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About the changes and platinum


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I'm very happy with the new update, but still, some of the contents of the update is not good.

1. Inventory is only now 8 slot, u can extend it via platinum purchase which i find ridiculous, with the new crafting system, how can you craft items and find whats good items if you have only 8 slots? you can extend 2 slot buy using 12 platinum.

2. You can now only play or buy 2 warframe, you only have 2 slots, and also you can extend it buy using platinum, 1 slot for 20 platinum, i also find this kinda stupid, i agree that all warframes can now be bought via platinum and blueprint via credits, so players have reason to farm, but making warframe slot limited is kinda not fun, i mean you can only try 2 warframe unless you purchase platinum.

Well this is just my opinion and its only on beta.

This 2 are the things i find as the not good stuff of the update.

The mission and world map is awesome and also the crafting system.

Share whats on your mind about the new update :D

and have fun playing.

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I agree. This is starting to look like some poor money making scheme. Now sure the devs need to make money back from a F2P game but don't put a cash price on every feature, that is just stupid! As I have said before don't fall for it and eventually they might even rethink how they charge us.

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Maninas - if we have no choice but to reset we credit back all your Platinum (including starting) which you could definitely use to unlock Pro after Beta.

Noir - keep in mind you can sell back old gear if you're low on slots or buy some with your free starting Platinum? I love Guild Wars but those 5 slots weren't free.

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The pro-stuff for weapons/frames is odd. On the one hand it's not actually that pricey, and I could see myself spending the $10 to get enough to load PRO onto the things I know I'll be using for a while.

It's crazy though that unless money exchanges all your arsenal essentially has a far lower level cap. For weapons that's actually somewhat bareable, but for at least Excalibur that locks him out of getting his 4th power unless I've paid. Again, that's fine for that one, but after all the time and effort it seems it'll take to create a new frame it's a bit rotten that he's still only capable of half the greatness until I upgrade him.

But then.. what does $10 get? 170 Platinum is enough to get pro on 8 pieces of arsenal. That's pretty substantial. That's $10 I would be comfortable paying and would concievably have me covered for some time.

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I completely agree on the point of having purchasable slots. HOWEVER! Slots for warframes and weapons, a I think, must go into different catefories. What I mean is basically as following: warframes are essential feature to players, and only 2 slots, one of which will be filled with starting warframe of choice, is too little.

I agree that we all may use an additional slot (3 total). Requesting more would be too greedy, and we already have more than enough weapon slots, but 3rd warframe slot would be very nice.

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The pro-stuff for weapons/frames is odd. On the one hand it's not actually that pricey, and I could see myself spending the $10 to get enough to load PRO onto the things I know I'll be using for a while.

It's crazy though that unless money exchanges all your arsenal essentially has a far lower level cap. For weapons that's actually somewhat bareable, but for at least Excalibur that locks him out of getting his 4th power unless I've paid. Again, that's fine for that one, but after all the time and effort it seems it'll take to create a new frame it's a bit rotten that he's still only capable of half the greatness until I upgrade him.

But then.. what does $10 get? 170 Platinum is enough to get pro on 8 pieces of arsenal. That's pretty substantial. That's $10 I would be comfortable paying and would concievably have me covered for some time.

This is pretty much my view on it. But a lot of people also do not want to shell out even 10 dollars into a game they would play for 20+ hours which bothers me a bit. But then again, not everyone also has the means to do so - with that said I can't blame any of them for having some cash gripes.

I agree on having 3 starting warframe slots, only one alternate character without paying premium is a bit lame, but then again in full release people will simply just make Alternate accounts to get around things like this which is also a big problem I see. Since they're locking out so many features as a 'premium' only thing more and more people will just keep making alternate accounts for specific builds/warframes just so they can go Pro with their platinum and get the most bang for their buck.

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The only one is get to me is Pro...

If they dont change pro-pay system,im probobly will out this great game.(after i see there no changes on open B.)

Im sure that some % of people will do the same after they see how big is limit(affect) its on game.

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The only one is get to me is Pro...

If they dont change pro-pay system,im probobly will out this great game.(after i see there no changes on open B.)

Im sure that some % of people will do the same after they see how big is limit(affect) its on game.

Wut? O.o

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Is broken english that hard to understand?

The only problem for me is the Pro option..

If they don't change the "you won't get full enjoyment out of the game without spending $X money system", then I will probably quit this great game.

I'm sure that a lot of people will do the same after they see how big of a limit there is on game if you do not wish to pay premiums.

And that's pretty much what he said, which by all means is valid.

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I have to agree with allowing Weapon Slots, Inventory Slots, WarFrame Slots and Pro-Frames being able to be bought with credits.

I don't think the Devs here understand that many F2P games are making assloads off money purely of asthetic cash shops (Planetside 2 a perfect example) with some MINOR boosts you can buy. People are paying in large amounts just to make their character look cooler.

In a game where you want to have the coolest looking cyborg ninja I have no idea how you cant see the money oppertunity from making cool "Asthetic" upgrades for your frame and weapons only available through platinum.

I am completely okay with minor xp, rank xp, credit gain boosts only available through platinum. I'm fine with pure-asthetics being available only through platinum.

I am NOT okay with major game features (Such as Pro-Warframe, Invy Slots, Weapon Slots) being locked down and forced to be bought. That is the beginning of the end for your game and that has happened to nearly every single game with a cash shop that restericts free players so heavily. At the very least, those games only make it in extreme game markets (China, Korea) and those games are much more like Gunz, Age of Wushu, 9Dragons... blah blah blah.

Please don't forsake us devs! We are not trying to be cheap here! Infact I bet a lot of people reading or posting this would buy up a lot of asthetics over time if everything else were free as well!

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I tend to agree with the previous posts here. Using League of Legends as an example (since I play it a lot and I would say is quite a successful F2P game), anything that actually affects your performance during a mission and in the game SHOULD BE COMPLETELY ATTAINABLE FOR FREE.

1. This means that upgrading a warframe or weapon to PRO status should be, in my personal opinion, available via credits (but also available for a few platinum. 20 sounds like a good amount if people are planning on collecting weapons / switching between a few warframes perhaps).

Discussion: Although, in this case, that would sorta make the "going pro" option meaningless; why not just increase the base price of the weapon or warframe and forget the whole PRO upgrade? Perhaps the Pro upgrade could be a way of making sure you like a weapon or warframe before fully committing to it via a Pro upgrade. I understand that this might be a point where the devs might want to make some money, but this draws the line between free to play, and pay to win; players that spend money to upgrade their stuff to PRO will simply be better than those players that don't, no discussion. Obviously players have the option of getting their Pro status much faster by spending a few bucks (20 platinum isn't that much at all, but the credit cost could be 10s of thousands of credits, in order to give some incentive for players to spend money for convenience).

2. Weapon slots and warframe slots should also be available for credits.

Discussion: Once again, I realize this is a point where players could be forced to spend more money, but trust me, done right, players will be more than willing to spend their money for even little things (and these things should be for convenience or austhetics, not for more power in the game). Obviously it is possible for players to simply sell their weapons as they get near the inventory limit, but for convenience, they could buy more slots to stockpile more weapons, and once again, players will be willing to pay for this convenience, but would like the option of getting the slot for free (once again, several thousands of credits would be completely reasonable).

Warframe slots, on the other hand, are super vital to this game. There are not going to be nearly as many warframes as there are LoL champions, and LoL has no "champion slot limit", so I can see how limiting warframe slots would be a nice point to make some money from players. In my opinion though, this game will stand to make much more money by allowing more warframe slots, since PEOPLE WILL GLADLY PAY MONEY TO BUY NEW WARFRAMES. The main attraction of this game are the cool warframes you can play, and the different ways you can kill enemies. Getting warframes for free is hard enough (buy blueprint for &#!-load of money, grind for warframe parts, pay similar &#!-load of money and then wait 3 days for warframe) so there is plenty of convenience pressure to spend money to buy warframes right away. There doesn't have to be another road block along that route by forcing so little warframe slots, and then not giving us the option to buy them with credits.

3. Anything and everything that makes your character LOOK like a badass can cost platinum, and people will eat that stuff up.

Discussion: League of Legends lets you buy champions using F2P means, or with money. Many will buy champions for money because they want to play new champions without grinding using F2P means. You can customize your character with rune pages and masteries for free as well. I believe you should never give an advantage to players that spend money on their characters (see rant in #1). BUT, having the convenience of multiple customization pages can be made easier by spending money (you can purchase more rune pages either by using F2P means, or with money if you want to save time).

But if you want to make your character look like a badass, then you HAVE to pay money, and people WILL spend money on that. If people want XP boosts or credit boosts, people will also spend money on that as well, anything to make the game more "convenient", but nothing that is necessary, such as the PRO upgrade.

In my opinion League of Legends did it right, and has caused me to spend more money on skins than I would have ever thought when I first started playing the game. I never felt cheated or at a disadvantage to players that spent more money than me in LoL; no matter what, on the battlefield everyone had equal access to everything that affected their chances of winning. In a competitive game like LoL, this was most definitely a necessity. Here, seeing as Warframe is a cooperative game where you don't really "compete" against each other, it's not so much necessary as it would be very very annoying to be trounced in terms of mission performance by someone who just spends more money than the next player.

Sorry for the novel but those are my thoughts on the issue.

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I tried to convince my friends to play Warframe but they don't want since they know that you need platinium for Pro-Warframes and slots. I agree with previous posts, League of Legends is a pretty good example.

Edited by Roawynn
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