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Stop Nerfing Movement!


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why not? i do such things in my own game servers.

as a game developer, i think this was a great idea in the long run


Just because you do it doesn't mean everyone does. It is even less likely with a game that has a really high amount of players. It is just common sense: You don't change something for just one person, or you will be changing everything all the time.




Also, what's your game? I'd love to take a look! :D

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I didn't even realise how much I enjoyed the movement mechanics until they were tweaked. Before I used to try to go as fast as I could, optimizing my speed as best I could. Now I feel like I'm mostly just holding forward and shift yawning my way through lines of infested, instead of ninjaing around and seeing how many I can kill whilst still keeping my speed up.


I just really think this nerf has affected the pace of the game, at least from the perspective of someone who mostly plays solo. I didn't think about it until today but apparently I play warframe to jump around the place killing everything as quickly as possible. With design heading in this direction it's making things feel a lot more like a very generic 3rd person shooter.

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I didnt like rushing, but I liked being able to land my jump in a slide. I also liked that little roll we used to do after a slide jump. And now with the way we land we're not even keeping or forward movement to land in a sprint.


And it still wont stop people from rushing... I fail to see what this did other than piss off people from both sides.

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Just add a feature that enables us to set a playstyle that filters out games.


- Rush

- Explore


You get placed with like-minded players, everyone's happy. The slide nerf has made movement feel pretty clunky.

Edited by Hiatt
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Just add a feature that enables us to set a playstyle that filters out games.


- Rush

- Explore


You get placed with like-minded players, everyone's happy. The slide nerf has made movement feel pretty clunky.

Exactly, I thought DE even said they wanted us to focus on the speed and agility of the ninja. Again I was against rushers, but clunky movement is not a good fix and ignores the real problem.

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see? i can complain too about something that needs attention.

Play solo or private then. What can people do because of their mobility problem now? Nothing. 

But thanks for showing complete ignorance....

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What is wrong with Rushing? What is wrong with Exploring?

Nothing and Nothing. If my PUG won't let me do either, I have the choice of following them, or leaving.

This was a bad choice because it hurt people who would rush, and people who explore don't gain, or can even be hurt by it too.

Plus, if this was never implemented, these arguments wouldn't be going on.

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If I want Hyena dead 10 times over in less than 20 minutes, no amount of movement nerf will be able to stop me.

If I'm playing in a pub as Frost with allies that are faster than me, I can get left behind and still be able to catch up. Thanks for removing this ability.


This a THOUSAND times over. If I really wanted to blow through a level, I'd just put on a Volt/Loki/Ash and still tear through the level. But instead, I pick a more support based class so I can better help my team, to sacrifice sheer speed for the sake of assisting the other people in my party. Only now, I fall completely behind which also prevents me from doing my very job in the party.


Also, I don't understand the point of nerfing movement, especially in a game where every ad is "NINJAS NINJAS NINJAS." If they wanted this to be Gears of Warframe, they should have advertised it as such. Nothing was wrong with it before and I feel most of the people complaining about a freerunning heavy clearly never learned about the many ways the wonderful system was. Instead, they simply took to the forums to whine and complain about something they never took the time to fully understand. Very, very sad.

Edited by wharone
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It hurts explorers who want to catch up too. Basically it hurts everyone, it's not good in any way, shape or form. It does absolutely nothing to address the problem of people going at different paces. As much as rushers are annoying, slowpokes are much more so. Ever kill and loot everything on the entire mission and still need to wait 5 minutes for the last player? Yeah.

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I didn't even realise how much I enjoyed the movement mechanics until they were tweaked. Before I used to try to go as fast as I could, optimizing my speed as best I could. Now I feel like I'm mostly just holding forward and shift yawning my way through lines of infested, instead of ninjaing around and seeing how many I can kill whilst still keeping my speed up.


I just really think this nerf has affected the pace of the game, at least from the perspective of someone who mostly plays solo. I didn't think about it until today but apparently I play warframe to jump around the place killing everything as quickly as possible. With design heading in this direction it's making things feel a lot more like a very generic 3rd person shooter.

This, it gave you something to actually think about to get a bonus. Before you had to do it as quickly as possible to get the best boost, but if you mistimed and hit the slide or sprint too early you'd miss that action. And yeah, now it's just hold forward and run and that's the best you can do to catch up.

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im not a fan of rushing, but at the same time i loved the movement aspect of the game. i figure now most people who rush maps are just going to grab a loki frame if they havent already and base him for rushing. any of the slower frames like rhino or frost will be at a disadvantage when it comes to moving around maps even more so than they were. but at the same time it will keep the group together the majority of the time. when it comes down to it a game where your a Ninja. you need freedom of movement or else its not ninja enough. there could be a better way to stop people rushing, i think nerfing movement was a bad call on the devs side. also movement nerf kind of kicks the parkour room idea they had for clan dojos right out the window.

Edited by ShockTart
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- Fixed an issue where players could use the knockback from explosive weapons to propel themselves into the air.

- Adjusted falling physics; players can no longer build up speed by jumping repeatedly while descending slopes.

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If they really think this will stop rushers it won't. Rushers will still ignore enemies with invis frames or shade, or just simply running past them. What this does affect is slow frames, people who can't or don't want to waste mod points on sprint and stamina mods, and speedrunner times.

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Just add a feature that enables us to set a playstyle that filters out games.


- Rush

- Explore


You get placed with like-minded players, everyone's happy. The slide nerf has made movement feel pretty clunky.

+1  changing movement mechanics is a dumb way to try to fix this problem, imo.

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Whiny kids got what they wanted again ahh ffs are't we supposed to be space ninjas ? if i want to rush i'm not gonna go sliding around the place i'll just pick Loki/ash with max move speed mods and do it that way this just took a big chunk of space ninja fun outta the game thanks DE. -.-

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People that this change affects most:

>Slow frames trying to catch up to faster ones


People that this change does not affect:

>True rushers


this so much. besides, the implementation seems rather wonky, i'm doing slow (air) slides now? really?

Edited by SlyBoots
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Now that I think about it, and the whole don't nerf X, make Y and Z better argument, why really do frost and rhino have to be so slow.  What is it giving to the game play experience to have these two be sooo much slower than everyone else?

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I just noticed that I can no longer slide after my jumps and helicoptering is now less effective. Please stop doing this. Don't nerf all the fun out of Warframe. 


So you can no longer abuse mechanics to move faster than intended while looking absolutely silly in the process, but you can still use slide for its intended purposes just fine?


Sounds like a great patch!

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So you can no longer abuse mechanics to move faster than intended while looking absolutely silly in the process, but you can still use slide for its intended purposes just fine?


Sounds like a great patch!


Who are you to decide what is intended and what is not?

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