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What Do You Consider The Worst Frame In The Game?


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I would personally have to say Vauban, and not for any other reason than he's largely outclassed, and not by just frame, by several. 

-His tesla arcs, perhaps I'm just using them wrong, but they seem to either activate rarely, do no damage, or not even discharge, and that's a fairly common occurence in my games.

-His Barricade (actual name forgotten, please forgive me) is actually quite good, if not a little annoying that for me it occasionally lifts enemies into the terrain, where they can't hurt me, but they're also untouchable...KINDA annoying in a defense mission.

-Bounce.  COMPLETELY overthrown by parkour 2.0 so far as player movement is concerned, still has it's small bit of use on enemies as it ever has but it's always seemed finicky at best, again like teslas, could be me using it wrong.

-His black hole grenade is massively outdone by either simulor, synoid or not, and while it's quite powerful on lower end enemies, I've never personally accomplished the proper mix of power and duration to make it feasible for higher tiers.

I like him, I'm keeping him cause I spent a lot of time trying to catch his alerts, he just seems.....forgotten, to me, like the game moved on without him in mind.


Besides that, I can't say I really dislike frames, there are just a couple that I don't particularly enjoy the playstyle, banshee is a clever warframe with her first three abilities but the fourth got me killed first few times I tried using it (enemies got smart and just shot me outside of my range) and Nezha, simply because I don't really feel like I've got much power behind me playing as him...don't know how else to explain it though.

I've also never played Mag or Saryn

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you people just don't understand how use them


This is just categorically untrue.


The point I was making about Limbo and Oberon is that everything they can do is more efficiently done with another frame and one of the other frames is almost always a better choice.  Can Limbo be used for a Defense in lieu of Frost?  Sure.  But Frost is a better choice over Limbo for those types of missions.  The same hold true for Oberon because if you want a frame for healing, Trinity is a better choice.  Want health orbs?  Bring a Nekros.  Want CC or Damage?  Bring any number of other frames.  Want a way to remove procs?  Bring Nezha.


When their kit is entirely outdone by other frames in every aspect, it becomes pointless to use them.

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frost freeze his pray but limbo does dps rift damage. they clos a like but not same.


Limbo, when compared to Frost, isn't even in the same league.  Frost can CC enemies with Avalanche (and do more than one at a time without making them immune to non-banished damage the way Limbo's 1 works) defend a stationary objective much more efficiently via snow globe (as well as CC inside it with the augment/slow).


Again, Limbo can be used in lieu of Frost, but he is not a better choice overall in the current game.

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No frame comes close to how bad Ne zha is. Oberon and limbo have their uses as niche as they are.

Bad frames in general after ne zha are Oberon, Limbo, Saryn (she is bad despite her one tricky pony viral proc), volt, mag, Hydroid, Atlas.

Then there are frames that are not bad but also not very good. Zephyr, Equinox, banshee and Chroma outside of solo.

Edited by tripletriple
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Probably Hydroid. I really want to like hydroid, but without his farming bandaid mod he's in a really bad place. Two of his four moves seem to have a lot of RNG involved in whether or not they hit what you want them to, which makes him seem unreliable.

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Oberon is pretty bad. His abilities look great. Oberon is a mixed healer, damage dealer and crowd controler. But all of abilities are outclassed by other frames.


Zephyrs Jetstream/Tonkor build is one of the best builds in the game. Jetstream makes her invulnerable against projectiles and with Tonkor, she is a killermachine. You don't even have to aim anymore. If the bullets hits an object, they will explode. 


I think Zephyr is one of the best frames in the game, but only with the Jetstream build. Handles Sorties with no problems!

Her other abilities aren't worth the talking.

Edited by Schnips
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Did not expect this thread to get so many replies, I've actually read through all of them.


Just a few thoughts below.


The community gives off the impression that Saryn is a frame with no real purpose (because something else does it better etc etc) but not many people mentioned Saryn.

Some of the most popular answers were Limbo, Hydroid and Oberon. 




And yes, I realize that most frames have the ability to be "good" in some capacity, if modded right. Of course there's always going to be the meta builds etc. And no, not all frames have the capacity to be as good as others. That's the reason there's a meta. There's a difference between "decent" and "good". For example InviciValkyr is good. Any frame can be decent but a build like that is meta, which is what I count as good.

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No frame comes close to how bad Ne zha is. Oberon and limbo have their uses as niche as they are.

Bad frames in general after ne zha are Oberon, Limbo, Saryn (she is bad despite her one tricky pony viral proc), volt, mag, Hydroid, Atlas.

Then there are frames that are not bad but also not very good. Zephyr, Equinox, banshee and Chroma outside of solo.

And your opinion is totally thrown out of the Window when you said Volt, Zephyr and Banshee.

How is speed running bad or having a shield that makes you deal 2x crit damage? Have you seen a red crit Tonkor with 64x damage because of shield?

Zephyr is the Goddess of Corpus and Corrupted, Mag aside. She can tank them like better than any frame. And with Tonkor..don't get me started.

And Banshee. I can't believe you said she is bad. How is having a kit with a quick CC with armor reduction, an ability that has 15x damage multiplier (Tonkor Red Headshots is 32x damage. SONAR spot is hit quite often....32x.15x.....) and a Aggro Reducing, 3 sec Stun bad?

Least used frames by the community are the worst frames.

#1 Banshee

#2 Limbo

#3 Zephyr

Read my argument above.

Also, Rhino is the 2nd most used frame. That says it all.

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For the worst frame, I'd say Oberon. Why? Ineffective CC and healing, outshines by Nyx and Trinity. Heavily.

A runner up would be...Vauban.

I have never seen anyone using Vauban outside of maybe 2 Sechura Runs. His CC is based on locking areas which is normally worthless for Pub runs. And that's all he has. And horrible survivability.

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There is no such thing as bad frames, there are people who can't use them.

Oberon, Zephyr, Limbo and Wukong have their niches.




Oberon is actually an extremely well rounded warframe that can CC whole rooms with knockdowns, stuns, blinds, AND radiation procs. He can also heal periodically, save players from death, and even buff teammates/debuff enemies if you spec him to do that. I seriously don't know where the hate is coming from. I can only guess it's from people who don't understand how to play him since he's a "jack of all trades" frame.


Wukong is absolutely awesome if you know how to play him too. I'd rather be him than Valkyr most of the time because he's actually fun. Love Valkyr but she's just too strong to be an enjoyable melee frame to me. I'd rather have invulnerability that requires you to be active about it instead of just popping an energy pad and pressing 4 at the beginning of a mission.


Love Zephyr. I don't have much to say about her because, while unique, she's somewhat straightforward. Love how she looks as well. Not every female warframe needs to show off the goods.


Limbo I'm not all that well versed in. I have him and he's also incredibly unique, but I don't play him much.



Anyway, my "worst warframe"....Gotta be Hydroid. Sorry but I don't like anything about him. Nekros is better at obtaining extra loot as well.


Runnerup would be Loki. I really don't like how he looks, and his main ability is skipping content. If I want to rush to the exit, I pick him. If I want to actually have fun and enjoy myself, I pick someone else. If I want to enjoy stealth, I pick Ivara.

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