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I'm Begging You De....


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loki is hard to use. yes! he is not newbie friendly... 

but still... decoy and invisibility can be very strong in right hands. i hope they drastically reduce its duration and increase cost for this spells in future.

this from a person that unless he reset has never touched the loki before.

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.....I thought decoy was acting all........chill. I can understand the greefing problem with ST, but nerfing Decoy? Really? Loki is already one of, if not the least "OP" frames in the game, only a hand full of people really put hours and hours of game play into him why is he the one getting nerfed?

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Loki's Switch teleport has been nerfed to the ground. Radial Disarm is worthless as crap, and now you have made Decoy a complete piece of crap skill to use. Please don't touch invisibility... I don't know why you are running some warframes into the ground, but please stop. Please focus on making them stronger and not a piece of crap... I swore you said you were going to go back and make frames better... soft nerfing their abilities is NOT making them better.

Also an explaination of why you nerfed decoy would be nice.

PS: I speak for a lot of people when I say, we are tired of this S#&$ where hotfix nerfs are being done that aren't being stated in the patch/hotfix notes. It's really underhanded and is ruining the game for those that notice.


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Was this today? My Decoy was working fine at noon. Because if so I am ****** because I cannot get anyone to grind rubedo with me. (I tried doing it solo but I didn't get any energy for two whole waves and got screwed b/c I couldn't use decoy/invisibility.) I have no other classes.


Oh and I'll just leave this here:

"DON'T NERF "X", MAKE "Y" AS GOOD AS "X": Message received and understood."

What happened to this?

Edited by Atlas_Smirked
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I find RD pretty useful in tight areas. Because disarming most of the enemies with guns makes them stop hiding behind cover and such, pulling out their baton and approach you directly, making it easier to deal with them.

sure that works on corpus and grineer but what about the infested who dont have guns and the only things you can do to save your self is a decoy your screwed.

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This is getting a little concerning.


1) Initial (older) Warframes are nerfed.

2) New Warframes come out that are incredibly powerful (looking at you, Tesla-spamming Vauban).


No, seriously, a Vauban threw a cluster of Tesla 'grenades' onto my Ash. For 40, GLORIOUS, seconds, all I had to do to kill infested was simply exist 10-feet away from them.


Chances are, when the new Warframes come out on the market again, they will:


1) Be obtainable only from alerts(RNG)/platinum($$$). (Gone are the boss-grinding days for Warframe blueprints)

2) Will follow with MASSIVE nerfs to previous Warframes to encourage everyone to gravitate towards the new ($$$) Warframe(s).

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How about this? DE needs to work on polishing the games current problems/bugs and postpone new content. This even includes balancing warframes properly. I don't see how you can get a game out of beta if all you do is focus on new content and never fix anything. Jackal falling through floor, login rewards not actually being rewards, unbalanced warframes, falling through the map cuz of certain areas/doors and a list of other well-known issues.


Edit: I would rather see things fixed in this game instead of new content at this point. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth because it makes it seem like all they care about is money and don't actually care about the well-being of the game itself. If that's the case, I won't be forking out anymore cash until major problems are fixed/worked on.

Edited by Pr0cessor
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As an avid Loki player this concerns me. I have put a lot of time into Loki and if it is true that his abilities have been nerfed on purpose, I would like to see what was changed (and maybe a reason as to why?) instead of finding out the hard way and wasting a revive. If it happens to be a bug DE please look into it as soon as possible. But to cover yourselves in the future communication is key. Keeping us informed of what is happening will help moderate frustation and harsh feelings. In closing I think you do a fabulous job DERebecca, props to you!

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Clutch? If anything he is a mobile glass cannon... His only use in team play now is trolling... wooooo \o/ ... Oh wait they gimped his swap teleport.. his only use in team play now is fail trolling.. wooo \o/

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Loki is fine. he is a clutch character and does his job well.

What job? absorbing your bullets with his invisible &#!? (I'm looking at YOU smith0rz)

Because he can't even bring all the boys enemies to the yard for your ulti now...

Edited by CloudPies
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All of the naysayers and whining about whiners... Are you Loki players? I finished my Loki a couple of weeks ago. Got to use decoy properly for about a week, only to see infested just run by it. I couldn't believe it for myself, until a regular Loki player showed me. Wait so DE should make Frost's impenetrable snow globe penetrable? How about slash dash with no slash and just stunning enemies? Loki already doesn't have offensive capabilities, so if you take away these "manipulative" skills (of which are clear in the description) what's left? A fast frame that goes invisible? It sounds a bit neutered no?

Just because it's not your frame doesn't mean you shouldn't care. Get stuck in a PUG with 3 other Lokis that are nerfed? Remember this is a co-op game. All frames are meant to work in synergy. Unless there's one frame that ends all frames, then really there's no reason to render a skill that ineffective. 90% ignoring the decoy? This is not 25% of enemies ignoring it.

I hope it's just a bug.

Edited by sushidubya
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I am willing to bet decoy was nerfed to stop it's abuse on infected defense missions. Though it may be a bug if there was no patch notes or major patching in the last few days. I wouldn't get too worked up about it.

ABUSE? you wanna talk about abuse of an ability to do defense missions? Has no one even payed attention to the recent live streams of people going to massive &#! waves, all they @(*()$ do is use vaub and trinity to get infinite energy and stop enemies and ddeal massive damage. 


And they nerf a frame that doesnt do any of that, barely does anything, Loki was my first frame so i know what im talking about, this is total bs. there is no reason to nerf one of the only 2 frames that are for stealth, guess when they say Ninjas play free, they really mean Rambos play free.


I barely see lokis nowdays and its bullcrap, he wasnt being abused, its the same lame &#! excuse that they had with rhino, and who the hell is going to be next? who are they going to screw next, thats my question.

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