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Please Don't 'fix' My Loki


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I agree with the OP, and I play a Loki as my main (until something I find more fun comes along).


What I could see, and appreciate, being done to his abilities are:


1) Invisibility cloaking your sentinel -- Seriously.... Ash's does... I feel like this was an oversight.


2) Radial disarm having a longer range and/or stripping ancients of their special abilities for 10 secs.


3) Decoy becoming suddenly more hardy (really needed). Maybe even make that Lato of his do damage? Those things would help out quite a bit.


Lets avoid turning Loki into a 4-mashing frame like most others. He already does ludicrous damage in melee when invisible, that's good enough for those of us who play him. 

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He's the least broken Frame in the game, and the only one that actually feels like a Ninja and not a standard issue FPS murder machine.


I finally got around to watching Livestream #6 and my heart skipped a beat when they said they were 'looking' at Loki, and nearly stopped all together when someone was quoted as say that Loki's ult was 'useless'. I absolutely *love* that Loki has no damaging abilities. The abilities he *does* have are a triumph of lateral thinking. Radial Disarm has saved my butt a dozen times in solo, and on Defense missions, when the whole team was running low on ammo I've used it to turn the wave that would have overrun us into a bunch of harmless guys with sticks we could pick off at our leisure.


Loki may not ever be the most popular Frame because he lacks the 'press button #4 to kill everything in this room' ult that most of the other Frames have, but *most of the other Frames already have that*. Maybe take him out of the starting lineup so that new players aren't surprised by his lack of offensive abilities, but please please please leave him alone for those of us who like a little variety.

Loki is cool :3

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When I first used Loki, I was a bit disappointed that Radial Disarm didn't actually stop enemies from being able to attack. So I look at the skill and imagine they wanted Loki to lead an angry mob of bad guys on a silly chase while the player imagines silly chase music. If they added an aggro mechanic while the enemies are disarmed, that would make it legitimately useful, Loki can outrun everything since he's the fastest thing alive.


well, you can place a decoy at a good spot...

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Now you know very well that not only are decoys the slowest things not-alive, but they cannot lead any kind of chase, silly or otherwise. All he gets is beat up, somehow despite being a hologram.

that's why you should place your decoy in a clever spot. behind railings, on small boxes and so on.

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What they fixed was his decoy's exploit in defense maps like Xini where he could place a decoy that could not get touched, but still draw agro to everything.


Not really, just made us find new places ... like under the stairs.

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I really, really hope they don't touch Loki.

Even though I am currently trying a bunch of frames, Loki is always on hand to be a helper, stealth-er, and trickster.


After what the rhino suffered... I PRAY there is a nerf. I a man who thinks god is a joke will be PRAYING for a nerf so you damn fools suffer the samn back lash we rhino bros suffered.

How about you work that bitterness into a well-worded proposal for a Rhino buff, rather than bitterly trying to ruin other people's fun.

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Agree with OP, Loki's skills are fine, the only thing that needs changing is to make his invisibility power cloak his sentinel as well.


And if they want to polish up the animations and make them look prettier I wouldn't be adverse to that either. 

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Hmm. Loki seems fairly good as it is, the only change I'd make is to add sentinel cloaking with invisibility. Of course this should not give the sentinel increased damage as this would just make Dethcube ridiculously overpowered. Personally I just use Shade with my Loki, just to increase my survivability and save energy when I am not planning on killing everything in the vicinity and just want invisibility to manoeuver.

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