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Valkyr Is Ridiculously Op - Lvl 200+


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Saryn = melee build with max strength hp+ shield + life strike + keep using molt.

Atlas = call golem - use wall to block one side -> spam 1 on the other side till they all dead. Repeat till whole room dead.

The problem here is the cost you understand? The cost to achieve God-mode on atlas and saryn is not worth the effort, and some even worse when try to play in God-mode. Hysteria is valkyr's survival, take the invincible away, you have melee version of Excalibur. damage mitigation? Well no ty, since I doing over 60 min enemy can already kill me in 2 sec.

Do you aware that your build will stop the moment your enemy can one shot or CC you, which would be around lvl 80-100 right?

You call those build "god mode", yet you complain IF Valkyr a frame that has around 10 times more armor than Saryn and built in 1 hit full hp life steal get damage mitigration will be ruined. Do you even know the concept of "ehp"?

Well, atlas got god mode as long as he is punching so....

Try punching a nullifier.

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1. We have mag pull

2. Nova slow. Besides armor are nothing when you face level 150 mob.

3. Radical blind.

4. 90 % damage reduction are nothing when you face level 150 mob. Speed is not needed when her base sprint is already good. Hysteria rely on critical to deal massive damage, 300 plus is just another number that pop up. That stored damage is for punishing player when they get into nulifier bubble. If not you can still bullet jump out fast enough to run away. Invincible is her unique, without it she is just worse version of Excalibur. When I playing her, I have to check my energy because the higher enemy the less they drop blue orb, and I already have to be aware of nulifier bubble or I may run into one. When you talk about it, think for a second, why play a melee locked frame w/o invincible while you can use another which is better because he can ejaculate waves from afar and can clear room better? Just think about it for a second.


If you're going to reply to me after like 8 days, please actually think about what you just typed before posting it. It is extremely laughable when people do what you just did(e.g. "nova slow, mag pull") because that can be said for nearly every Warframe.


Do you have any valid reason to disagree with those various improvements to Valkyr's current abilities? I'm asking because it looks like you're just kneejerk whining at me for saying invulnerability needs to be removed, regardless of what other improvements she gets. If you were experienced, you'd know that Valkyr would perform perfectly without it if she received those changes. Think about it.

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Do you aware that your build will stop the moment your enemy can one shot or CC you, which would be around lvl 80-100 right?

You call those build "god mode", yet you complain IF Valkyr a frame that has around 10 times more armor than Saryn and built in 1 hit full hp life steal get damage mitigration will be ruined. Do you even know the concept of "ehp"?

Try punching a nullifier.

That why I'm saying some frames are bad when trying to achieve God-mode. Nulifier is everyone problem. And with saryn? Did I forget to mention non stop using molt? At level 80-100, all of broken frames you said before will be one shoted if they do not use their skill, so it go for valkyr. Trying to justify some frames because other can't do good as their intended design is just plain ignorance.
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If you're going to reply to me after like 8 days, please actually think about what you just typed before posting it. It is extremely laughable when people do what you just did(e.g. "nova slow, mag pull") because that can be said for nearly every Warframe.

Do you have any valid reason to disagree with those various improvements to Valkyr's current abilities? I'm asking because it looks like you're just kneejerk whining at me for saying invulnerability needs to be removed, regardless of what other improvements she gets. If you were experienced, you'd know that Valkyr would perform perfectly without it if she received those changes. Think about it.

So her straight invulnerable is removed, do you think what will become of her? Another Oberon? Or full rework? She perform perfectly as long as she has energy to spam 2, and every frames perfectly as long as they have energy to spam their ability. So you want her straight up from a melee to a caster who will scream every 20 second? Nice idea, but she is already with warcry build.
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Pick a weapon like furis or soma with you and shoot the bubble open. Worked like a charm for me in high level sorties. Also last time i checked i couldn't easily punch a nullifier as valkyr too, i had to shrink it first.

The moment to stop land sliding to shoot nullifier you die.

Valkyr just need to stand outside hitting the thing until it shrink.

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The moment to stop land sliding to shoot nullifier you die.

Valkyr just need to stand outside hitting the thing until it shrink.

Punch enemies and always give some short bursts into the nullifier bubble. You will be shrinking it while still being invincible. And nullifier is a broken enemy anyway and not available to infested or grineer.

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So her straight invulnerable is removed, do you think what will become of her? Another Oberon? Or full rework? She perform perfectly as long as she has energy to spam 2, and every frames perfectly as long as they have energy to spam their ability. So you want her straight up from a melee to a caster who will scream every 20 second? Nice idea, but she is already with warcry build.

A berserker who actually has to do something to stay alive.

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So her straight invulnerable is removed, do you think what will become of her? Another Oberon? Or full rework? She perform perfectly as long as she has energy to spam 2, and every frames perfectly as long as they have energy to spam their ability. So you want her straight up from a melee to a caster who will scream every 20 second? Nice idea, but she is already with warcry build.





Edited by EmptyDevil
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Strength and duration mods + eternal war + life strike + galatine or whatever high crit high damage melee we have = "remove invincibility and give reduction/+armor" crowd.


Nullifiers = stupid enemy beyond reason.


Grineer = high as sin armor to the point corrosive procs don't guarantee fast kills and energy drains out


Infested = multiple spawning ancient healers, charger eximus with stupid high armor (single and double digit damage), and they stop dropping energy as well.


So what's the issue?

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Then she's fine because that's already the case, she has to kill to get energy drops for hysteria.

This would be legit if enery restore doesn't exist.

Or Trinity

Or the fact that her energy drain is so low that you can turn on hysteria, alt-tabe, watch a Youtube video, go back and start killing to get energy drop and you still have time to spare. 

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Lol, sorry but no, just, just no. You cannot just move the goalposts and start to bring in outside factors just because the other arguments have floundered against the rocks of reason.

Firstly she cannot use energy pads whilst in hysteria. So once you get to the point that your damage falls off to much to replenish through drops, you die. Or you could run away, hope to find a safe room, hope there are no enemies around when hysteria drops, hope you don't get one shotted while standing on the pad. All the while life support us dwindling or pods getting wrecked etc. and of course it still does no good because at that point you are just a toothless turtle, all shell and no bite. If that's your definition of OP you need a better dictionary.

As for Trinity, words are starting to fail me at this point. Seriously? If you have to start adding Trin into the mix to try and prove another frame is op then the debate bs already over imho. What frame doesn't become godlike with Trin on the team? There is currently a thread on here where a team just went over 7 hours into survival with a Trin, no Valk in sight, funny that.

In all honestly this is getting ridiculous now, having to keep twisting the parameters in order to still unsuccessfully try to prove an argument really just proves there is really no argument to be had.

Inb4 lock

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Dude we all know she is OP, i play her in nearly any mission and feel like i am playing with god mode turned on. I feel she is the frame that you use in missions when you want to cheat, there are a few frames that are just plain cheating frames and but most of them require you to build them in a certain way to achieve cheat mode, but with Valkyr you can start from the beginning.

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Lol, sorry but no, just, just no. You cannot just move the goalposts and start to bring in outside factors just because the other arguments have floundered against the rocks of reason.

Firstly she cannot use energy pads whilst in hysteria. So once you get to the point that your damage falls off to much to replenish through drops, you die. Or you could run away, hope to find a safe room, hope there are no enemies around when hysteria drops, hope you don't get one shotted while standing on the pad. All the while life support us dwindling or pods getting wrecked etc. and of course it still does no good because at that point you are just a toothless turtle, all shell and no bite. If that's your definition of OP you need a better dictionary.

As for Trinity, words are starting to fail me at this point. Seriously? If you have to start adding Trin into the mix to try and prove another frame is op then the debate bs already over imho. What frame doesn't become godlike with Trin on the team? There is currently a thread on here where a team just went over 7 hours into survival with a Trin, no Valk in sight, funny that.

In all honestly this is getting ridiculous now, having to keep twisting the parameters in order to still unsuccessfully try to prove an argument really just proves there is really no argument to be had.

Inb4 lock

No outside factor? Fine, use Rage, calculate the damage needed to refill your energy without killing you (The range would be big mind you). Turn Hysteria off when the damage counter is in the calculated range, enjoy your immortality.

Edited by ClinkzEastwood
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No outside factor? Fine, use Rage, calculate the damage needed to refill your energy without killing you (The range would be big mind you). Turn Hysteria off when the damage counter is in the calculated range, enjoy your immortality.

Rage on wukong = immortality.

Rage on regent molt saryn= immortality. Well need more?

Atlas + rage = immortality

Oberon + rage = immortality.

You such a noob.

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Lol, yes they can, atlas can petrify them then proceed to kill one bye one, same for Excalibur with rage build, saryn can take some hit then use molt like never ended, Oberon take some hit then use reckoning like never ended. You should think before reply. First you bring out rage build on valkyr, then I talk about wukong with rage build, you accept that. Lol. Where your stand kid? You just like a 6 years old kid need his mom to clean up himself.

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