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Help Me Help Newbies



Hoi Tenno, 

So I don't help new players that much, only when I'm bored and have nothing to do, and when someone who really seems to need help posts something in recruiting chat, so I see what I can do for them. 

I'm hoping some of you who are experienced with helping newbies to give me some info or tips for the following points:

1-Sometimes, they ask me a question that I don't know how to answer it, I mean I know the answer, I just don't know what or how to say it. I don't want to give too much info to make it complicated, but don't know how to give them a short clear answer as well.

2-I usually give newbies free things like mods and stuff if they ask for a common/uncommon mod, and I add in some of my other 'basic' or rare mods to the mix, though I don't know what to give when they already have these basic mods (dmg and elements).

3-What do I recommend when they want recommendation for new weapons? I don't really have any idea about that since when I started, I just stuck with my Latron and Lex and didn't try anything else until MR-6 or so. what are some decent starter weapons (all types) that aren't weak nor strong to recommend?

4-Sometimes, they don't have that much credits, and I can't complete the trade. so again, what's a good place to get credits fast? I've tried void capture (T2) but 15k a run isn't that much.

5-I don't know what to say when they ask for dojos and clan, and I can't just force my clan leader to have them in. should I just make them join any clan who is recruiting in chat? 

6-About resources. now I know good ways to farm for them, plus I can use Nekros, but what i they ask for resources that drop in higher lvl planets, like plastids or OCs? 

You can add more tips that aren't related to the points above. :)

Thank You ^^

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You could let them know what plats should be spent on.


So for your points~

1. Well if you really want them understanding something you hafta go into detail about it ._. Or you can always tell them to wiki it xD


2. Then there's nothing else you can give them if they have the rainbow pack. Could give them some neat auras or utility mods or even Drift mods.


3. I know Boltor and Kunai is one of them. Then there's Dual Zorens.


4. Dark Sector gives a decent amount of creds in one run (I forgot how much but it's more than T2 caps). There's always invasions.


5. Could visit the forums and help them find recruiting clans maybe?


6. I don't mind carrying em a bit :V Just hope they can put up some fight. Is Saturn considered a high lvl planet? 


Ehhh not entirely helpful but these are my suggestions ^^""

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Weapons for newbies are very simple : Criticals are very strong in the early game phase.

Picking up a Grakata and Dual Zoren as soon as yu could is a very good investment because they are by no means weak weapons.

If they prefer Semi Autos, Latron is good.

Plastids :

Saturn Dark Sector Survival or Defense is very nice for Plastids.

I will not bring them to Uranus because I don't want new players to leech, and I want them to take part in the farming activity, and Saturn mobs are not too high leveled



Void Missions.

Orokin Cell : 

Saturn Dark Sector Defense or Survival.

Yu will find yurself going for Dark Sectors for most Resource farming strictly because Infested are easier to handle for newbies, they run at yu and they don't fire rockets.



Earth Dark Sectors Defense or Survival.

Place to level gear up:
Spam Spy Missions. 

For this, yu may go for higher leveled Spy Missions, but yu gotta babysit them very closely.


Clan weapons:
They should look for their own clan. If they request to join yurs, ask the Warlord if he can join.


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For questions you can usually direct them to the wiki. No matter what people say its still the best place to easily get info (but warn them about lore speculation there. Sometimes people take it for fact).

If they already have besic mods, you're not really obliged to give them anything else unless you want to be nice. Important mods is what I would look like such as gold Warframe mods like intensify or flow. Some other good o es are auras which can hugely help new players. Some stances are nice too if you know what melees they are currently working with and soon to go for.

When it comes to weapons just have them stick to the market for awhile. You can't really go wrong with any of those. Once they get into a clan they will have access to clan tech weapons but those require forma and you don't want to push void missions on people too early. It can get confusing.

The best place I know of for quick easy credits is Sechura on Pluto. Its an infested defense on a corpus outpost tileset. Just stay for 5 waves. It pays out 24k credits consistently. Another good place is void capture missions. I think its about the same in Credits and you get prime parts or forma for those clan weapons.

I dont know what to say about clans really and I don't want to sound mean here. If you don't want them in your clan or if there isn't room just have them look around in the recruiting chat. There are always clans looking for new members. Just let them know they aren't committed to a clan if its not doing well.

The good thing about resources is that you can farm all of them on the lower level planets except for Argon Crystals. When you clear an entire planet you can put extractors on them for easy resources. When you really need resources its not that bad to hop over to Saturn for O-cells or Venus for polymer bundles. The levels there are manageable for newer players.

A couple other things, starting plat is for weapon and Warframe slots only. Its just the best use for it. They don't need that argon for a kubrow or a potato for a pistol they will stop using in literally days. Unless they don't mind spending money I guess.

And if the person you are helping is being rude or completely ignore your help or just being all around difficult, go find someone more deserving of your help.

Edited by Plushy
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I did help a few newbies but I end up very tired aftewards.

Some newbies (not all) are really...... rude.

They ask for help, and yur trying to spoon feed them help (like info or suggestions) , but they keep turning their head away like a baby.

during the shadow debt mission there was a Nyx mastery rank 4 who was helping his rank 1 friends. I was rank 9, and he kept dying. I told him he should mind control more so so,e of the heat will be taken off you. He said "oh look at this guy telling me how to use nyx properly wow blah blah blah" and he kept dying.

Also he was using voice chat the whole time

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I've helped hundreds of new players, some have become trusted and appreciated clanmates, others have moved on to other clans or games.  Living in Region chat for a year has shown me that the same questions often get repeated, and I started keeping a text document open, copying and pasting my answers. 


As a lazy egomaniac, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=410097029'>I still recommend telling new players to read a guide.  All those repetitive common questions are answered there, in the simplest terms I can manage.  Afterwards, their questions will be less about mechanics and more situational to their preferred playstyle.


As far as weapons, I'll agree with Plushy.  Stick with market weapons, tell them that most of the weapons suck until you get a catalyst and good mods on them.  Even my MK-1 Braton can handle up to level 20/25 enemies.  (Although, this took a catalyst and 5 forma).


AkVasto and AkMagnus make great secondary pistol sets, especially at lower mastery ranks.  Sonicor is absolutely winsauce.  Stug is a beloved pistol as well.   Most importantly, reassure them that they will throw away hundreds of weapons before finding a few that they really like, so tell them they really need to try lots of things.

Edited by EvilKam
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Hello there. Thanks for helping out the most in need of our community ^.^

Keep in mind that not a single person knows everything about this game (not even the computer, for it bugs sometimes :P) so if you don't know something, don't worry. Keep up the good work! :)

I don't really help newbies that much, maybe 1 a week of so. but I try to do my best and be as helpful as possible 

thank you anyway :3 

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