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Valkyr Is Ridiculously Op - Lvl 200+


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If Valk was seriously OP, we would see a lot more Valks. I run 90% of my time in pugs, even on infinite things like T4D and T4surv and I have only been in a team with another Valk maybe 3 or 4 times in something like 3 months.


In later missions she is basically just there to pick other people up, provided they arent around something that knocks her energy or powers out instantly. 

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So how is that frames with abilities like this (sans Loki) sneak under the "nerf thread" radar while frames like Valkyr are picked on because she has a personal "god mode" that falls on its face in the hands of a player who runs into a nullifier bubble without steel fiber, armored agility, and vitality (maybe vigor)?


Because they are bad and don't understand the game. They see one frame do well (that in a competent group shouldn't be even close to topping the damage charts) and whine because they don't understand how to do it themselves.


Valkyr is fine. She does her niche role really well, she can do it really well in a small number of places, she can be kind of ok in other places and fairly useless in others...which is true of a lot of warframes.


Last mission I had a Valk in she ended up bottom damage because our damage frames were doing their job and there wasn't much for her to kill. She was just our rando man since we only had 3. She's not a god. She's just a strong tank with a decent drawback.

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With a good build you should never run out of energy.
Start reviving teammates constantly and you will. And quick. Also build her too much on efficiency and you will not deal enough damage to kill fast enough to get energy drops.
I have 300% strength and max efficiency/duration
That's the same for almost any frame.
No. Valkyr survivability is based on Hysteria. Other frames (most of them) uses their abilities like tools, not like an extension of the frame itself.
Yes but a mirage with no energy is dead, as is trinity, loki.
Simply they don't scale as well as Valkyr.
Seriously? How can't a Mirage that stuns everything in a range of "the whole map" scale as well as Valkyr?
Because you may be able to stun them but you can't kill them.
Melee that can do 7 figures crits.
And? I don't see the point. Excalibur does almost the same damage and in a range.
Yes I agree Excalibur is also a really good frame.
Immortal, can constantly revive the team, does an insane amount of damage. What more could you want?
So, according to that, a team of 4 Valkyr is just perfect. 
Yes, team of 4 Valkyr's all with steel charge could go almost forever on T4 Survival. I think the player dying would happen before the Valkyrs did.




Exactly this. 4 Valkyrs on a Survival could go for hours.


Loki, Trinity, Nyx etc. would all be long gone as one shot/hit from an enemy and they are dead.

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Yes but if you're Loki you should stealth and occasionally use 4, as Trin you should be keeping up Link and Blessing, as Nyx you should CC from safety... Trying to say that of course those Frames would be long gone if you're trying to use them like you would a Valkyr. It's not a fair arguement, what you got there. Plus I think any 4 of the same Frame could do the same if they play as they should. If we do have to compare, it should be 1:1, same role Frames, similar delivery methods, or it gets too complicated.

Edited by Kunavi
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Yes but if you're Loki you should stealth and occasionally use 4, as Trin you should be keeping up Link and Blessing, as Nyx you should CC from safety... Trying to say that of course those Frames would be long gone if you're trying to use them like you would a Valkyr. It's not a fair arguement, what you got there. Plus I think any 4 of the same Frame could do the same if they play as they should. If we do have to compare, it should be 1:1, same role Frames, similar delivery methods, or it gets too complicated.


Mistakes can be made with all of those frames though, nothing can go wrong with Valkyr.

Edited by (PS4)G_Bruce
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I don't get it. So her spin is that great mean what? That the only AoE thing she can do to clear fast, try using the combo to kill one by one, then you will understand how not-op she is. I only use her when I have the hunger of grinding sth in 60 minutes, I can stay in hysteria all the time, but the only thing i can do is melee and run, because if I use other skill, energy will run out quickly with her energy pool, and can you even comprehend thing like sliding all the time to clear a crowd? I love her, and I want a buff to her melee combo, instead of one single target, make her jump from one enemy to another!!

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Still don't get why people are so desperate to keep invulnerability. There are a number of changes/tweaks that can be made to Valkyr's abilities but that invulnerability has to go or Hysteria needs a real drawback.

Possible tweaks that can be made:


- Enemies within 5 meters of the target should also be affected by this ability.


- Make this recastable (Only players that really know Valkyr well would know why this is a huge improvement).


- Enemies affected should be open to finishers and stealth multiplier damage for 10 seconds(The stagger duration should remain the same).

- 5 more meters added to range


- Remove stored damage mechanic (virtually useless and not a real drawback since it is easy to avoid).

- Valkyr is invulnerable but health drains at 12 per second as long as it is active(will not drop below 2 health) OR Valkyr is invulnerable for 5 seconds upon casting and then receives a 90% damage reduction.

- Movement speed is increased by 20%

- Every 100 health lost is added to Hysteria claws base damage to a max of 300 additional base damage.

1. We have mag pull

2. Nova slow. Besides armor are nothing when you face level 150 mob.

3. Radical blind.

4. 90 % damage reduction are nothing when you face level 150 mob. Speed is not needed when her base sprint is already good. Hysteria rely on critical to deal massive damage, 300 plus is just another number that pop up. That stored damage is for punishing player when they get into nulifier bubble. If not you can still bullet jump out fast enough to run away. Invincible is her unique, without it she is just worse version of Excalibur. When I playing her, I have to check my energy because the higher enemy the less they drop blue orb, and I already have to be aware of nulifier bubble or I may run into one. When you talk about it, think for a second, why play a melee locked frame w/o invincible while you can use another which is better because he can ejaculate waves from afar and can clear room better? Just think about it for a second.

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1. We have mag pull

2. Nova slow. Besides armor are nothing when you face level 150 mob.

3. Radical blind.

4. 90 % damage reduction are nothing when you face level 150 mob. Speed is not needed when her base sprint is already good. Hysteria rely on critical to deal massive damage, 300 plus is just another number that pop up. That stored damage is for punishing player when they get into nulifier bubble. If not you can still bullet jump out fast enough to run away. Invincible is her unique, without it she is just worse version of Excalibur. When I playing her, I have to check my energy because the higher enemy the less they drop blue orb, and I already have to be aware of nulifier bubble or I may run into one. When you talk about it, think for a second, why play a melee locked frame w/o invincible while you can use another which is better because he can ejaculate waves from afar and can clear room better? Just think about it for a second.

Congrat, you need 3 frames to do what one frame can do.

90% damage reduction is still huge even against lvl 150 enemies, factoring with her high armor value coupled with Warcry.

And not like the game should be balanced around that level in the first place.

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When Valkyr can do this to a room in Hysteria, then you can complain. But as it stands now, she kills a room one by one vs Ash and his 18 targets per Bladestorm, World on Fire, Shield Polarize (in Corpus), Miasma, Reckoning, Shadows, Exalted Blade, Effigy/Vex Armor/weapons, and Antimatter Drop.


She's fine as she is now, cut it out.

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Congrat, you need 3 frames to do what one frame can do.

90% damage reduction is still huge even against lvl 150 enemies, factoring with her high armor value coupled with Warcry.

And not like the game should be balanced around that level in the first place.

Each frame I listed excel at what valkyr skill can offer, and super good if compare to valkyr's. She is a ferocious melee killing machine that unkillable when you have energy. Don't turn her into Jack of all trades, master of none like Oberon. Don't like her God mode? Don't mod for hysteria. No one say anything about tonkor, which is more ridiculous than her. Just leave her alone. She suffered enough already.

P/s tell me when someone call for a CC valkyr into high level mission. That's just a joke.

P/s 2: every frame is useless w/o energy. p/s 3: chroma is way more op in my opinion, when you can have 800% x damage / defense with fully modded, and he is limited to none weapon.

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In case if you does not know, most of frames basically has God-mode on their own. You pick valkyr because they does not slap you right in the face like valkyr's does. Need me list them for u?

Mirage - full blind, hall+ eclipse for damage.

Excalibur - full blind,

Vauban - super CC,throw ball and eat pizza.

Chroma - super tanky, super boost for weapon damage, limited to none weapon.

Trinity - 99% + reduction + unlimited energy

Frost - Globe + avalanche

Nyx - absorb and chaos

Rhino - free hp + stomp

Ember - augment for her aoe and WoF.

And more..

All those frame , as long as they have energy to use those skills, they basically in God-mode. Energy is not an issue here, those can pick up blue orb, why the heck valkyr can't. Some of those can even use pizza while in God-mode. So leave her alone.

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In case if you does not know, most of frames basically has God-mode on their own. You pick valkyr because they does not slap you right in the face like valkyr's does. Need me list them for u?

Mirage - full blind, hall+ eclipse for damage.

Excalibur - full blind,

Vauban - super CC,throw ball and eat pizza.

Chroma - super tanky, super boost for weapon damage, limited to none weapon.

Trinity - 99% + reduction + unlimited energy

Frost - Globe + avalanche

Nyx - absorb and chaos

Rhino - free hp + stomp

Ember - augment for her aoe and WoF.

And more..

All those frame , as long as they have energy to use those skills, they basically in God-mode. Energy is not an issue here, those can pick up blue orb, why the heck valkyr can't. Some of those can even use pizza while in God-mode. So leave her alone.

Yeah and all those frames are problematic and broken as hell.

You're not making any point by using broken frames to cover up another broken frame.

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Jesus. Everytime I read a new page of this. It continues to grow. I won't be joining in for long, but humor me for a bit. Let's say we drop the godmode on valk. Huzzah. She is no longer super op. Now what reason do you ever have to bring Valk anywhere? No seriously. For her tankyness? Well Trin, Chroma, Wukong and sometimes beetle boy himself Rhino can tank just as well and can use every weapon. Will it be for damage? Well replace Trin with excal and prop our girl Mirage will all out damage her, and not even break a sweat. Valk will legit become a useless frame. Even with a rework. What niche would a berserker have that someone like Chroma doesn't already? Will we give her Chroma's abilities and rework dragon boy? Seems like a vicious cycle and Valk would still end up being labelled as op because now she is the new Chroma. On a side note. I see alot of ppl saying that her being able to one shot at high lvls (80+) is bad considering she is invincible. I am sorry did I miss the fact that the Boltor Prime has been doing that for a while now, or any wep on Chroma/Mirage? I am not against giving Valk a rework, but no matter how I look at it. She would just end up being completely trash tier or replace one of the current op frames. Only to be asked to be nerfed again.

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Yeah and all those frames are problematic and broken as hell.

You're not making any point by using broken frames to cover up another broken frame.

So you're saying anything that isn't limbo or oberon is broken as hell? Does that mean everything is OP? Wow, i think this game isn't your type of flavour man.

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Yeah and all those frames are problematic and broken as hell.

You're not making any point by using broken frames to cover up another broken frame.

Tell me any frames that's not broken in wf? It's just about broken bad, or broken good. Saying those frames broken to cover up your thing is like saying wf is broken because of CC. Tell me one frame and I will tell you how that frame can achieve God-mode. The problem here is what sacrifice you have to pay to achieve God-mode, some pay much, some pay less, some pay none.
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So you're saying anything that isn't limbo or oberon is broken as hell? Does that mean everything is OP? Wow, i think this game isn't your type of flavour man.

Even limbo and Oberon can achieve God mode.

With Oberon use self damage weapon + equilibrium mod + spam reckoning = God-mode. But the cost is not worth it.

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Even limbo and Oberon can achieve God mode.

With Oberon use self damage weapon + equilibrium mod + spam reckoning = God-mode. But the cost is not worth it.

Sorry man, i'm not a fan of overusing synonyms like "OP". And i'm also not a fan of using the word "god mode" at completely wrong places. This is a seriously exaggerated example to call "god mode". Please stay logical at least.

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Tell me any frames that's not broken in wf? It's just about broken bad, or broken good. Saying those frames broken to cover up your thing is like saying wf is broken because of CC. Tell me one frame and I will tell you how that frame can achieve God-mode. The problem here is what sacrifice you have to pay to achieve God-mode, some pay much, some pay less, some pay none.

Frames that make enemies to be nothing more than target practice are badly broken.

This include both CC and invulnerablity.

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Sorry man, i'm not a fan of overusing synonyms like "OP". And i'm also not a fan of using the word "god mode" at completely wrong places. This is a seriously exaggerated example to call "god mode". Please stay logical at least.

God-mode = unkillable while still deal massive damage. If it's not like that, then hysteria is not even sure to be called God-mode. I'm not exaggerating anything, I just point out what people called God-mode on Valkyr CAN be achieved on any frames. They just don't like it when their kill is lower than another valkyr player, and start to picking up on her.

Frames that make enemies to be nothing more than target practice are badly broken.

This include both CC and invulnerablity.

Tell me one of your list. Just one.
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God-mode = unkillable while still deal massive damage. If it's not like that, then hysteria is not even sure to be called God-mode. I'm not exaggerating anything, I just point out what people called God-mode on Valkyr CAN be achieved on any frames. They just don't like it when their kill is lower than another valkyr player, and start to picking up on her.

Tell me one of your list. Just one.

I understand you, just saying that the oberon example was pretty bad.

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God-mode = unkillable while still deal massive damage. If it's not like that, then hysteria is not even sure to be called God-mode. I'm not exaggerating anything, I just point out what people called God-mode on Valkyr CAN be achieved on any frames. They just don't like it when their kill is lower than another valkyr player, and start to picking up on her.

Tell me one of your list. Just one.

Atlas and Saryn.

Hmm looking at that, I wonder what was people at DE thinking when they balance the game.

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Saryn = melee build with max strength hp+ shield + life strike + keep using molt.

Atlas = call golem - use wall to block one side -> spam 1 on the other side till they all dead. Repeat till whole room dead.

The problem here is the cost you understand? The cost to achieve God-mode on atlas and saryn is not worth the effort, and some even worse when try to play in God-mode. Hysteria is valkyr's survival, take the invincible away, you have melee version of Excalibur. damage mitigation? Well no ty, since I doing over 60 min enemy can already kill me in 2 sec.

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