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From Outside Eyes


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First of all, this is based on the finale of The Second Dream (with creative license taken of course) so if you haven't played it yet, I strongly recommend that you do that before reading this. 

With that warning out of the way, enjoy!

From Outside Eyes


I was in a dying dream, hunted by the Shadows.

He wanted- no, NEEDED to kill me for what he said I did.

This wasn't my first time near death at the hands of my advisories, nor will it be the last. Tenno don't die easy. 


The Lotus, my and countless other Tennos' guide, had brought me to the Moon, a forgotten and forsaken place, held by the Orokin and home to the Reservoir.  She fought back against Hunhow to protect us in the Old War, or so she said. The Cryosleep had taken my memories. If what is said is true, that is for the best.


I rounded a corner and annihilated a Sentient Drone, but not before it's weapons pierced my Warframe. Though the bleeding was stopped almost instantly by the Warframe systems, the damage was done.

My critical systems compromised, I cast Renewal and felt my internals return to normal and I continued through the ruins of the forgotten world. 

As I walked, I heard echos of the past, memories of a forgotten time before the Tenno went to their Cryopods. Parents discussing their children's futures. 


The echos mounted as I approached my destination as marked on my HUD.

I entered a large room, hushed and empty. The womb in the sky. I had reached the Reservoir. My vision crackled, and I collapsed...



I rose from death. Dropped unceremoniously from what had been my home for as long as I could remember and beyond. The small, single person pod, home of the Somatic Link, returned from whence it came and rejoined the other Somatic pods that hung from the crystal tree like fruit in an orchard. 


I saw myself for the first time, from outside eyes. Covered in blood, both my own and that of my enemies, but lifeless. Like I had been so long, yet I had inhabited the Warframe before me. 

Acting on instinct, I crawled toward the figure. I needed to reestablish the Link to escape. 

I collapsed onto my own shoulder, and felt energy surging through myselves. The Warframe twitched, then lifted me up, mother her newborn, and brought me from hell into safety.




I  may continue this story, but I felt that I would be best served by making this first section able to stand alone if I didn't end up continuing it. 


As this is one of my first written works, I would appreciate any feedback.

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