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Is this a serious question?

Why wouldn't it be?

Baro uses a unique currency PrimeBucks. Which means I have to play Void missions.

I prefer star char missions (specifically Excavation), which means that I need to go out of my way to get the parts.

I have every single obtainable Prime to date, meaning that I'm only going to the Void for PrimeBucks.


* undisclosed inventory means having 1k ducats on hand (which usually means 50 Prime rewards), for safety, and

* the time-limitedness of it means that I either have to pre-farm or scramble to find 4+ hours (assuming 5 min per reward) on a weekend - when I have nearly no available play-time - for focused grinding, which does Excellent Things™ for player fatigue.

Baro introduced Powercreeped Primed mods.

Which I have a large problem with.

(Spoilered for post length)

Are you happy with the primed mods that have been released so far?


Mods that straight-up make other mods obsolete should not exist.

If nothing else, because it's bad design.

-> I’m not happy with any of them.

That said:

Primed Continuity - Power creep.

Primed Flow - ... Need I remind you of "energygate"?

Primed Point Blank - Damage inflation / shotgun bandaid / Why didn't you just make Point Blank 10 rank? (Which would - incidentally - put it in line with Serration and Hornet Strike.)

Primed Ravage - Damage inflation. Also, there aren't any crit shotguns (atm).

Primed Heavy Trauma - Damage inflation, niche mod, why not just make Heavy Trauma 10 rank?

Primed Reach - Okay, this one I like. But why not make Reach Uncommon and 10 rank?

Primed Fast Hands - Diminishing returns (worse, opaque diminishing returns) makes this not worth the cost (unless you really want to use your maxed Tainted Clip instead of Slip Magazine) lol disregard this, Primed Slip Magazine exists now..

Primed Heated Charge - Damage inflation.

Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation - Excessive, only matters in letting your secondary last longer in endless missions.

Primed Pistol Gambit - Damage inflation.

Primed Target Cracker - Damage inflation.

Primed Morphic Transformer (AFTER BUFFING System Reroute from 27.5% to 55%) - pure power creep.

Primed other Ammo Mutations - See Pistol Ammo Mutation.

LOL Primed Bane mods. Called it. Now I want my Primed Rapid Resillience - Damage inflation.


Primed Mods

1. what do you think makes a good primed mod? 2. Are there any mods that you think should never be made prime? Why? 3. Have you been happy so far with the primed mods and their stats? Are there any that you think are particularly good or bad?

1. As a category, 'Primed''s only significance is its cost-to-max. imo, axe all the current ones. Primed mods should be game-changers.

You know, like Augments are supposed to be (and - to be fair - some actually are), but on a bigger scale.

Mechanics swaps is a good example.

2. Oh no, by all means, Primed all the things.

I can't wait to get my hands on a Primed Streamline + Primed Stretch + Primed Intensify as well as some Primed Pressure Point and one of every elemental damage mod.

Maybe a Primed Quick Thinking to go with my Primed Flow on my Trinity/Volt P.

How about a Primed Rapid Resilience? Or a Primed Antitoxin?

Maybe a Primed Vigor?

A Primed Bane mod?

(I could continue, but I think you get the idea...?)

What could possibly go wrong?

3. See above list.

Prisma cosmetics are nice, but if losing them is the price of losing the rest of Baro? Sign me up.

I don't have usage stats, just what I see people using. And Prisma weapons are novelty/MR-fodder to most people. Ditto for the Prisma Shade.

The best offerings he brought, imo, were returning the event stuff. (Tethra mods, Prova V/Machete W, Tempo Royale, etc.) Not because I needed any of them, but because it gave people who didn't have them a way to translate junk rewards into actually valuable things (not so much the Prova and Machete on that point) without A) Having to go through the pure delight that is Trade Chat and suffer the ridiculous level of price-gouging that goes on and B) being limited by actual IRL availability of sellers in the first place.

Late edit:

Fixed CHT link.

Also, Primed mod list was outdated. Updated in red.

Edited by Chroia
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