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[Warframe Concept] Nullus - The Nullifier Frame (Update 01.02.16)


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Hello forum.
This is my concept about the nullifier warframe. Please leave a feedback of you like it or not and how to improve, having 300+ views and only one feedback is confusing.

Origin of the name: Latin word for "no" or "nothing". Nullify mean to "legally cancel"; lose its value or effectiveness. "to turn something into void and nothing".





Flexible, originally CC (Crowd Control), debuffing and stealth. Can be modded to an offensive tank with the use of augments (See "Abilities" and "Augments").

About the warframe:
Nullus uses his powers to manipulate the enemy by decreasing their shield and armor, limiting their movement and stun them in place. Nullus can also adapt to his surrounding with the use of augment mod.


Health: 75
Armor: 150
Energy: 150
Shield: 175
Sprint Speed: 1.1
Aura Polarity: - (dash)
Other Polarities: D and -
Nullus is a warframe who rely on his shield and abilities to survive in the battlefield.


Nullus is immune to eximus passive effects, as well as nullifier's, comba's and scrumbuse's ability to nullify warframe abilities.

Ability 1: Shock Wave (25 energy)
Nullus sends a wave of energy in from of him in a cone shape that give magnetic proc to Corpus, corrosive proc to Grineer and fire proc to Infested, the status duration is 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 seconds. Enemies who hit by the wave freeze in their movement pose like time has stopped, and open to finishers for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 seconds.
- The wave length is 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 meters and affected by range mods.
- Status duration is affected by duration mods.
- Freeze duration is affected by duration mods.

Ability 2: Denial (50 energy)
By tapping 2, Nullus places a post in from of him that sends pulses in 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 meters. Holding 2 will switch between two modes:
1 - Radar. The pulses show on the map all the enemies in range of the post. Delay of 0.5 second between each pulse.
2 - Force. The pulses push enemies away by 2 meters. Delay of 2 seconds between each pulse.
- Radar mode doesn't send pulses; enemies in range will always be seen on the map.
- Range is affected by range mods.
- Delay between pulses is affected by duration mods.
- The distance which enemies are pushed is affected by strength mods.
- The post has 100 / 200/ 300 / 400 health and shield.
- Can have up to 4 posts active at once.
- Enemies will see the post as a bigger threat if alerted and will try to destroy it, meaning is can be used as a decoy.
- Doesn't stagger enemies.
- Effected areas are marked in the map.
- Force mode alerts enemies while Radar mode don't.
- Switching between Radar and Force modes affect already placed post.

Ability 3: Disturbance (50 energy)
Nullus surround himself with a magnetic aura with a 2 / 5 / 7 / 10 meters range for 10 / 15 / 20 / 30 seconds. Enemies who enter the aura are slowed by 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% and receive a magnetic status effect. While Disturbance is active, Nullus can damages nullifier's bubbles.
- Can be toggle on and off.
- Aura range is affected by range mods.
- Slowness effect is affected by strength mods.
- Alerts enemies.
- 2.0 seconds casting time.

Ability 4: Combat Tech (25 energy to cast + 3 energy per second)
Nullus pulls out his dual batons. Combat Tech has its own unique dual sword stance which deals 25 / 50 / 75 / 125 base damage. Nullus sends with each hit an energy ball in the direction he hit, dealing the same amount of damage and have 50% chance to deal electricity status effect and explode on impact with surfaces, dealing the same amount of damage in a range of 2 meters. When blocking, Nullus creates a wide energy shield in front of him that can cover nearby allies.
- Can be toggled off by pressing 4 again.
- Combat Tech's energy balls have the same punch through as Excalibur's Exalted Blade.
- Have 600% more finisher damage.
- Effected by equipped melee weapon's mods.
- Damage is affected by strength mods.
- Explosions radius is affected by range mods.
- Blocking prevent any damage coming from the front, but not from the back.
- Blocking forces Nullus to walk (can't sprint while blocking).
- Energy balls range is 20 meters and doesn't affect by range mods.

Abilities combinations effects:
When activating Combat Tech while Disturbance is active, Nullus is enter "Energy Demon" mode for the duration of Disturbance (if for example Disturbance have 30 duration and I activated Combat Tech at 20 seconds, the duration will reset to 30 seconds). While in Energy Demon mode:
+ Nullus is 60% harder to detect.
+ All effects from Disturbance are disabled.
+ Keep all the effects from Combat Tech except the energy balls.
+ If in the range of a post from the Denial ability, Nullus is completely invisible.
+ Can be deactivated by pressing 4, causes both Disturbance and Combat Tech to toggle off.

Gameplay Styles and Augments:

This is where Nullus gets interesting. With the use of augments, Nullus can change his entire gameplay style, making him fit for any player, team and mission. Nullus's stats are meant to be balanced between gameplay styles so people can alternate and play with the same warframe but with an entirely different gameplay style at will.
Nullus is built in a way that players will have at least one free mod slot for an augment they want (if they want).

Finding the right Balance:

There are many approaches in the game for how to survive in a mission. Some warframes absorbing the damage with high amount of armor ("Tank"), some prefer to stay farther away and shoot from long range ("Glass Cannon"), and there are many more styles. With Nullus, I have decided to focus on 3 approaches to survivability: Tank, Stealth and Enemy Manipulation (destructing the enemies, blinding, etc.).
Without the use of augments, Nullus's approaches to survivability are Stealth and Enemy Manipulation. With the use of augments, Nullus can be more durable (Tank) but with the cost of his Stealth. The more durable Nullus gets, the less stealthy he is.

There are many different ways to kill enemies in the game, from dealing high damage, through defense to support. Nullus, without any augment, is focused around CC (Crowd Control) and Support. With the use of augments, Nullus can deal more damage with his abilities, but with the cost of some CC and some Support. The more offensive Nullus gets, the less control he have on the enemies.



Nullus's augment mods work like corrupted mods, you gain stats on one element with the cost of another element.

1 – Inner Shock (Shock Wave augment).
Enemies who hit by Shock Wave take 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 damage directly to health (ignore shield and armor). Reduce freeze duration by 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 seconds.

2 – Tactical Denial (Denial augment).
In Radar mode, the post will make unalerting noises to attract enemies to it. In Force mode, enemies take 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 electric damage with each pulse. Increase the delay between pulses by 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 seconds.

3 – Charged Disturbance (Disturbance augment)
Nullus ignore 10% / 25% / 40% / 65% of the damage he gets, charging it. When the duration is over or the ability being deactivate, Nullus explode, dealing the amount of damage he charged as magnetic damage to enemies in a radius of 10 meters. Reduce aura range by 30% / 50% / 70% / 90%.
- Doesn't scale with strength and range mods.

4 – War Tech (Combat Tech augment).
Increase damage by 10% / 20% / 35% / 50%. Reduce energy balls range by 10% / 20% / 30% / 50%.
- Finisher damage bonus is calculated after this mod.
- While in Energy Demon mode: Nullus increases his sprint speed by 5% / 10% / 20% / 30% but don't get the bonus invisibility from being in the range of a Denial post.


I can't draw good enough, but I can model in a 3D program.


First Information:
The warframe Nullus was invented by the Orokin in order to counter and understand the Sentients, but failed in his mission. As the time pass, Nullus got a new chance to prove himself by studying nullifier's technology, and later on combas and scrumbuses. Until this time, Nullus was considered as a failure and weak.


Quest: Second Chance (Second Dream spoilers ahead!).

The Second Chance quest is a little story about an event that took place after the Second Dream events.  In order to start this quest, player will have to complete the Second Dream questline first.

Starting the quest:
To start the quest,  people will need to complete a capture on Europa. The received data from the captive reveals that there are missing schematics about advanced nullifier technology that haven't been test yet. The data also reveal that the thief have been identified as a tenno according to evidences on the crime scene ("Who else can get into a vault so easily and don't leave a sign if not the Tenno?"). The Corpus are trying to track the thief down, but with no luck.

Part 1, Europa - Spy:
Lotus says that she didn't know about the robbery and ask you to gather more data about it. Lotus sends you to the vault that has been mentioned before. As the mission progress, more data is been revealed about the robbery, including: another vault that have been emptied from its content just a few days ago, damaged cameras and security devices in both vaults and a footage of the thief in action in the second vault which been taken by a security camera just before turning off. Player will now head to extraction.

Part 2, Relay – Cephalon Simaris:
Neither Lotus or Ordis can confirm the identity of the thief from the footage because it's too blurry, but Cephalon Simaris offers his help. Simaris claim that he can clear the footage and by that identify the thief, but he asks something in exchange: Simaris want Lotus to share with him every stolen intel the thief stole and anything he learned from it (you don't get everyday a piece of nullifying technology). After a little debate with Lotus, Lotus agrees to Simaris's offer. The players will now need to talk to Cephalon Simaris at the relay in order to give him the footage. Cephalon Simaris reveal that the thief is in fact a tenno and he seems familiar to Lotus but can't remember from where. While Lotus is mad that a tenno is working secretly with nullifying technology and disappears from her radar (which is a first), Simaris fails to track the thief as well. Luckily enough, Simaris receive fresh news about a third vault that has been emptied from its content just a minute ago (no one sure how he got this information, Simaris refuse to tell).

Prat 3, Jupiter – Tracking:
In a hurry, Lotus sends you to the vault where he seen, hoping the thief didn't get far enough and catch him. Without the ability to see him on the radar, the players will now need to use signs in the environment in order to track down the target. Signs will be alerted / dead enemies, broken equipment and footprints. Following this trail will lead the players to the target. The player will find the thief on his way to extraction, but he manages to run away. Lotus now remember who this warframe from the quick view on him and identify him as Nullus. Still unable to track him and without a clue where he's heading, Lotus sends the players to the vault he just rob, hoping to find something he might have left and can lead them to him (The players are not extracting yet). On the way, Lotus tells the backstory of Nullus (see First Information).
When getting to the vault, the players see that the vault is crowded by investigators and guards because the robbery is still fresh. In a corner on the floor, there is a strange device that doesn't seem built by the Corpus; it doesn't seem like any of the presence corpus found it yet. Taking a risk that it might not be what they have been looking for, Lotus and Simaris tell the players to take it and bring it to Simaris. If any enemy see the players with the device, Lotus tell the players to exterminate everyone so now one will know they took evidence from the crime scene. The players will now head to extraction.

Part 4: Relay – Cephalon Simaris:
The players go to Simaris so he can check the device out. After checking, Simaris tells that it is a compact radar made by the Tenno, but an advanced one that he didn't see before. After farther research, Simaris manages to understand how it's working: it is remotely controlled by Nullus alone using a specific frequency, too simple to be true. Simaris know that there is more to it but he can't find it yet. From understanding how it's working, Simaris modify the radar so it will use the same frequency to track Nullus ("If it works from one way, it will work from the other way too"). It seems that the modification works and Nullus is heading to the Moon, but still can't tell his exact location, Lotus sends the players with the modify radar to the Moon.

Part 5, Moon – Salvage:
The players arrive to the Moon, they will now need to carry the radar with one hand in order to locate Nullus. The radar will glow bright when getting closer and less when getting farther (hot and cold game). The players will reach a room with a dead body in the middle, its Nullus and he surrounded by thousands bodies that look like sentients. Lotus tells the players to investigate, but when reaching a distance of 10 meters, all players in range nullify from their abilities (to keep with the theme and to reveal invisible players). As soon it's happen, Sentients appear and attack the players. The players need to defeat the Sentients in order to continue, Nullus's body is acting as an unbreakable nullifier bubble. After defeating the Sentients, Lotus will tell the players to attach the radar to Nullus and carry his body to extraction. The player who carry the body is limited to use only his secondary weapon (he's too limited in his movement to swing good enough to melee) and unable to use his abilities as the nullifying effect is still on. On the way to extraction, Simaris interested in having Nullus's body instead of the intel he have, but Lotus refuse as the deal was sharing the intel and not a dead body.

Ending, Aircraft:
While investigating Nullus's body, Lotus finds a log Nullus wrote:

"Long lost enemies are back. It is time to finish my old mission.
It is not going to be easy, I learned my lesson, I can't fail this time. I need to be prepared. I can't tell Lotus, she will say it's too dangerous, but I got to try, not for her but for me, this is the time to prove I can do what I meant to do from the beginning."

"It wasn't easy. I stole some schematics from a vault on Europa; it's about nullifying technology that I hope can help me with my quest. I'm more then surprised that my trick to disappear from Lotus's eyes worked, if I can disappear from her, I can disappear from my enemies."

"Broke into another vault, this time it seems like they were expecting me. More defenses and heavier security than usual, but I still managed to break in and take what I need. This time it was some kind of gadget that suppose give the ability to see what inside stuff. Doctors use it for surgeries in order to give them a better look before starting the surgery.  It doesn't seem to work when I try to see what inside my enemies. I guess it needs some fixes and modifications."

"Got my stuff organized, now I can see whatever inside my enemies, I can finely know how they work and how they behave. I know how they think and why they do what they do. Watching them all this time and killing a few enemies wasn't easy and I learned everything there is to know about them, but this is just the first part of my mission."

"I was followed by other tenno back on Jupiter; I think they know about my actions, but it doesn't matter because I'm just one step away from completing my mission and until they will get here I'll already finish it. Getting whatever information left from Alad V's Zanuka Project was a good idea. I couldn't just take everything for my selfish goal after how he helped the Tenno, so I just copied and left everything intact. I can now work with the information I have on my enemies to complete my mission. I found out that the way my enemies defend themselves is very similar to the nullifiers I used to fight, it's _________ (missing text). The Corpus use it offensively, my enemies use it for defense, but I can balance it with much greater power"

"My mission is complete. My work was paid off as I killed countless sentients with no problem.  I can finely cleanse the enemy as I was meant too. My second chance was successful. It's time to tell Lotus and fight back before it's too late."

Lotus then say that Simaris manage to recover only some of the intel Nullus had, but he managed to work with what he had and created mods. No one knows what happen to the intel about the Sentients, it seems like it's gone, the Sentients might have knew about it, ambushed Nullus and deleted his knowledge about them, explaining his death.
The quest is now complete.
The players will get Nullus's main blueprint as a reward alongside with an orokin reactor. Players will be able to buy Nullus's augment mods from Cephalon Simaris.

Fun bonus information:

-  Nullus's augment mods supposed to resemble sentient's ability to adjust themselves to any type of damage and situation, but they're far from that because of the missing information from Nullus's log.
- Nullus disappeared from the radar using Disturbance (ability 3). The radar found at the vault in Jupiter is from Denial (ability 2).
- How did the Sentients found Nullus? Nobody can kill so many without anyone notice…
- How did the Sentients killed Nullus despite the fact he can kill them easily? You probably noticed that when fighting sentients they resist your attacks but still get hurt. Nullus copied this ability, and just like the sentients he still gets hurt even when he resists it. Include the fact that he was still injured from a previous battel with them. According to his log, he fought hundreds and won with ease. If Nullus had the time to write it in his log that mean that he died on another battel.


Abilities Adjustments:

1 – Shock Wave deal electricity proc. Reduce both status duration and freeze duration by 50%. Don't open to finishers.

2 – The number of posts that can be placed by Denial is reduced to a maximum of 2 posts at once.

3 – Disturbance works as a nullifier bubble now, nullifying opponent of their abilities. Aura range is reduced by 20%. Any other effect that this ability has on PVE isn't working in conclave.

4 – Combat Tech deal 50% less damage.
- Energy Demon mode keeps its bonuses.


Conclave augments are not corrupted like the regular augments because only Lotus and Cephalon Simaris have the access to the technology that created them. Teshin don't know anything about it.

1 – Forced Wave (Shock Wave conclave augment).
Opponents who hit by Shock Wave are pushed backwards by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 meters.

2 – Combustion Trap (Denial conclave augment).
A Denial post explode when dies, dealing 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 blast damage in a range of 3 meters.

3 – Blind Disturbance (Disturbance conclave augment).
Opponents who enter the aura have 5% / 10% / 20% / 30% to get blind.

4 – Rage Tech (Combat Tech conclave augment).
Defending store 20% of the damage, increase the size of the energy balls. The next energy balls reduce their size with use until gets back to the regular size.
- Energy Demon increases its speed instead and reduce with the duration.

Still to come:
- Nullus's parts drop location.
- 3D art fixes (hopefully).
- Possible animations (I encountered a bug with the rigging in my program so it will take some time).
- Possible tweaks for the abilities and the lore.


(+) 25.01.2016 – Added Lore, added name, tweaks for Shocking Wave (ability 1) and Disturbance (ability 3), tweaks for Disturbance augment mod.
(+) 28.01.2016 – Added conclave adjustments.
(+) 01.02.2016 – Tweaks to the lore because of a conflict with the Shadow Debt event, tweaks to Combo Tech (ability 4) to prioritize CC over damage, added first dual batons "art".

That’s it for this concept, hope you like it. Please leave a feedback and tell me about any misspelling.

Edited by CommanderSpawn
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Overall I like the idea, but it doesn't seem that balanced yet.


A comprehensive breakdown of my opinion of your Warframe:

Stats: His stats are good, a high armor energy frame...



Passive) Nice, however, it could be put to use in other ways, see my breakdown of ability 3 for reasons...

Change it to Insulated Systems: Is immune to all energy draining and/or ability nullifying effects.


1) This ability seems too strong to me. A flat 85% reduction to shields, regardless of the amount of shields is a perhaps a bit much. Also, Magnetic Proc reduces Maximum Shields already, so instead of using your own values it may be easier as well as easier to balance, if the Shockwave applied 5 stacks of Magnetic Proc instead.

Again, a 65% armor reduction feels like t might be a bit much. It is also the realm of Corrosive Proc, while your Warframe "feels" like it should be focused on Magnetic Damage. Possibly make it not reduce Armor at all and instead replace your Augment Mod with that. The staggering and open to finishers is good.


See Inner Shock:


2) I like this. By not having an attraction mode you avoid stepping on Vauban's boots and it is something that would be nice.

Radar mode could, instead of being constant, reveal enemies on pulse, thus synergizing better with the Augment Mod.


3) It's good, although it's slow effect bears a strong resemblance to Frost's Snow Globe. Perhaps you could replace the Slow with an intermittent repel and stagger, thus staying in keeping with the other abilities?

While I personally feel that these guys, combas and scrumbus, are a ridiculous artifact of persistent power creep, adding a specific counter is not likely to solve the issue, only make it worse. I would recommend replacing his passive with this.


4) Energy Sword (Exalted Blade) and Energy Bow (Artemis Bow)... Your idea is certainly in keeping with the current styling. Not my faverite, but that's just personal likes and dislikes...


Augment Mods:

Inner Shock would become Corrosive Magnetism; Apply 1/2/3/5 Stacks of Corrosive Proc, Deal 30/50/70/100 Toxic Damage, Reduce Stagger Duration 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds. See Abilities 1) for my reasons.


Electric Denial is good.


Charged Disturbance seems VERY strong. 85% Damage Mitigation is HUGE, especially at higher levels. Maybe just dial it down a bit. As far as I am aware, no damage mitigation ability ever exceeds 25%...


War Tech seems fine.


I hope this information is useful to you.

Thank you for your feedback.


about your ideas:


Passive: I will consider changing to what you suggest. I had something small in mind and not too overpowered or related to a spesific type of enemy.


Ability 1: Mag's 2nd can kill, this is why I thought about reducing less shield. The armor is so he won't be limited to conter good a faction but not others. I'll think of something with this ability and it's augment. Originally it was ment to be a weaker versoin of Mag's ability with Banshee's Sonic Fructure (augment). I also thought the augment, Inner Shock, is a little OP but I didn't want it to be too similar to Banshee's 1st because the augment suppose to be offensive while the ability not.


Ability 2: This is the funny part, I had a long descation with a friend of mine on this ability and spesificly Radar mode :D. Originally it worked as you suggested, with pulses, but then we were afraid that people won't use this feature because all it do is showing enemies on the map every two seconds. Ignore the stealth bonus of Combat Tech for now. This is not so usefull if thats the case. True, it can be a good decoy, but it die too fast and don't do much else. This is why showing any time was the better choise.

Even funnier, I had only Force mode at the beginig, but I scared that pushing the enemies while you're trying to be sneaky (Energy Demon) will alert them and will make you fail a spy vault or something, this is how Radar mode came along.


3. Originally it just gave magnetic proc when enetering the aura, but Null-Frame already have Shock Wave which do basicly the same. I was looking for an element in CC to keep the theme of a nullifier to add to this ability, slowing was my best choise. Stagger was my next choise but it sounded too OP because I can just walk to enemies and melee them like they're nothing. Repeling sound interesting, but it don't fit if you want to melee as enemies will repel away when you get close. There got to be a way to do it better, I'll think of something. It's augment can use some tweaks.


4. Not much to talk about because we're in the same boat. Combat Tech is the only offensive ability Null-Frame have. If you watched Legent of Korra, this ability is based on the guy from the first season who also use an electrify dual batons, and if you saw how he fight with it he mostly stagger and nullify rather then dameging. Energy Demon mode was something I came up with when I saw a drawing of how a fusion of Mewtwo and Missingno from Pokemon will look like. The more you know ;)


Augments overwhole:

Most augment mods today are more like an upgrade rather then changing the ablities. This time I thought that using an augment will actaully change the ability, and therefore change the gameplay style. The augments suppose to give an answer for players who favor a different style of gameplay. If you think about it for a second, you can see the potential and the flexibility it give as an augment: I can change elements in gameplay at will, because it's a mod I don't even have to max the augment to make it good, I can just leave it unranked or any other rank and have some of this and some of that. You can't have too much of anything, but you can balance it any way you want and any time you want.

Fun fact, Null-Frame's augments have a part in the lore I'm planning :D.

Edited by CommanderSpawn
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If you made the pulses much closer together for the Radar Mode, so that the enemies are 'pinged' every 0.5 or 1 second instead of every 2. Also, the player is able to decide on whether they are interested in being stealthy or not. If they've gone for the augment then they probably aren't that interested in it or think that they can place the post elsewhere to prevent collisions.

Maybe allow it to be placed while wall-latched, placing it on the surface you are latched onto? This would allow its placement on walls or even the ceiling, giving players a wider variety of ways to use it.



Once again, you are absolutely correct about not wanting to alert the enemies, however, each attacks 'Alarming Status' is coded individually, so the aura could easily be made non-alarming, even if it were to deal Blast-Procs.

Stagger does not inherently make the target vulnerable to finisher attacks, so a short stagger on entering could still work, as it would only give you time for 1 or 2 swings.

You are correct that repelling enemies in the field would stop you from engaging them in melee combat, it would also serve to push hem out of the field itself, possibly reducing its usefulness.

In this event I would recommend Damage Propagation be added to the Aura. Those effected by the Aura get Damage Received +2.5/5/7.5/10%. It's very much in keeping with the theme and isn't used much in Warframe yet.




I have no idea what the Lore you are planning is, especially since it include Corrupted Augments, however, because of the Nullifier Crewmen I suspect that it might be a Corpus Experiment.

If that is the case then I have a few naming suggestions, most Corpus names are Latin: Infirmare (weaken), Statera (Balance), Nulla (zero).

You can basically throw single, theme appropriate words into google translate to find a good name for a Corpus invention.


If my guess is wrong then I'll simply have to wait and see.

1. might wrok. I also thought about the idea of placing the posts on wall while wall-latching, but I sacered the people will place them in places enemies can't get and abuse it. I have a cool idea for those animations: the posts are actaully the dual batons he have and he carry them on his for-arms, allowing a fast holstering for both Denial and Combat Tech. Unfortunatlly, I have some bugs with the rigging and I can't animate as I planed...

I also have a better idea for this ability which I'll update with the lore.


2. There are 101 way to do it, just need to find the right one. I have a basic idea for this ability, and it plays a big parts in the lore, I just want to make it best as I can.


3. You now started the quest :D. Unfortunatly, it's not the way you think. Corpus experiment? We have Valkyr for this job. It's a side story for the events after the Second Dream. You will get the main blueprint from the quest I'm planning, not sure about the parts yet, the augments you will get from Cephalon Simaris. How he got those? Now I can only say that he "won" it.

I'll give you a clue what the augments actaully are, just for fun untill I'll update the lore. Try to think about Null-Frame's kind of unique augment system. The augments are corrupted, but not the way you think. The augments system resumble an enemy, a strong one. Which one is it?

It's probably doesn't tell you a lot, but hey, a little challenge :D


Names: Latin was the way I thought. I encountered the word "Nullus" which is the word that "Nullification" and other words came from originally if I understood it correctly. I want to do some more researches before, see if I can find a word that sounds better.

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Edited thread.
(+) 01.02.2016 – Tweaks to the lore because of a conflict with the Shadow Debt event, tweaks to Combo Tech (ability 4) to prioritize CC over damage, added first dual batons "art".


Please leave a feedback, I want to improve this concept and it's not easy when nobody comment.

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Sometimes I think people who create Stats for their proposed frame don't think at all and randomly throw Stats around.


None of his abilities scale off Armor, and he has a pathetic Health pool.

Wad are yu trying to do?

It would make more sense if he didn't have that much armor, and even if he did, at least 1 ability scaled off armor.


Even if they were to scale off Armor, his base Armor is too low for that (150 only)

If it were up to me, I would make his shielding ability scale off Armor and make his base Armor at least 200.



That, or make his passive like a Equalizer effect, that makes his Shields take up to 30% lesser damage when they are almost depleted.(15% shields)



Or just change him into a healthy tank. 


(no real hate, but I strongly discourage throwing random stats on a frame without thinking) 

Edited by YasaiTsume
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Sometimes I think people who create Stats for their proposed frame don't think at all and randomly throw Stats around.


None of his abilities scale off Armor, and he has a pathetic Health pool.

Wad are yu trying to do?

It would make more sense if he didn't have that much armor, and even if he did, at least 1 ability scaled off armor.


Even if they were to scale off Armor, his base Armor is too low for that (150 only)

If it were up to me, I would make his shielding ability scale off Armor and make his base Armor at least 200.



That, or make his passive like a Equalizer effect, that makes his Shields take up to 30% lesser damage when they are almost depleted.(15% shields)



Or just change him into a healthy tank. 


(no real hate, but I strongly discourage throwing random stats on a frame without thinking) 


I can agree on the armor and health that they're a little off, but this warframe was ment to be flexible with his gameplay style, but in order not to make him overpowered, you can't have both strong durability and stealth together, the more you get for one elemet, you get less from the other. If you read the augments, his 3rd ability improve his survivability by ignoring damage. I did put thought on his stats.

Without augment mods, Nullus is depends on his shield to survive, originally his passive was natural Fast Deflection (faster shield recharge), but got changed to keep with the theme and because it wasn't creative enough.


Even if we're not totaly agree, thanks for the feedback and I'll see what I can do.

Edited by CommanderSpawn
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I can agree on the armor and health that they're a little off, but this warframe was ment to be flexible with his gameplay style, but in order not to make him overpowered, you can't have both strong surability and stealth together, the more you get for one elemet, you get less from the other. If you read the augments, his 3rd ability improve his survivability by ignoring damage. I did put thought on his stats.

Without augment mods, Nullus is depends on his shield to survive, originally his passive was natural Fast Deflection (faster shield recharge), but got changed to keep with the theme and because it wasn't creative enough.


Even if we're not totaly agree, thanks for the feedback and I'll see what I can do.

Just keep in mind : Armor does not give damage reduction to Shielding.

Armor is purely for Health only, and Shielding is not affected by yur Armor amount. 


Which is why I raise eyebrows at the Armor Amount compared to the Health amount. 



If he is designed to let his Shield's take a beating from the damage, such Armor amount is redundant. 

Edited by YasaiTsume
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Just keep in mind : Armor does not give damage reduction to Shielding.

Armor is purely for Health only, and Shielding is not affected by yur Armor amount. 


Which is why I raise eyebrows at the Armor Amount compared to the Health amount. 



If he is designed to let his Shield's take a beating from the damage, such Armor amount is redundant. 

So what stats will work better for your opinion?

Keep in mind that the focus is CC and stealth but not tank, shielding the damage if he gets it (like Mag). Also keep in mind that the augments makes him more durable.

Edited by CommanderSpawn
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