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Easy Way To Get Rid Of Explorers


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Here is a list of things we can do:


-Get rid of the algorithm that generates any dead end rooms. Make this as linear as possible.

-Stop enemies from respawning.

-Remove all containers. We can get all drops from killing stuff anyway.

-Ward off sections you've gone thru. As soon as 2 players advance a room and the previous one is empty, the remaining players should be ported to the closest available player in the new section, as if they fell in a pit.

-Add a mission timer in every mission. Those assassination targets aren't going to stay put waiting for you all day.

-Add bonuses for criteria such as most kills, most stylish, most accurate... A mod/bp loot table or something would be nice.

-Reassure rushers that their methods of playing is acknowledged, supported AND they are not viewed as filth in the game, since, every nerf to movement we've seen lately is indicating otherwise.



Harsh words and irony abound, but this whole explorer vs rushers debacle is really starting to sound one sided.

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I sort of agree with you, we should just let people do whatever they want to do, if that's rushing then they should rush, if they want to explore they should explore. There are times I want to rush, when I'm killing Phorid for the 50th time trying to get Nyx systems, and times when I want to explore to get enough Ferrite to build the Nyx chassi.

It would be nice if they could somehow convey this before starting/joining a mission though.

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The game has a solo mode and a invite only mode if you only want to rush either solo or invite other rushers same principle applies to explorers. We shouldn't make ppl play the way we want. Each person plays their way.

Edited by RyuhoTheDragon
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So this is an ironic thread with no hope of being useful I see I will just leave you lot to banter about the issue like the SNL people



 Thing is there was nothing wrong with how slide was it was changed to try and slow people down it doesn't do that it does however effect everyone in some way. I can't get out of a slide till it stops after running me into a wall for a few seconds.

Edited by DreadWolf7
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This is the stupidest idea ever! I have a better proposal: Go private.


How come when explorers complain about rushers we get a speed nerf, but when its the other way around, suddenly going private solves all the issues?


You see the hypocrisy in this?

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I'd explore more if exploring meant discovering cool things.


Don't tell me spending 10 minutes running to each locker room for a concluding total of a few more credits, ammo and rubedo is worth it.


Just today I found not one, but TWO sets of neurodes from chests. We had a guy rush ahead, so when I found them I called out, "NEURODES!" and waypoint'd it. By the time they made it back, the cannister had disappeared.


It can happen.

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I'd explore more if exploring meant discovering cool things.


Don't tell me spending 10 minutes running to each locker room for a concluding total of a few more credits, ammo and rubedo is worth it.

depends on if you are looking for that stuff at the time.

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I must admit, is it fun to see the opposite side of the argument for once.


In the end, Exploring and rushing are two different playstyles, both are valid. The key idea is co-operation. An explorer who pays no heed to their team gets left behind and a rusher who pays no heed to their team and does not wait in elevators gets called names.


Play how you want to play, but keep your team in mind and everyone is a bit happier. =)

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Explores that sounds stupid to begin with you don't get much benefit from wasting extra 10 mins looking for lockers when in emantime you could just redo the mission and pop the chests on the way for a better chance for the loot.

The new "solution" they implemented is flat out wrong and rushing is the only thing i'm gonna do now to show them just how badly they f*cked it up!

I suggest anyone protesting this change to do the same just rush everything.

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These are GREAT ideas! We should also have a sort of sliding wall of doom coming from behind in every mission, like some kind of theoretical massive wave of enemies that the game just declares is too big for you to fight, and if you are too slow and the "wall" catches up you instantly die. Rush or die, you slow crawling scum!

Though back to serious mode, it is depressing how the devs seem to prefer catering to the people who enjoy crawling along in missions and want to punish anyone who doesn't play THEIR slow way in PUBLIC games, when we're supposed to be playing a game about space NINJAS. I mean, I play solo mode 90% of the time, why should i be punished for playing the way i want to in solo mode, just because some brats don't like people being faster than they are in public games? We have private modes, why can't we just co-exist? The explorers/turtles can play with other explorers/turtles, and the ninjas/rushers can play with other ninjas/rushers etc.

Heck, this is a game about space NINJAS. If anything, DE should be catering to rushers more so than explorers!

Edited by Madotsuki
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