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Ignis Isn't A Flamethrower


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the only real reason why the ignis should be fixed, its that its single target, if you want to hit multiple enemies you have to tap it, wich kinda ruins the DPS of it, it needs to hit in all the flame spread effect

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Most games never do flamethrowers justice. I've played so many damn shooters and not a single one strikes me out as "oh snap that was a hell of a flame thrower". They all tend to suck.


A good shotgun? Soldier of Fortune.

A good rocket launcher? Half-Life, Duke Nukem, Serious Sam, UT2k4

A good sniper? S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (gauss rifle), Quake 3 Arena, UT2k4

A good pistol? Half-Life, dat Colt Python


etc etc. I can never think of a game where I was, oh hey that was so good I actually wanted to use it. Even in far cry I couldn't be bothered.


... FarCry 3 by far had a very memorable flamethrower. You could set forests on fire and watch it spread... Along with you in it. It was the best thing in the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most games never do flamethrowers justice. I've played so many damn shooters and not a single one strikes me out as "oh snap that was a hell of a flame thrower". They all tend to suck.


A good shotgun? Soldier of Fortune.

A good rocket launcher? Half-Life, Duke Nukem, Serious Sam, UT2k4

A good sniper? S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (gauss rifle), Quake 3 Arena, UT2k4

A good pistol? Half-Life, dat Colt Python


etc etc. I can never think of a game where I was, oh hey that was so good I actually wanted to use it. Even in far cry I couldn't be bothered.

Good flamethrower can be seen in Deus ex (original. Not insta-, but guaranteed death. Somewhat tricky because burning man can ignite you on bump. Although, could be good chain reaction in crowds) and Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Tricky to use, but AoE cloud let you burn enemies behing corners and if you are not going for long streams, 2 points of fuel shows no difference in igniting 1 or 6 enemies. Also, the screams... magic).

Edited by Icouldjustkissyou
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i would ask...   Exactly how many of you ever Use a flamethrower?

How many of you know how it Should work?


truth be told, the Ingis should work how the Ingis works right now...   It is effectively a welding torch with increased range... not a napalm fueled flamethrower from world war 2. 


that is not to say that it could use some buffs to make it more worth while...

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i would ask...   Exactly how many of you ever Use a flamethrower?

How many of you know how it Should work?


truth be told, the Ingis should work how the Ingis works right now...   It is effectively a welding torch with increased range... not a napalm fueled flamethrower from world war 2. 


that is not to say that it could use some buffs to make it more worth while...

 — pretty dumb handmade petrol version. Only 100 psi of pressure (Easy to build version for 300 psi), 14 meters range. 

Handmade. Not a military-grade stuff. Military grade rolls around heavy liquids already for 103 years en masse. Ignis feels like fire lance from 10th century.

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 — pretty dumb handmade petrol version. Only 100 psi of pressure (Easy to build version for 300 psi), 14 meters range. 

Handmade. Not a military-grade stuff. Military grade rolls around heavy liquids already for 103 years en masse. Ignis feels like fire lance from 10th century.



i would ask...   Exactly how many of you ever Use a flamethrower?

How many of you know how it Should work?


truth be told, the Ingis should work how the Ingis works right now...   It is effectively a welding torch with increased range... not a napalm fueled flamethrower from world war 2. 


that is not to say that it could use some buffs to make it more worth while...


See my earlier post.


I suggest the conic shape because it's proven to be the most fun type of flamethrower in video games.  Realistic doesn't necessarily mean fun.


But if we want to continue arguing for realism in our spaceninja game,  most military flammenwerfers might shoot long, skinny jets of fire, but most homemade ones and some old military ones shoot in a short range cone of fire especially the smaller greek/byzantine fire throwers used for close up "crowd control" (this is also arguably the most prolific use of flamethrowers in history, proportionately there were more flamethrowers in use in the later greek and east roman empires than in any of the modern armies that have since made flamethrowers iconic).


And one more thing, the Ignis hardly looks like the "REAL" flamethrowers that have been continually linked in this thread, if anything it looks like it'd work off flammable pressurized gas (which could fit in the Ignis's small size) as opposed to ignited liquid propellant (which WOULD and still do require large WWI-WWII era tanks).  That means even its looks say it would shoot in a short range cone instead of a long range steam.



Stop talking about what is REALISTIC and lets discuss what would be the most fun.

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The code to turn the Ignis AoE is already in game, it just needs to be adapted. Torid AoE can travel dynamically with an object(players/enemies)dealing out damage in ticks in a spherical shape until it disappears. To turn this into a flamethrower AoE, you'd simply have to connect these AoE damage spheres to an invisible, slow moving projectile(like Torid grenades) with a fire texture tacked onto it. Increasing the size of the sphere and adding a slight damage falloff rate per distance traveled will give you a conical damage model.


I would also suggest you consolidate bodypart specific damage areas into two zones for the Ignis: Upper body(head, torso and arms) and lower body(hips, legs). This will make it easier to balance the weapon's damage statistics and provide players improved weapon handling, as they don't need to aim for the head to do a maximum damage anymore.

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The Ignis is more of a re-purposed propane torch that you'd use for deicing than a flame thrower, and I don't necessarily see a problem with it. If anything this is more plausible, not less. Why? Because much of this game takes place in space.


People $#*(@ about the Gorgon being too quiet. My response: It's supressed, so you don't deafen yourself or your comrades when firing it inside a metal structure.


The Ignis isn't a real flame thrower, it's a modified propane deicing torch. Leaving flaming gelled gasoline all over to foul your limited atmosphere and drip into who-knows-what is probably a really bad idea even on a very large spacecraft.

Excuse me, how the hell can a Light Machine Gun be suppressed? It sounded like a goddamn Light Machine Gun before, but now it's a @(*()$ popcorn machine. Also, why would a redone propane torch require Mastery Rank 7, an ungodly amount of materials, Formas and all for the correct dojo rooms and be utter crap compared to the likes of the Flux Rifle, Acrid, Ogris, Torid, and Supra?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it's old fashioned and I do not presume to know how a flame thrower might work in the distant future. Having said that I would like to see a liquid flame thrower. Like a powered squirt-gun that squirts liquid fire. Fire that can stick to thinks and drip down the wall for a little bit. No need to make it a cone if I can just spray it everywhere and every thing burns.


"It's not about money, it's about sending a message. Everything burns!"  - The Joker

Edited by Carcharias
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