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What Do Some Stats Do?



So I have been modding my gear lately and I am wondering what the following stats do (I can't find them on the internet).


Magazine, Impact, Puncture, Slash, Status, Conclave and Critical Multiplier. I don't know what any of these do. If someone could tell me that would be awesome, thanks :D

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7 answers to this question

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Magazine Size - How many rounds of ammunition a weapon can hold at once.


Impact/Puncture/Slash (IPS) - The three Physical Damage types. They have unique Status effects, and enemies are more susceptible to certain types of damage.


Conclave - A number is given to mods and gear. The sum of the Conclave number from gear and mods is the Conclave stat. This is mainly used to restrict loadouts in certain types of missions.


Critcial Multiplier - How much damage is done multiplicatively of your weapon's damage when the weapon performs a critical.

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Magazine-how much ammo you can shoot before reloading.

Impact, puncture and slash- damage types

Status-the chance to proc a special effect based one one of the dmg types your weapon have.

Conclave-something like number showing how good is  your weapon, but it's completly useless.

Critical Multiplier-How hard you crit. If you have 100 base damage and 2.0 crit multiplier you will deal 200 dmg. If you have 100 base dmg and 4.0 crit multiplier you will do 400dmg and etc.

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Magazine is your weapon's clip size--how many shots it can fire before you have to reload. Impact, Puncture, and Slash are all types of physical damage. Conclave is a general power rating for the weapon; at the moment it serves no practical purpose short of a restriction for things like tactical alerts. Critical multiplier is the number your weapon damage is multiplier by on a crit.


Hope that helped.

Edited by NinthAria
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So I have been modding my gear lately and I am wondering what the following stats do (I can't find them on the internet).


Magazine, Impact, Puncture, Slash, Status, Conclave and Critical Multiplier. I don't know what any of these do. If someone could tell me that would be awesome, thanks :D

You didn't look at the right places then

Damage types like impact/puncture/slash and elemental - http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0

Magazine - http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Ammo

Status - http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Status_Effect

Conclave - http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Conclave is now just some meaningless stats in PvE, there was some mission that required specific conclave points in order to join it long ago, but now we have PvP syndicate? with this name.

Critical - http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Critical

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Magazine is the clipsize of your ammo. For example, you may have a total of 200 bullets for certain weapon, but you can only equip 50 bullets in a magazine at a time. Once you used up all the ammo in a magazine, you have to reload.

Impact -  Puncture - Slash are physical damage (as opposed to elemental damage like Heat, Cold, Blast, etc.)
Impact is strong against enemy shield  (the blue in Corpus and Robotic's health bars) and has a chance to stagger your opponent. (Chance depends on your weapon's status chance)

Puncture is strong against enemy armor (the yellow in Grineer's health bars) and has a chance to weaken your opponent, reducing their damage output by 30% for the status duration.
Slash is strong against enemy flesh (the red in enemies' health bars, including Grineers and Corpus when their armor and shield run out) and has a chance to inflict bleeding on your enemy, inflicting damage over time on their health. 

Conclave Rating (Conclave Score)

is a brief way the game uses to determine how "strong" your weapon/loadout is when modded. Not really significant.

Critical Multiplier
When you successfully land a Critical Hit, your damage is multiplied by Critical Multiplier. For example, a weapon that normally deals 1000 damage on one enemy, with x2 critical multiplier, will do 2000 damage on critical hit. 




You didn't look at the right places then

Since it's players helping players forum, it's not all that wrong of a place to look for answer 

Edited by InixNovia
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correct.   A clip hasn't been used by anything since right about WWII.    Magazines contain the round fully,  clips pinch them (usually at the rim) together.  I do not know of any "clips" that hold more than about 7 rounds; its not a robust design.

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