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EB Excal and arcane avenger set?



Please share your experiences on mentioned combination. 

I've swapped my arcane pendragon helmet for arcane avenger set 8+ crit chance on damaged) - but now I have noticed that avenger activates fairly rarely? I know that it depends on enemy type and mission difficulty, but still? I haven't made more thorough testing yet, but now I wander is smaller but consistent damage buff from pendragon overall more effective then occasional stronger buff? Or, maybe to use arcane guardians instead? Their activation chance is iirc much higher and in combination with arcane grace syndana they can take toughness of the frame on whole new level - defense is in truth more important then attack. If you're dead, your damage is zero ;)


Any input is appreciated. 


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This is a tricky question indeed and highly dependent on player preference.

With regard to Arcane Avenger, I have it maxed and really want to like it...  The 8 seconds it lasts for when it does proc don't seem long enough for it to be useful.  With regards to getting it to activate.  Well, in my case I do have it on a Syandana that I use with Excalibur and various other frames.  It's important to build a frame that can take a good amount of damage since the arcane has a percentage change of proc'ing when you take damage.  

So in the case of Excalibur I actually have maxed vitality, steel fiber and rejuvination running.  I also have rage installed too since I can generate energy from taking damage that way.  I don't have any shield mods on this build and I run life strike on the melee I have equipped.

I get arcane avenger to proc quite often because this build lets me take a lot of damage.  Just that I have to switch out of Exalted Blade to heal myself using life strike and regular melee.

In my opinion Arcane Avenger is quite strong, but I guess they had to balance the game by making it very short too.

EDIT: I also want to add that I do run this setup with Arcane Grace on my helmet too.  It really helps to stop me from being a liability to the squad.

Edited by sushidubya
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After starting to use Arcane Guardian myself, I believe Arcane Avenger isn't a good option for EBlade Excalibur. Main reason being, you can't trigger "when damaged" arcanes via block damage, and Excalibur in EBlade blocks majority of incoming attacks. So at the moment when Arcane Avenger bonus will start to actually matter, it would be too dangerous to allow enemies to hit you in your back (which would be the only way to trigger it).

Same goes for Arcane Guardian, to be honest. Yeah, it is kinda useful and can save your life at times, but it still procs extremelly rarely. Arcane Ultimatum on the other hand, is reliable in any non Infestation mission.

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6 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

After starting to use Arcane Guardian myself, I believe Arcane Avenger isn't a good option for EBlade Excalibur. Main reason being, you can't trigger "when damaged" arcanes via block damage, and Excalibur in EBlade blocks majority of incoming attacks. So at the moment when Arcane Avenger bonus will start to actually matter, it would be too dangerous to allow enemies to hit you in your back (which would be the only way to trigger it).

Same goes for Arcane Guardian, to be honest. Yeah, it is kinda useful and can save your life at times, but it still procs extremelly rarely. Arcane Ultimatum on the other hand, is reliable in any non Infestation mission.

Are you sure you played after 17.0? Because blocking doesn't negate all the damage anymore. I have an arcane guardian maxed and it works the whole time during tough survivals.

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4 hours ago, -Ksaero- said:

Are you sure you played after 17.0? Because blocking doesn't negate all the damage anymore. I have an arcane guardian maxed and it works the whole time during tough survivals.

I am using it on my current Excal. Go ahead and try it yourself, you won't get it to trigger from anything that can be blocked and hits you from the front when EBlade is up. Only things that partially bypass block - explosions for instance - or hits in the back will be able to proc Arcane Guardian.

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