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stalker re work?


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do you guys think the stalker should get a re work because my friend has been marked 23 times and yet the stalker still hasn't spawned on him. I figure this kinda contradicts his character and sort of makes it seem like he will hunt you down whenever he feels like it which is kinda funny don't you think. I think what should be done is to make it a little more harder to get marked and make him a little more difficult. I know everytime you get marked you get a percentage increase of chance of him spawning. however the percentage thats given is very small and takes awhile before he actually spawns. I was wondering if you could increase the percentage of him spawning and just make him a little harder or maybe make it more rare to get marked  Because when people are stalker hunting and someone forms a party of people who all have been racking countless numbers of marks and he doesn't show up. the party is just left there grinding missions to try and get him to spawn and its not fun for them. Here's an metaphor as to what I am trying to say. When you were a kid did your parents ever tell not do something or else you would get into trouble. Well you keep doing whatever your parents don't want you to do numerious amount of times and your parents only disciplined you whenever they felt like it.  thats how it feels like when people are stalker hunting. the question shouldn't be how many times does someone have to spit in his face to get his attention. the statement instead should be I just spat in his face 3 to 5 times he is surely gonna be on my tail constantly until i kill him or he kills me. well tell me your thoughts about this

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It seems like he used to spawn a lot more frequently. Actually, all three of the 'Hunters' (Stalker, Grustrag Three, Zanuka) used to show up quite regularly if you were marked by all of them at once. Then I took a break from this game and ever since I came back, I've only seen the Stalker ONCE despite being heavily marked by all three factions. I feel like they're way too rare now, and given that they all drop some of the more powerful weapons in the game, that makes it rather annoying.

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Here's an interesting tidbit: I've been marked by all 3 assassins for over 2 weeks. I've been marked and re-marked many times over, but I haven't seen ANY of them show up, and I take my sweet time soloing void missions.

Something's seriously wrong with the system, or possibly it's a bug.

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