strength, which is your minimum hop speed.



  • Wall Hops are triggered by tapping jump and a direction while against a surface.
  • Full control on horizontal hop direction unless input is directly into a wall which triggers a vertical hop.
  • Releasing jump while in a wall run causes a hop in the movement direction indicated.
  • Horizontal hops timed at a similar arch point to the previous hop causes a "hop-dash" as long as they are triggered in the same relative direction.

The "Arch Point" is just me being fancy and trying to refer to using the hop with the right timing, not to soon or late from the previous one. Mostly to be used along the same surface but can be used along different surfaces if the timing is right.



Hops and skids leave an energy footprint or skid mark in the shape and color determined by the Frame and its' skin that fizzles away after a few seconds.


Unit Hopping

As it currently stands enemy hopping is too difficult to perform in regular combat and even for fun sometimes, even if it is pulled off the effect is minor and unnoticeable, this section gives it form, feeling, and ease of use. As well as mod benefits.


  • Unit Hopping uses a unit as a hop point instead of a surface. These can be allied or enemy.

Ally's refers to any non-Tenno, non-syndicate, non-Clem, non-hostile unit. Like the ones found in Invasion and Crossfire missions or summons.

  • Hopping functionality stays relatively the same as Wall Hopping, including the increasing and maintaining of momentum.

See Wall Hopping function section for details if you skipped it.

  • There is a slight pause while the Frame steps and kicks off of the unit, momentum is given or returned after kickoff.

This ultimately what gives unit hopping the feel of actually jumping off of a moving target. The pause is just slight enough to indicate that you performed the action.

  • If above the maximum momentum modifier from hopping the pause is shortened depending on how far above it you are currently traveling.
  • Does not benefit from "hop-dash" functinality
  • All enemies used in this manner are hit with an impact proc and benefits from the damage and particle effects of Dash mods.

Allied units are immune to damage but still get hit with the impact proc.

  • Flying enemies used in this manner are kicked to the ground along with taking the previous effects before rising again.
  • Smaller enemies used in this manner when at or above the maximum momentum modifier from hopping are ragdolled opposite the hop direction along with previous effects.



  • Unit Hopping can be activated by tapping (at) or holding (Just before/at) jump in the aerial position just above a unit.

This area is narrow but shouldn't be too difficult to encounter, especially when holding jump.

  • Can be directed horizontally with directional input and vertically with aim.

Vertical aim adjustments are minor and only really help in setting up for the next unit hop.

  • If no directional input is held when activated the Frame will hop vertically instead of horizontally.

This can only occur once per enemy on cooldown, this is to keep exploiting to a minimum on tougher units. Nothing is stopping you from doing it and then hitting them with a ground slam though!

  • Can be chained across multiple enemies, just keep hitting the aerial trigger area while holding or tapping jump.

A minimum distance must be traveled in order to activate again, to help with clearing tight clusters of units or exploiting them for the speed.



Leaves an energy footprint on enemies in the shape and color determined by the Frame the fizzles out after a few seconds. (Excuse me but: Teehee!)


Double Jump

Double jumping is fine as it is, just adding a little visual flair.

Function & Control: No change.

Visual: Leaves behind an aerial energy footprint in the shape and color determined by Frame that fizzles out after a few seconds.
I just want something that makes the double jump make a little more sense to me, kicking off of their own wall of energy is that.


Aerial Dodge

This is my nitpicky look at the aerial dodge that works fine as it is.

Function & ControlNo change


  • Change the Aerial Dodge animations to be more acrobatic (especially the backwards one) kickoffs with directions, as if they just literally kicked off of something and flipped in the chosen direction.
  • Add those super-neato-nifty-wow energy footprints that are shaped and colored based on the Frame that fizzle away after a few seconds!

There is no trend here whatsoever... there is also no sarcasm there. *cough*


Bullet Jump

Bullet jump works essentially fine, just want to let it keep momentum and ease of use during Wall Latch.

Function: Same as normal but keeps momentum above itself without resetting.

Control: Same as normal, but during Wall Latch holding Jump for a moment will activate this directly without having to crouch first.


Wall Latch

Works the same as normal and intended but with added flair and additional control. Along with a toggle.


  • Works the same as normal but with more controls factored into it.
  • Can be switched between toggled and held in the options menu. (Like crouching or aiming)
  • If switch to a toggled state aiming during a Wall Latch can be zoomed in and out like normal, latch is only detached by jumping, dropping, or letting the timer run down.
  • Activating at high speeds skids to a halt factoring friction.
  • Shares a timer with Wall Running.



  • Activation has no change.
  • Holding jump for a moment will cause you to Bullet Jump in the direction aimed.
  • Holding crouch during a latch will allow you to slide downward.

While sliding downward Bullet Jump can be activated immediately.

  • Tapping crouch will cause you to detach from the wall and fall straight down.



The same but when skidding leaves a trail like the one described in my Wall Running visual section.


Ledge Hang

Hanging on the ledge works as it is but this section is to add more options and control when on a hang as well as the option to actually maintain one.


  • When approaching a ledge either from a Wall Run or jump a Frame can grab and hold on to the ledge.
  • Pistols can be used from a Ledge Hang.



  • Ledge Hang can be activated by holding jump and approaching a ledge. Releasing jump once activated will allow you to hang in place.
  • If there is room to run you can move swiftly sideways with directional input.
  • If there is room beneath you holding crouch will initiate a Wall Latch with slide.

Example: A wall ledge.

  • If there isn't room to run you can shimmy sideways with directional input.
  • If there is open space holding crouch will cause you to swing into a slide.

Example: A platform ledge.

  • When hanging pressing forward will pull you up normally, sprint + forward will vault you up swiftly, jump will flip you up like a Double Jump, and tapping crouch will drop.




The running of a zipline is a welcome change, this portion brings back the regular zipping and some controls (with some of my own gaudy quirks added. Bear with me, It could be fun)

This could also be used to create more unique and interesting zipline related obstacles, vaults, and challenges.


  • Same as it currently does but with functionality for switching zip modes.
  • When switching while running on the line to a zip mode the momentum from the run is put into the zip.
  • Zip modes retain momentum between each other but knee-lining applies more friction.

"Zip modes" refers to both regular and "knee-lining". See below on knee-lining.

  • Knee-lining allow the use of primaries.
  • Knee-lining into enemies knocks them off of the zipline at the cost of some of your momentum.



  • Attaching to the zipline is the same as before, controls while running are the same with added function for switching modes.
  • While running on a line tap crouch to switch to switch to knee-lining and double tap crouch to switch to regular zip.
  • During zip modes tap crouch to detach, hold crouch to switch zip modes, and press jump to flip up to running.
  • During zip modes directional input will adjust grip, allowing some control on zip speed.



Switching zip modes is done acrobatically, for style points. Along with possibly the initial attach to the zip from below, like a grip and flip.

Here is an example of what I mean by "Knee-lining" please excuse my crude art, I am still learning.


Yes, he is upside-down. That is what makes this fun.



Sliding is generally fine but I wish deeper slopes and different surfaces had more of a proper effect on your momentum. Gaining speed on steep slopes and maintaining better slide on things like ice.

Hate to plug my own post on sliding but I covered my feelings there and I don't care to type it all again. Please forgive me. :P


Movement 2.0 in the Klizard grinder!

I know this post has likely been done to death, but I want to get it off of my chest.

I 100% realize how much work this would all be, so save that post, this is based off of personal desire. On that note I believe the DE team is completely capable of accomplishing something this in-depth in due time if it is something they wanted. One day I hope to see it. For now I will oddly hop my way to victory.

Hope you enjoy my thoughts and as always thank you for taking the time to check out my topic! I know this was a long one if you actually read it through.



2016.02.17 - Fixed a misplacement in the feedback section of "Wall Latch" that should have been in "Wall Hopping"

2016.01.11 - Initial post

Edited by Klizard
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I think they went with wall hopping instead of wall running, because there's more control afforded to the player with each input.  There's not much control with wall running because once you hit the button, it just plays an animation of us running on the wall.  It's not like your controlling every step.

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I think they went with wall hopping instead of wall running, because there's more control afforded to the player with each input.  There's not much control with wall running because once you hit the button, it just plays an animation of us running on the wall.  It's not like your controlling every step.

This is very true, and I do understand why they went with it. I just enjoy the simplicity of wall running as well as the complexity of wall hopping.


Wall hopping helps vertically but is too hard to control horizontally.

I'm sorry you're having trouble with it, it just takes getting used to inputting the direction you want at the right time. Its really easy to accidentally hop the wrong directiong


Well, this is certainly very well thought out.


I would enjoy all the changes and additions suggested by this post.


In particular, I find the toggle-able wall latch, unit hopping, and ledge hanging to be very interested ideas.

I'm glad you enjoyed my brainstorm, always nice to receive some feedback!

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