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Stop Nerfing Movement!


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What I liked about the helicoptering is it sort of evened us all out. That with a little effort even a frost or rhino could keep up with my Loki. A friend of mine is really good at it and can actually move faster than me. XD But in the end it kept the team together. Basically, with a little effort/skill you can keep up with your team no matter what frame they use. This is something I will miss.

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ill admit, i would abuse this exploit like anyone else, im just not complaining that they took out the exploit.

we all KNEW it was gonna happen eventually. exploits go away.

No we didn't. Some games have good designers that embrace small physics exploits. Take Tribes 2 and skiing for example.

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No we didn't. Some games have good designers that embrace small physics exploits. Take Tribes 2 and skiing for example.


Or a more well known one: Doom, which embraced the rocket jumping exploit by having an exit to a secret level that is meant to be accessed only by utilizing the exploit. :D

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Bah, this is just... I don't even have the words...


Why does the minority get all the attention in nerfs? I have been reading these forums for months, and it's always the same thing. A vocal minority causes enough of a stink, and bam! they get whatever they want.


Someone needs to start a poll to see if people want to revert to the previous movement "exploits." I'm pretty sure most of us enjoyed it, despite being an exploit. It was just fun!


DE I love you guys, but you just killed a lot of the fun in this game!


ok, end rant

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People that this change affects most:
>Slow frames trying to catch up to faster ones


People that this change does not affect:
>True rushers


If I want Hyena dead 10 times over in less than 20 minutes, no amount of movement nerf will be able to stop me.

If I'm playing in a pub as Frost with allies that are faster than me, I can get left behind and still be able to catch up. Thanks for removing this ability.

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If I want Hyena dead 10 times over in less than 20 minutes, no amount of movement nerf will be able to stop me.


Well, they could completely remove sprint, that might stop you from being able to run the mission so many times in 20 minutes. :p



[Edit] Remove, not move... /selffacepalm

Edited by RyojinOrion
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Well, they could completely remove sprint, that might stop you from being able to run the mission so many times in 20 minutes. :p



[Edit] Remove, not move... /selffacepalm

And make us totally like turtles, and not the "space ninjas" that we started as? Players who love the fast paced parkour aspect to this game would be so devastated

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was this nerfed because of my thread last week?


i dont think its nerfed enough, actually. i think the cooldown on the slide should be another 1.2 seconds


I highly doubt they would make such a change to the game because of just one person and after such little time. :D

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I highly doubt they would make such a change to the game because of just one person and after such little time. :D

why not? i do such things in my own game servers.

as a game developer, i think this was a great idea in the long run

Edited by SoggyCow
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