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The Saryn Prime Access Anticipation Megathread


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Sure there is a reward.  If Sony say "We will pay you to make this a timed exclusive."  And then they agree, and make it a timed exclusive, Sony pays them.  Not saying that's what happened here or anything, but there's definitely a reward for timed exclusives to a specific console.  That's why Rise of the Tomb Raider came out almost three months earlier on Xbone.  Microsoft paid Squenix to withhold it from everyone else.


The reason PC gets everything first is because we don't have Sony or Microsoft dictating to DE when and how they're allowed to release stuff.  DE can release on PC whenever they feel like it.  On the console they have to wait for permission.


Thats nice, but i think we can all safely say Sony has not paid DE to withhold content, so im not really sure what the point of your post is, no offense. My point still stands, favouritism gains DE nothing, so i really dont think it's the case.

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