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List Reasons Why You Support/disapprove Of The Cooldown


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I support it for the main reason is it makes me think more. 'Do I try to make this jump knowing I will be vulnerable for a moment upon landing, or do I just go around on the longer route wasting a few seconds in the timed extraction but more guaranteed to survive?' It's not just 'I can make this, and just keep going with no risk to myself.' It slows me down and makes me focus, something I tend to have issue with.


It's not a horrible patch, it fixed an exploit. Yeah, you're a ninja, but it doesn't mean you can use exploits. They said it was an exploit, so they fixed it. That's the point of  a beta, find bugs and problems and fix them. Besides, maybe this will open up ways to make rushing less viable, less of a rewarding system the way it is now.

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It's not a horrible patch, it fixed an exploit. Yeah, you're a ninja, but it doesn't mean you can use exploits. They said it was an exploit, so they fixed it. That's the point of  a beta, find bugs and problems and fix them. Besides, maybe this will open up ways to make rushing less viable, less of a rewarding system the way it is now.


Except it didn't actually fix an exploit....

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I don't know..all the tears in this thread say otherwise.


That's because those people haven't figured out the way to continue using the exploits... That, and/or they are complaining about the side effects of the cooldown.

Edited by RyojinOrion
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I don't like the cooldown solution at all, even though it doesn't affect my playstyle a lot. It is still a step in the wrong direction.

Instead they need to fix the following things:


1. Air-acceleration. Normal jump is pretty sluggish but when you crouch while in air your character goes feet-forward, gaining a completely new trajectory and an additional boost in speed out of nowhere. This animation is the first part of the problem because it allows players to gain more speed as if they were running. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for fast jumps with low trajectories but plz do them the moment the character lifts off and not mid-air.

Athletes don't accelerate mid-air.


2. Sliding. The warframes slide on every material as if it was greased, especially downhill. I can easily slide 5 metres after a good jump on any surface. This is way too much unless I play on an ice map. While sliding is a cool mechanic, the friction should be extreme and the manouver feels unreal. Sliding should decelerate you much quicker allowing for 2-3 metres of sliding at the max.


3. The combination of the two allow for indefinite jumpduckslide, since the acceleration lost in sliding is easily regained by ducking in air, effectively creating a perpetuum mobile. Properly executed you can completely circumvent the use of endurance and the slow base speed of some warframes.

And I'm not even talking about the use of melee attacks on this one...

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I don't like the cooldown solution at all, even though it doesn't affect my playstyle a lot. It is still a step in the wrong direction.

Instead they need to fix the following things:


1. Air-acceleration. Normal jump is pretty sluggish but when you crouch while in air your character goes feet-forward, gaining a completely new trajectory and an additional boost in speed out of nowhere. This animation is the first part of the problem because it allows players to gain more speed as if they were running. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for fast jumps with low trajectories but plz do them the moment the character lifts off and not mid-air.

Athletes don't accelerate mid-air.


2. Sliding. The warframes slide on every material as if it was greased, especially downhill. I can easily slide 5 metres after a good jump on any surface. This is way too much unless I play on an ice map. While sliding is a cool mechanic, the friction should be extreme and the manouver feels unreal. Sliding should decelerate you much quicker allowing for 2-3 metres of sliding at the max.


3. The combination of the two allow for indefinite jumpduckslide, since the acceleration lost in sliding is easily regained by ducking in air, effectively creating a perpetuum mobile. Properly executed you can completely circumvent the use of endurance and the slow base speed of some warframes.

And I'm not even talking about the use of melee attacks on this one...


That was the case in early closed beta, the frames slid 2m and then stopped going into crouch, it sucked.


Whats next, remove sprint?

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Haven't played for a day or two, so I wouldn't know but why am I against rushing? Rhino. I use a rhino. Do you know how annoying, not to mention degrading it is being left behind like that? So the CC frame that is supposed to shine groups is pretty much relegated to "solo" plays because I can't keep up with some shmuck who thinks it's all about getting to the end fast. It has come to the point that if there's a gather mission involved, I try to get at least ONE of the damn datamasses so I can actually finish the match. 


Solution? Don't mess around with mobility. Mess around with difficulty. Make enemies MORE lethal. Make it so rushing ahead is an option, like before. But if you mess up just a little, you DIE. Simple as that. It's safety of group VS the "risky time efficiency" of the lone-wolf rusher. 


And again with this "Go fast or go solo" bullcrap. If you want to go fast without regard for fellow players, how about YOU go solo. 

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And again with this "Go fast or go solo" bullcrap. If you want to go fast without regard for fellow players, how about YOU go solo. 


I always go fast and people can never keep up. I kill all the mobs and open all the lockers and all the containers and people are just walking around.

Like wtf are you even doing there's nothing to kill I already killed everything with a heavy frame and you're minimaps behind.

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putting a cooldown on sliding makes less skilled people fall even farther behind in "rushes"


more skilled players now wall run leaving others 0 chance of catching up to extraction


everyone just slide ran to extraction as a normal movement courtesy

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Since you obviously support removing the CD, this thread is biased in that direction. If you are trying to write objectively about a subject, you have to put them on equal terms, which you have not done. Thus, making any 'data' you have acquired useless. Read this on the subject: http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/774.htm and also http://21cif.com/tutorials/micro/mm/bias/ . 


Now, since I know that none of you actually read any of that, basically, the way you phrase a question/poll/etc. and how you present your final conclusion of said information is almost always biased towards whatever opinion you support more. This is why 'history is written by the victor' and why people say certain newspapers/books/religions/etc. are biased.


You can see, I'm biased towards leaving the CD in the game, as my first sentence is heavily biased in that direction. Plus, I'm poking holes in your data/theory, also an indication that I don't agree with your opinion.


Now, having made clear that I support this in-game, my thoughts are thus: the developers MUST actually take punitive actions against people that are playing non-solo missions and rushing through. There are many reasons for this and I'm not going to list them( thus saying this is my opinion, as I'm not even trying to back up what I'm saying with any kind of objective or reliable data).


I see just as many people 'rushing' through missions now as I saw before, if not more. This is obviously all from my point of view, because what I see and what is actually happening are two entirely different things, as I do not have actual 'hard' data on how many people are rushing.


But what I see, 99% of the time, is this: People play 1 of 4 frames: Rhino, Saryn, Loki, Ash. Loki and Ash because they are the 2 fastest base sprinting frames in the game. Rhino and Saryn because they have very useful abilities for getting out of a massive amount of enemies(high survive-ability) and they equip the dual zorens to teleport across the level and over the heads of enemies, thus negating their slow base sprint speed.


This is why you are seeing a proliferation of those stupid scorpions. They have made their grappling hooks impossible to dodge or avoid since the newest patch UNLESS you aren't sprinting/jumping(this is another problem, BTW, those things jib you because they are always near packs of heavies that then insta mow you down). They have lessened the number of doors that take at least 2 people to open, but have made the AI do more lock-downs and put the requires 2 people to open doors in more strategic choke points.


Now, I think the way what would most easily solve the rushing problem is putting up locked doors that require the entire team to be there before they will open and doing the same right before extraction. These doors would be dynamic, if you have 3 on your team, it requires 3 to open. If one drops, the map would migrate hosts,basically, and said door would now have 2 or 1 to unlock it. This makes sense to me as it would negate 2 things about speed runners: it would now be impossible to grief players by running to the objectives, getting all the rewards, and then going to extraction and laughing while you hopelessly try and make it through all the enemies they left behind for you to kill, as the extraction timer ticks down to zero. It would also make it so everyone would be able to share in the rewards of the boss kills.


Now, as for making it punitive, if said rusher is rushing to the door before the objective/extraction point, and were there for more then, say, 10 seconds by themselves, then it would start an 'event' This event would begin with enemies endlessly spawning, in front and behind said player, and would start with normal enemies (i.e. the normal 'grunt' soldiers) and would end, if they were by themselves long enough, with the most powerful units the faction you are playing against have(i.e. flamers,fusion moa's with drones attached, etc.). If this continued, the numbers of difficult enemies would increase to the point of the rusher being overwhelmed. Once you died OR your teammates got there, the enemies would either take a massive debuff or despawn.


I believe this would completely remove the problem associated with rushers as well as weeding out the A******s that are playing this game just to grief others.

I would so rush for the challenge and fight to get there and have lock outs lock my party behind. Being able to have that sort of situation is an awesome incentive for rushing.


Also 50% party for extraction It takes 1/2 the party to grief. Now just one person can greif a party of rushers just by being slow. If we do your change.

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Hey look, it's one of them people that are sucking the fun out of the game for 90% of the population! Don't touch him boys and girls, his disease of "the world revolves around me", i.e. Borderline Personality Disorder/Extreme Narcissism, may spread. Just look on from a safe distance...


wow you're bashing me? sorry I don't want to spend 10min a level farming blueprints

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wow you're bashing me? sorry I don't want to spend 10min a level farming blueprints


most of the time people thank me for aoe clearing the path to extraction and killing the boss fast so we dont die


ive never had anyone complain

Edited by BANGsoGOOD
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wow you're bashing me? sorry I don't want to spend 10min a level farming blueprints

Which levels can you finish in 10 min or less without using an exploit that actually drop blueprints you can't buy with credits on the Market?

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Which levels can you finish in 10 min or less without using an exploit that actually drop blueprints you can't buy with credits on the Market?

every boss level? are you serious it takes like 4min to run to boss, 10 sec to kill, and 5 min to extract

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Oh, we didn't realize this was a game solely for you. So, how many lines of code did it take to write this game, since you obviously made it, not the actual developers. 


You need to chill, man. How about instead of attacking people who have an opinion that differs from yours, you contribute to the thread? Give reasons why the cooldown is good, why you support it. Being insulting and condescending isn't helping a damn thing, and quite frankly, it makes you look like a complete $&*^.


The same goes to everyone else here who is doing the same, regardless of whether or not they support the cooldown.

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Oh, we didn't realize this was a game solely for you. So, how many lines of code did it take to write this game, since you obviously made it, not the actual developers. 


Why don't you actually think for a second? Everyone used to slide run. Now that that's gone, people wall run. You think that the people who could barely slide run can keep up with wall running?

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I don't think realism should be in a pros column, it should be in the cons section.  I don't play games for realism.  If I wanted that I'd go play cod but if I wanted to be a cod person I'd just join the military and get to shoot real guns.  2 words, space . . . ninja.  You can keep your realism.

What exactly was your argument here? For? Against? 

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All I think of when I read posts like this is manifest destiny and neo-nazism.  PLAY OUR WAY OR DIE!

Yes, mostly because, they had a vision (unlike yourself) and actually implemented said vision ( this game). I think they should have creative control over said vision. If you don't like the end result, you can always go play another game, no one is holding a gun to your head to play this game.

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There are other ways to get to someone quickly then sliding.


And half, if not more of what you posted are not those other ways.




And just to be sure my previous post was seen:



You need to chill, man. How about instead of attacking people who have an opinion that differs from yours, you contribute to the thread? Give reasons why the cooldown is good, why you support it. Being insulting and condescending isn't helping a damn thing, and quite frankly, it makes you look like a complete $&*^.


The same goes to everyone else here who is doing the same, regardless of whether or not they support the cooldown.

Edited by RyojinOrion
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