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So Youse Tellin Me That Item Beacons Were A Bug?!


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Fine, whatever. Point is now people who are playing with team work are gonna miss out on mods and through no fault of our own teammates can't even mark a mod off and say "dude you missed one" and then the typical response "oh ok thanx!".


Without the beacon that helpful conversation is dead. Cause if you play the game on a regular basis you have plenty of credits, you have the mats you need, the only advancement left to you is forma and modding your serration and redirect all the way up and that takes a lot mods. My bottom line is there should be a system in place to ensure that players are not missing out on picking up mods. The sparkly beacon used to help us to do that. Now it's gone. So now every individual player is personally responsible to check every square inch of ground for themselves to make sure that they are not missing a mod. I am not a rusher, but even I gotta admit, that's gonna slow things down. I am not missing mods, that is the only thing left for me to farm.  :/

I'm not saying the glow for mods shouldn't come back :3 I just think your last idea would make some of the hard working farmers  just start soloing things so people don't just skate free. I play everyday (for only a few hours), but I still have to farm, and as for my opinion, I don't want anyone benefiting off my hard work if they just want to rush. ( Again my opinion, yes I can be wrong! But this is how I feel personally.)

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You must be new here...


Loot Radar works for containers that are not broken...


Nice try though darling...



You must be confused. There is no Loot Radar artifact.


I was proposing an artifact to fill the void this bugfix created.


Nice try though, Darling.



Oh crap do you know what this means? Maybe they will make a new mod and it will be Mod Radar? *cry*

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Oh crap do you know what this means? Maybe they will make a new mod and it will be Mod Radar? *cry*



Wait a sec, maybe they will be smart and make it a mod I can put on my pet, ya know in those two slots that never get used cause there aren't any mods for pets. (abilities and defense aside of course)

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Why do you need it? I generally place a waypoint around the mod I manage to find anyway. Others run and pick the mod up, everyone profits.

Well, not a big deal imo.

Kind of hard when you are in the middle of a melee brawl with a bunch of enemies, a mod drops, you get it, but you have NO idea where it went.

I waypoint my feet, closest I can do now. Did it bounce after that? No idea cause there is no sparklies anymore.


Maybe if you are always at range then this isn't an issue but as an Ember that enjoys melee and uses Melee Channel because of it, I am always right in there. It is a problem for the majority.


Getting real tired of playing Mod-Psychic. "There's a mod..its around me..I think...somewhere..I can almost feel it." Just give the damn sparkles back after YOU have picked up a mod but a teammate hasn't. Its simple.


I think what they WERE trying to do is remove the pillar of color from an ammo pack after you picked it up. They just fuqed up and applied it to mods too. Thats the problem, it needs to be fixed.


Also..who was stupid enough to complain about the pillars of color being a bug? Seriously. That was an awesome feature I thought, oh well.

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 If the sparkles weren't meant to stay there until all the teammates picked up the mod, then they were just an attempt to show off.  When looking at mods, I see the large mod core, not the sparkles that don't stand out underneath the object.  I see the sparkles first so rarely that I thought they were there specifically so you could mark a mod that hasn't been picked up by others yet.


 Same thing for the ammo beacons.  The glow is a nice detail showing that it can be done, but it seems doubtful that players really need the glow.


 When it comes to most players, teammates will mark things that other players need.  With mods it's easy, everyone needs them.  With ammo, most players don't say much about it, and usually aren't running low enough that they need teammates to point out more boxes.  Since players don't know when someone needs ammo, there really isn't a need to mark the boxes.


 Considering that you are leaving in the ammo boxes that a player can't even use, and thus it's beacon, you really have just removed things that are actually helpful, and not removed the useless things.  There is still clutter all over, and a valuable feature has been removed.  Dependant on the goal of this change, it might have failed.

Edited by JHarlequin
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Yeah, the beacons for mods really need to come back.  Mods bounce around quite often during a battle (especially with a Vauban present), so if someone picks up a mod, he/she has no idea where to put the marker.  That's pointlessly penalizing, and discourages teamwork. 

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Was on Xini ED. Near the triple 1 level crates at the crossroad area. Swinging away with the Orthos. Watched a mod drop and get smacked. It took us 2 minutes to find it. Where did it get to? Ontop of one of those suspended orange containers. Yeh..they fly sometimes if the conditions are just right.


Personally id go for an automatic map marker or brighter beacon for mods, said as much in my suggestion thread. I have 0 problems with the change as it affected ammo, just the mod part.

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This is really frustrating because it was one of my favorite things about how this game was handling making playing with friends very effective.

The shared item XP, role-specific frames and indicators of pickups missed by your teammates were the highlights of getting a group of friends together to run through missions.

Now I can't look around during a defense mission and see what mods/ammo pickups my friends may have missed.

Sometimes you can't run as a group of 4 during a defense mission. Sometimes you need to hold your position until the end of the round.

Then, on top of that, even if a mod does drop and you're behind, the waypoint is probably going to fade by the time you get there because you can't catch up because of the slide "fix."



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I'm actually still schocked about the fact that developers even CONSIDERED removing mod sparkles/beacons/whatever you call it. I cannot believe that people who make this game have gotten so @(*()$ dumb over the last few weeks.

Not only the movement has been completely screwed up and no longer offers a variety of ways to get through locations (perhaps old tricks still work with sprint toggle, I haven't tested yet), but now you'll also have trouble collecting all mods that dropped in the game.

Some outstanding ideas you have, dear DE. Absolutely @(*()$ wonderful. You might as well go ahead and write an essay on how to completely F*** up your own game with every single hot"fix".

As of now I'm actually glad I never decided to purchase a grand master pack. What a waste that would be.

Edited by pwilouz
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I genuinely hope the mod beacon is a bug stemming from the fix of ammo beacons. Seriously, the mod beacon contributed to the co-op feel. Whenever someone marked a mod beacon, it felt good because then you know the squad member care about the other squad members. And it had a reassuring positive effect because it encouraged you to do the same for him (PUG point of view).

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I genuinely hope the mod beacon is a bug stemming from the fix of ammo beacons. Seriously, the mod beacon contributed to the co-op feel. Whenever someone marked a mod beacon, it felt good because then you know the squad member care about the other squad members. And it had a reassuring positive effect because it encouraged you to do the same for him (PUG point of view).

Tried pugging some xini and narc runs...can't do it. What i mean is i aint killing anything cause I am running around looking for mods because I know they aren't marking mods (found most unmarked). Its just..ugh. And when it aint puggies, and instead clanmates, the continual "Mod around me..somewhere! Good luck" is getting old..fast

I too hope this was an OOPS, DE caught the mods instead of just the ammo but...

Lack of a fix when they normally have very fast hotfixes has me concerned that they have gone and done something stupid.

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This last patch has to have been the WORST EVER.


This IS a CO-OP game and one of the advantages of a Co-Op is to help each other.


Removing this either by design or mistake - it needs to be reinstalled or fixed -- as a HOT PATCH if necessary!!!!.

Edited by Night_Watch
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It wasn't a bug, it was a feature!

I do believe the correct term is an "undocumented feature"...

Dont care about ammo, but this really needs to come back for mods......

And resources, if they were affected.

Dunno since I haven't played since last tuesday.

please no more artifacts :< I dont like the artifact system but thats beside the point, it made life better for the team now you just have to geuss :<

Other than the fact that there's barely any artifact worth using?

Enemy Radar can be sort-of useful.

Rejuvenation/Energy Siphon have their uses as well.

The rest... meh.

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how about if someone picks up a mod, everyone gets a mod, if someone picks up ressources everyone gets the ressource


(mod will differ from player to player, ressources quantities will also differ)


it'll be the same as money, and never cry about missing mods, or missing ressources anymore

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Agreed. The mod afterglow was a great way to coordinate between team members without having to stop everyone int he middle of what they were doing to get them after an item. Mobile Defense runs are an item nightmare now with the combing you have to do to make sure you picked up every mod > _ <

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