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What does this game has to offer in the long run?


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I started playing a few days ago! I have one question. What keeps this game intresting in the long run? I can't seem to find a lot of info about this game (Maybe because its in beta) I am having a lot of spare time and at this moment I am able to play around 6 hours a day. So what does this game have that should keep me in the long run? (I don't mind repeating missions over and over again) I did see there is a leaderboard, but I did read this one is a monthly? (Why not make an All time Leaderboard?) Also there is an overal rank, I think this is also helping with the long run part, beside that the gameplay is awesome ofcourse!(Is there a max overal LvL?) Would like to get some info about this subject! (A link is welcome!)


Edited by HUmar
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Right we want to focus and do one thing well: PvE. That said we are investing in better leaderboards, clans goals, and other more 'meta' forms of competition right now.
[after the beta]Leaderboards will be reset (and likely running on weekly, monthly cycles anyway).

That should clear the leaderboard stuff up for you :)

It takes some time getting all the stuff you need for your Warframes, I've been playing for about 10 hours now and still can't craft my first Mag part :/

And this is just the beginning, there are way more Warframes to come you can craft and level up, way more weapons and blahblahblah, so, there's a great future for Warframe and I hope DE gets all they need to accomplish their goals for Warframe.

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This will most likely end up like a Third Person Shooter version of a Diablo game. Just repeating missions getting better mods, collecting gear, maybe going for the top of a leaderboard like D2. Stuff like that, which isn't for everyone but if done right, I could see this game keeping people around for a long time.

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Yea but like I said I read the leaderboards are monthly, its kinda frustrating to work towards top 10 and then at the end of the month you have to start all over again! So I hope the overal rank takes years to get! But collecting gear and trying to get the best as possible sounds like fun to me.

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There's an overall rank, a monthly rank and probably weekly/daily ranks, don't worry about that :)

I really hope an overal rank too! People always think its stupid, but I like to see how I am playing compared to other people!

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There is an overall ranking implemented, just check out your profile(click on the bar where your cash/etc. is) and click on "My Rank" or something like that, you can see your rank, the best 10 players etc.

I did kinda panic because in the guide they said that the leaderboards where probaly going to be monthly, thats why I was asking.

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