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Seeing this thread https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/608382-what-do-you-consider-the-worst-frame-in-the-game/ 

and all the sad statements in it like "Limbo can't hack" and "Oberon? Don't know what to do with him" i think it's time for some hints (maybe for some not so experienced players?) how some frames/abilities fill a certain niche. To see some lesser played frames more often. To see more variable play styles. To...guess you got it ;)

Some might be pretty obvious or be found on the wiki, some not.



Limbos Banish is good for Sortie Defense (except you want to give it a CC weapon)

Blade Storm bypasses enhanced armor and elemental resistances on Sorties



so..why you play Oberon?


ps: this is not about "your favourite" or "the best" frame, pls

Edited by CyberWiz
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We know what Limbo is good for, we are just frustrated that sometimes he can hack consoles and sometimes he can't when it matters (rescue consoles). Not to mention missing a lot of loot because you have to stay outside of rift walking.


This isn't suited for a "master of the rift".

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Limbo can hack corpus but not grineer...

Oberon works on grineer really well actually, he's just clunky and the build is weird.

Tenticle swarm bypasses shields, or at least one of hydroids abilities does. Never play with him as his abilities are super weak and he creeps out my girlfriend and my sister.

You can give yourself radiation procs to prove a point to stuck up team mates.

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I play Oberon because my favourite Ninja Deer Goat Jesus can specialize pretty much in every role.

Sure, his kit ain't on par on frames that mastered that single field but sure as hell he earned a place in my heart for being able do almost everything. As the saying goes "Jack of all trades, master of none,: though oftentimes better than master of one."

Got a high priority target? Smite that biatch!

Ancients and Scorpions? Hallowed Ground!

Need to heal? Renewal! (Check out his pseudo-immortal build)

Scumbag Healer hiding somewhere? Reckoning the whole place!

Wanna help your teammate whip out more damage? Smite Infusion!

His first and fourth imo are fine as it is, I just hope DE can give a lil rework to Hallowed Ground and Renewal. Am actually hoping the animation where he slams his melee during Renewal would actually stagger enemies near him.

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Limbo can hack any console like any other frame. Here's the difference:

Some consoles cannot be hacked while in the Rift (Spy consoles for example). You can exit the Rift at any time so it's not really an issue.

He can still go through lazers, be it Grineer or Corpus so he is perfect for Spy missions. Just pair him with a Shade or Huras Kubrow and you have easy mode.

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Hydroid, the much hated, has his uses beyond pilfering swarm. I'm serious. I used nothing but hydroid to till I got Nezha (who ruined me with warding halo+speed/mobility)

But most of his skills provide close area CC, set up finishers, can bypass laser doors in more than one way, and his skills spammed in defence can clear the pod of threats pretty quick.

Just don't mod for range. Or things get useless quick

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I use Oberon because A: he looks Demonic in Red and Black and it's freaking awesome, and B: while Trinity is a better healer, Oberon is better at both defense and CC, and can still heal everyone. (though a link build Trinity makes an excellent Tank.)


Limbo desperately needs a rework, I'm hoping he gets his after Mag and Volt are done. I like using Rift Walk Limbo for running through Void Sabotages where fighting is a waste of time.


Hydroid needs toughening up, and a rework where Range doesn't make most of his abilities useless.


one of my favourite Niches is Kamikaze Zephyr; full strength and efficiency build, spamming Tail Wind then Dive Bomb. surprisingly effective and ridiculously fun!

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