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Easy Way To Slow Down Rushers.


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Make a game with heavy emphasis on quick, deft movements using responsive control interfaces.
Hamstring it with as many control-removing abilities as you can because one in four people can't keep up with the other three.

If speedrunners are really that much of an issue for you, just don't play online.

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What the point in killing mobs when u can kill 5x time more mobs in defence missions with same amount of time?


In example if reward(item/exp/money) for completing Raid mission would scale with amount of mobs that u killed, i would sign on OP's suggestion. But atm there is no point wasting more time than just finish it ASAP and go make some more Defence missions or farming bosses.


Every mission type & faction should have exclusive list of rewards(usefull rewards) and scale with amount of mobs killed and their lvl. Then the problem with "RUSH" will gone.

Edited by Keetsune
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I'd have to disagree with the suggestions in giving enemies more snares. I think mobility is a key part of this game, although unfortunately not enough people use the combat maneuvers. I regularly do wall runs and jump kicks etc. and things that lock you down will pretty much end it especially if they are used as a common solution to prevent rushing.

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It's wierd, I NEVER had a problem with rushers with over 420 hours of gameplay... Also, "rushers" are normally a group of experienced player that are looking for a certain thing  either simply completing the mission or killin the boss to get a certain BP or ressource. We are ninjas after all, not some old lady in an electric wheel chair. It is normal to go fast, killin' stuff ninja style flippin' and runnin' everywhere. If you are more the "exploring" type, get some friends in game that are like you and create your squad of explorers. If not, I'm sorry but you can't really decide who you'll get in your "online" game.


Despite the fact that rushers might THINK that everyone else is just exploring or farming, that is too extreme a viewpoint.  There's a continuum of rushing-----normal play----exploring.  


Rushing (as an extreme) is zipping right to the end, avoiding killing enemies, to reach the objective.

Exploring is not really heading for the objective, just looking around and/or killing whatever they find


I would say that more normal play is killing the guys in your path and heading to the objective.  And y'know, weapons get leveled up by killing guys.


Trouble is, the people who fully rush right to the end, avoiding killing enemies, are being $&*^s.  They aren't helping the people doing normal play and killing the guys on the way to the objective. 

Edited by Kempner
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I would say that more normal play is killing the guys in your path and heading to the objective.  And y'know, weapons get leveled up by killing guys.



But all I want to do on assassination missions is kill the boss. And my weapons are already level 30. I'm a $&*^ because I want to get my bp drops done in 2 minutes rather than 10? That's awfully arrogant.

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Or maby we should just give up trying to stop rushers ;)


This.  Otherwise you're essentially telling people "You're playing wrong and you should be punished for it."

Does it suck when people who like to explore, loot and kill everything get stuck with rushers?  Sure does, but that doesn't mean rushers are playing wrong either.

You have these very same people in every MMO.  People who like to take things like raids and dungeons slow and cautiously, vs people who like to burn through content faster than Sonic racing to a chili dog stand.

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I rush sometimes... but mostly I go the speed that I feel safe going. If I am in something lower level I zoom through it, not because I just want to farm farm farm, but because I don't feel in danger and I feel more bad &#! when I am running into a group of enemies and they are all dead by the time I reach the other side.  


I do not, and can not do this when I am more challenged. 

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Honestly, a lot of people would consider me to be a rusher. I'll admit that I tend to rush. 


My weapons are strong enough as they are, so I don't care about leveling them up. I don't need any more mods than I already have, and I have so many common resources saved up from when I was leveling my weapons that I don't need to pick those up either. Only thing I really need are the rare resources, and those are best taken from a boss as they almost never drop from common containers.


Why should I not rush, then? I don't have any need to kill common enemies since I don't need the XP, mods, or common resources. I don't feel the need to explore because I know that there's nothing out there that I need. I just want to get to the end of the level. That's not meant to say that I never kill anything, though. I kill whatever happens to be directly in my path, but I won't go out of my way to clear rooms unless I am in a lockdown.


Then there's online play... If other people can't keep up... Well, that's on them, not me. If I were falling behind others, I wouldn't blame them, I would blame myself.  Yeah, this is a Coop game, but there's no reward for sticking together. With the exception of certain bosses, I can fairly easily solo every level that I have been on, so I don't need anyone watching my back. You might need me to watch your back, but quite frankly, it shouldn't be my job to babysit you through levels. Yeah, I realize that is a selfish point of view, but so is the point of view of trying to change how other people play the game.




To bring this post around to the topic of the thread, the best way to slow down rushers is to give them a good reason to slow down. Introducing stuns won't do much more than make people rush more, otherwise they will end up stunlocked. Give us a good reason to kill things, to look around and break open containers, to defend our teammates, to not simply rush to the end as quickly as possible. As it is, I personally find rushing to be much more fun and personally rewarding than not rushing.

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You have to rush. In fact, if you don't take your antigravity pills or in case your weapons are too heavy, you simply shouldn't play the game. The Devs definitely didn't mention to program good looking environment for players to stand around and inspect them for more detailed eye-enjoyment.

So, be a good young Padawan and drink your coffee. NOW!!

Edited by Ornd
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Trouble is, the people who fully rush right to the end, avoiding killing enemies, are being $&*^s.  They aren't helping the people doing normal play and killing the guys on the way to the objective. 


Well I at least like to try to blaze a trail so that those behind me will get lower levels of resistance. 


I am also sometimes the guys in the back, because damn it sometimes I cant figure out where the exit is. 

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Stop with these lame azz threads if you're not ninja enough it's not our problem think of it this way either stay for longer looting shizz for the risk of losing 4k creds at max which by the bloody way is not a lot or just get to the end in not a snails pace! just because you have your own play style does't mean it should be forced down other players throat!

Stop being selfish twats! enemies already have more than enough crowd control abilities we don't want more!

you should also consider that not everyone is there on the same mission as you for the same reason.

players who've been playing this game for ages don't want to wait extra 10 minutes just so you can get your 20 rubedo more! don't like rushers play in a pre made lobby or peace out.

ok i'm done ranting.

so yeah nice weather eh ?

Edited by ZWarhammer
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How about instead of trying to stop people from rushing, why not allow players to exit the mission individually when they reach the end?  That way those that run on ahead can leave without waiting for the rest of the group to catch up, and those that are exploring don't need to feel like they're holding up the party.

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The easy way to stop rushers is just but the two man doors every two rooms or so, if there is two of them rushing then to be honest your just being too slow for your team.


Yeah, constant full stops in a game built for speed... Great idea!

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