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Endgame Warframes?



Good evening.

Just like it says on the tin. Are there any endgame warframes? Currently, I'm rocking a Frost Prime. It's just fantastic for both solo play and groups. 

Thank you in advance.

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If you mean end-game in that they scale infinitely : Nova, Banshee, Ash, Equinox, Excal, Ivara, Mag, Mirage, Nyx, Rhino, Trinity, and Vauban.


Basically any frame without a capped damage number (Like you see on Ember's WoF or Frost's Avalanche) and a moddable CC ability can be considered end-game as, in end-game, Frames are more reliant on CC and gunplay than damage from abilities.  The only caveat to that is Mag, who scales endlessly against Corpus with Shield polarize as a damage ability and Ash who scales endlessly with Bladestorm and the right gear.

Edited by (PS4)horridhal
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Any Warframe can be used for endgame gameplay, you just have to be skilled enough to do so. Even frames people say are trash like Oberon or Hydroid can do very well in late-game areas. The only thing to really consider is what best works for your playstyle. 


Basically, to really help, what kind of playstyle would you say you have? For example, if you say you do a bit of everything, Oberon is likely your best bet. If you like melee and want a Warframe that synergizes well, frames like Excalibur, Valkyr, and Wukong are good choices.

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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If you have skills,any frames can be end-game frame.

otherwise you can try Chroma and Mesa ( tanker build); excalibur and Valkyr with naromon passive. And with Body count - the mod recently added to the game, Ash with blade storm is good for high wave and end-game

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Everyone sorta has another definition of endgame but these would be my personal picks to be able to master any situation

Frost - Defense: Snowglobe can be a lifesaver

Nova - versatile: great crowd control and damage with M-Prime

Loki - basically every mission type: Invis and (irradiating) Disarm scales indefinitely into high level content

Banshee - when damage needs to be done: Sonar's damage multiplier is absolutely ridiculous


Again, these are just my picks but other Frames like Valkyr (invincibility) & Vauban (crowd control) are also extremely viable in endgame scenarios.

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Any frame can succeed and bring something of value to endgame (though it may require an abnormal build to do so), but some frames have it easier than others.


These frames IMO the ones with the most gamebreaking potential:


Banshee, Frost, Limbo, Loki, Mirage, Nekros, Nova, Trinity, Vauban

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End game s a concept in warframe , some ppl consider 40min in survival t4 a end game, others 3h +, lot skills and weapons are useless after 2h, others, underestimated are amazing . Its hard say something definitive about something conceptual and personal , only testing to know , sorties are a good test for new players learn about strategies for real hard core missions

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there isn't really a tough, "you can't do this without a group of players with all event mods sporting specific frames"  endgame ... sorties and such are doable with decent gear and some skill in any frame with nearly any (non starter) weapons.   The "other" endgame of running endless missions for hours on end is pointless (no reward for it beyond saying you did it) and not really "endgame" though it does become tough after a while.


Some thoughts on the topic, though..


-frame powers that scale are better than frames that do things like aoe bomb a fixed amount.   After a while that massive area 3k damage blast that burns half your power stops killing things, and soon after that, it stops doing much damage to things, and after that it becomes about worthless.    Meanwhile Nekros is raising level 200 zombies or nyx has the guys you can't kill shooting each other, and so on...  it has to scale.   Banshee might be the only non-scaling ability that is worth a mention deep in the game --  over 15 times multiplier on your shots with good guns is effective for a very, very long time though it technically has a "fixed" damage value.  


- aoe is good, and damage is good.   Crit and crit damage are also good.   This makes a certain well known rocket launcher very, very, very good.  You can kill really tough stuff with the big single shot guns,  you can aoe with rockets, but the low damage high fire rate stuff does not scale quite as well. 


- simple melee attacks stop working pretty early on -- this is a skill thing, you need to learn to do jump attacks, copters,  and other such higher damage moves... practice this on lower stuff.


things you don't need at lower levels are much more useful at "endgame" ...  nova/slow is awesome, for example,  as are things that heal, provide power, slow/knockdown/stun/disarm/etc  or mess them up (chaos) .   Synergy between frames can be epic as well, such as pull spam + Vauban (for an odd example, pulling stuff into bastille is funny).


Anything you can do to assist the team is also nice ... specters,  heal/ammo/etc drops,  aura that makes sense,  focus power that makes sense in a group, etc...  


so I guess what to take away / look for are things that scale better than others and are effective against super tough enemy.

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All comes down to "what you use", "how you play" and honestly what "endgame" is to you personally. For an example endgame for me is when waves are so tuff not just one thing (weapon/Warframe ability) will cut it anymore and demands a slew of different things combined. Level 100 is no were near endgame to some players but for me is just enough of a challenge in were I'm having fun but not losing my brains over it and every Warframe I have currently can run to level 100 with ease. 


So in short do you like to support people and be a tank? Take Rhino, Trinity or Chroma.

Do you like to deal more damage? Take Nova, Equinox or Banshee.

Maybe you want to control the battlefield? Take Loki, Excalibur or Vauban.


Again any frame can be an endgame frame it just depends on what weapons you use and what you your playing style is.

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Thank you all!

Though I've played with mostly every frame, Frost seems to be my favorite. 

I love his globe ability, as it allows me to solo most missions. Completing events is still out of my reach, but I'm working on full- forma for him.

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Thank you all!

Though I've played with mostly every frame, Frost seems to be my favorite. 

I love his globe ability, as it allows me to solo most missions. Completing events is still out of my reach, but I'm working on full- forma for him.

Gluck OP.

If yu can't find that last mod to put in, always put Armored Agility ;3

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