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Rest Easy, Tenno


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Not long back I saw posts of someone called Animae. They were a lovely person and it sounds like a hard thing to bear with. I've suffered depression for 6 years now and I just wanted to say that I've experienced something similar. I had this friend named Jay for 4 years. He loved playing video games. He was different from the other people in my school. He didn't mock me for being a female, he didnt deserve it.


I fell in love. He was just so laid back that he didn't show signs of suicidal thoughts. We laughed. We cried. I loved just playing Warframe with him and more. Then one day he didn't show up to school. I was called to a private assembly and they told me he had committed suicide by hanging himself. I cried for weeks. All my friends had our own burial on Warframe as I was in shock to attend a real funeral. We got together in a relay and talked. In that session I had finally realised all those years he was hinting it to me. I never thought that it meant anything. So far I have managed to get into Jay's  account. I don't close it. I leave it meditating in the Juno garden in my clan.. That is his grave for us.


To anyone suffering deppresion or suicial thoughts just don't hold back and box it up. Don't end up with Jay's fate.


Rest easy, Jay.

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"May you been in heaven half of hour, before the devil knows you're dead" Garrus Vakarian last words in ME3.


May he rest well in second dream.


I suffer for depression for last 7 years, yeah i got moments in past when i thinked that suicide might be the only way. But i didin't do it, why? I don't know to be honest, but fact is. I don't give an damn about myself anymore, and try makes others happy.

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Such a sad story.


Get in touch with DE they may put his name on the new star chart.


I have/had a clan member "skolbeats" who helped with setting up my clan and I played with him every day. He is/was Latvian and then one day he didn't log-in. That was 605 days ago and I fear the worst and have not been able to find anything else about him - I never knew his real name.


He too remains in my clan a proud and very fondly remembered ninja.....may your god bless you wherever you may be skolbeats.


I feel for you Skimmer_



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