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New Creepy Faction Idea


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I am talking about a faction that wont be organized as the corpus or greeiner but not "messy" as the infested, they will be thin and look like the rake if you know it (creepypasta) they will have some sort of dogs that will walk on 4 legs and run fast but they will look like a really thin human, and there will also be guys with guns that will have armor and have boltor that isn't good at far and medium range but great when you are close, and because i only gave them small range weapons there will also be snipers that will sit far away and shoot at you but have less health then the others, the environment should be dark and creepy, and there will be fog during those missions like in the infested, so feel free to say what you think in the comments :)

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You know, maybe give some art examples? Or full scale models? Or something other than a paragraph of text for an entire, brand new faction requiring new enemies, weapons, and tilesets to be made?

DE's good. But you're being entitled right now.

Uh, what part of his OP gave you the impression that he was being entitled....

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Yeah, I was actually an a** up there. Sorry about that.

Deleted my post because it's just not needed. Sorry again about that, and while I highly doubt DE is going to add anything like that (if you get on the Design Council you might be able to have some part in it), new ideas are good.

Edited by SolluxCaptorTA
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It would would be fun to encounter some creepypasta influenced enemy in the game.. He would be more of a stalker but doesn't warn you and appears suddenly out of nowhere while you're doing your mission.. Just an idea.

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the entire post read "like the infested" so we already have the infested.... and they are getting some new skins.....  maybe they could add a new one that has a ranged attack...


No they're skinny


skinny things are super scary

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We already have a "creepy" enemy. If we're going to get more factions into the game, i want some more diversity, not more of the same. Something we could use is something really alien though. Like an insectoid sort of enemy. Sentient of course. Kindof like the Prawn from District 9. Or even the bugs from Jet Force Gemini. (Which is an N64 that was ALOT like this game.)


Heres some pictures to visualize.













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