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Tips about how to get platinum/slots issues



 So, guys, I'm pretty new to the game and I'm already struggling with some weapon and warframe slots problems. I have spent all my initial 50 plat on some weapons slots and one warframe slot.

 Since we can buy slots through platinum, I was wondering if someone could give me some tips on selling mods or whatever makes the "economy" turn.

 I have done some research, and it seems like only top tier mods and prime stuff are actually sold to players for platinum, and still I don't have any of those (or know where to get them). Even if I had, I wouldn't know how to sell (in terms of price). Is there something easier to sell for my level? Even if it's cheaper, I just need the plat for slots anyway.

Oh, My mastery rank is 4 btw.

Edited by Opiazam
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5 general things you can do to earn plat (through trade):


1.Vault runs ( You may wish to look up an actual guide on vault runs, I'll try to explain the basics here)

reward- corrupted mods: special mods that give immense bonuses but they also always have a downside (eg, Spoiled Strike gives more damage but less attackspeed for melee weapons)

difficulty- fighting level 20-30 infested enemies. rank 30 warframe/weaponry highly recommended.

steps: you're going to need to go to the market, and buy dragon key blueprints (there are 4 of them), they can be found under the gear section, under keys. You should also buy Orokin derelict key blueprints (if you intend to host these missions). These dragon keys must be crafted and then equipped in your gear slot. Bear in mind that equipping a key grants a negative benefit (such as reduced health, reduced shields, reduced damage or reduced speed). And note that you can only have one dragon key equipped at a time. These keys are used to unlock special doors that require these dragon keys to unlock, but they can only be opened with one of the four keys (which is why it is recommended to do this in a 4 man squad).

To enter the vault, you must do an orokin derelict mission, usually exterminate or capture (the orokin derelict may be accessed by crafting the orokin derelict key yourself, or by joining a squad where someone else has crafted a key. TIP: Go to recruiting chat and try to find people hosting vault runs, try to always do vault runs with 4 man squads). In the mission, a special room will spawn, that is locked by a special door, which can be unlocked by having the correct dragon key. Once opened, you can pickup the "vault artifact" and complete the mission and head to extract. At extract, the artifact will be revealed as a corrupted mod (and everyone will get the same mod).

The corrupted mod you acquire can be sold to other players- Generally Warframe corrupted mods (eg Fleeting Expertise) may be sold to other players for between 10-40 platinum (at the time of this post)! Note that not all corrupted mods may be sold (or have value/use), but there's a good chance to acquire sellable warframe mods to make easy platinum. Some other good non-warframe mods that can be easily sold include spoiled strike and heavy calibre. TIP: Check warframe.market website to learn the value of your corrupted mods.


The Void (most popular among the community)

reward: prime parts for building prime warframes (they look pretty) and prime weapons (prime weapons are actually strong)and also forma ( but forma can't be traded, but it is valuable to new players). You will also receive a very large amount of credits from farming in the void, each mission completed will award between 9k-40k credits!

difficulty- varies- tower 1 is level 10-20 enemies, tower 3 is 20-30, and tower 4 is 50-60 (in terms of difficulty). rank 30 warframe/weaponry highly recommended.

steps: Acquire void keys, they can be earned from a variety of missions including spy, survival, interception, defence and excavation (on planets). They may also be an alert award (sometimes, but it's very easy to do excavation missions acquire keys). Now simply enter the void "planet" from navigation, select any void mission, and complete it. At the end of the mission you will rewarded with a prime part (or forma). Note that certain void missions may award multiple prime parts (namely defence, survival and sabotage). and Also note that tower 1 void missions may instead award void keys (tower 2 and tower 3 missions will never award void keys). Unlike the vault runs, you can solo these without risk of wasting keys (but it is highly recommended to do with friends/squad since it makes the mission easier/faster, again if you need friends to do void runs, check recruiting chat).

The prime parts you acquired can all be sold to other players (note that you may only trade blueprints, don't craft them if you intend to sell the part). The price varies based on prime part (again I recommend checking warframe.market to get a grasp of what people are selling the part for/what people are asking to buy the part for).

Note that if your prime part is worth 1-3 platinum on warframe.market (as in EVERYONE is selling it for cheap), it's probably worthless junk, but don't worry! you can trade junk in for ducats at baro'kiteer at a relay (the void trader, I'm not going to explain him too greatly, you can look him up, or ask in region chat about how he works), but he sells valuable mods (that require ducats) that can be sold to other players for lots of platinum (at the time of this post he is selling slash mods, which were being sold as high as 100-1000 platinum a few weeks ago due to rarity, since they weren't acquirable for a very long time). Alternatively you can skip baro, and sell your "prime junk" directly to other players usually for 1-2 platinum (these players usually want  the ducats for baro mods more than you do). BEWARE- Check your prices! don't assume everything is junk, you might having something valuable (check the prices on all parts before junking them for quick plat!). For example the Ash prime blueprint is worth around 100 platinum at the time of this post, which is like 5 warframe slots! Don't give away Ash Prime Blueprint for 1 plat! Trust me you'll regret it! I once junked a prime blade for 1 plat that was actually worth 40 plat! and I still regret it to this day!

3. Alert mods (the easiest way, but the slowest and luckiest way)

reward:cool mods that are kind of uncommon in the community

difficulty-easy usually since other people will carry you in these missions, but can vary depending on the mission type.

steps- simply, put, certain hard-to-get mods are put on alerts from time to time. Try to get them! Usually they sell for between 5-10 platinum, and aren't too difficult to nab. In particular mods such as Aura mods (namely Energy Siphon, Steel Charge and Corrosive projection) and nightmare mods (such as Blaze, armored agility and constitution) are commonly in-demand mods that you can very quickly sell for 5-10 platinum to other players. Not the most amount of plat, but it's very easy to do. The best way to setup and prepare for these alerts is to unlock as many planets and map nodes on the star map as possible. Alternatively you can go to recruiting chat to find people who can "taxi" you to the alert (as in you join their squad and they run the mission, and you get the reward).


4.Syndicates (note you need to be Mastery rank 8 to access secondary weapons and Mastery rank 12 to access primaries)

reward: unique warframe augment mods (that can't be acquired anywhere else except for conclave PvP, these mods affect specific abilities of a warframe and give them cool utility) and really powerful endgame weaponry- Note that platinum earned here is the most consistent method out of all of them.

Difficulty- a very very arduous grind to get from rank 0 to rank 5 syndicate. Fairly easy after you beat that grind.

Steps- In your ship, to the left of your Orbiter's navigation, there should be a panel for syndicates you can access. Pick one. Wear their sigil (aka regalia) on your warframe (cosmetically) to start earning reputation. You gain reputation based on exp gained while the tattoo is equipped. You can only equip one regalia at a time. You must also sacrifice lots of credits/valuables to rank up (this must only be done once per rank but trust me it is totally worth it), and you can earn additional syndicate reputation by doing special syndicate alert missions (after levelling up once in a syndicate, you will unlock these missions). 

Note that whenever you gain syndicate reputation, you will gain reputation in another allied syndicate reputation as well as lose reputation with enemy syndicates. This means you can earn twice the reward (by ranking up in the allied syndicate). Beware! enemy syndicates may summon enemies into your games to try to kill you (usually 1-3 times a week for me).

As you gain rank in a syndicate, you will unlock more parts of their offering shop. You can spend reputation to buy things in this shop, including warframe augment mods (which on average sell for 10-20 platinum and are in fairly common demand, usually 10 plat per mod for 25k rep), special syndicate exclusive secondaries, which may be traded for usually 20-30 platinum, and special syndicate primaries which usually go for 30-40 platinum in the community. Again, like always you should totally check the prices on warframe.market before selling anything!

SELLOUT NOTE: Steel Meridian is the coolest and best syndicate in the game. Join them!

5.high level mods (basically fusing up to rank 10 mods)

reward: max ranked mods? Basically the strongest mods you can have.

Difficulty- a very large grind. very simple, but it can take months of play.

Steps- basically, certain mods such as Vitality and Redirection can be be ranked up through the process of fusion (to make them more powerful). The maximum rank for these mods are 10 and these big mods can be easily sold for between 100-300 platinum (depending on the specific mod, note that only mods that go up to rank 10 are worth selling for large amounts of platinum). I'm not going to explain how fusion works (you should definitely look up a guide if you don't know as it is a key part to game progression), but always know that you can always sell your rank 10 mods for large sums of platinum. NOTE: make sure that you are willing to part with your high level mods- if you sell your one rank 10 redirection, and you have no more redirection mods, you can really screw up your warframe builds. Bear in mind that the amount of fusion cores (or junk mods) that you must consume to level a mod from 0 to 10 scales based on the mod rarity. Rare (gold) mods take more fusion cores (or junk mods) to power up than uncommon (silver) mods. Common (bronze) mods such as vitality and redirection are the easiest to level to 10. As an example, a rank 10 vitality sells for about 100 plat.


Finally, if you haven't already, I would totally recommend going to youtube and searching up "warframe from scratch" it's a let's play series of warframe (that skips most gameplay, but shows highlights) of a guy playing through warframe completely free2play ( no spending money) but he earns a large amount of platinum and he's a pretty good teacher about how he goes about doing it.

Edited by Obviousclone
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What I would do as a new player is sell fully ranked weapons for mastery fodder and only keep weapons that are OP or ones you really like.

And there are never really good tips for selling stuff. Memorize what you have, and stalk the trade chat until someone wants something you have. Other than that, you could farm for the "Hot" prime items which are ones that recently came out and sell those.

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You can also dump $20 on the game after 30+ hours of playing. To make the spending easier you will sometimes even get a 25 - 75% discount. Reserve those plats for slots and orokin catalysts+reactors and accumulate all dem prime stuffs. Sets/Parts you don't need can then be sold later.

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well, try joining a clan and get yourself a group to host a t1 void mission or join a group. especially near the coming of baro. people will be farming ducats like crazy (ducats is obtained by selling prime parts at ducats kiosk on any relay. There are always people buying unpopular prime parts equipment (or junk as they call them) to be converted into ducats. usually revolve around 7p-10p for 5 pieces of those. ideally, you will only sell junk (the 10 ducats prime parts). you can see the list of prime parts prices here http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Ducats/Prices

last but not least, before joining void mission, make you are fully equipped.

Void key 1 revolves around enemy lv 10-20

Void key 2 revolves around enemy lv 20-30

void key 3 revolves around enemy lv 30-40

void key 4 revolves around enemy lv 30-40, with enemy dealt 300% damage to you.

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>>> http://wftrading.net/ <<<

This site is a good starting point to figure out the prices and what to ask for something you have. Generally, the prices are a ballpark of what to expect of x y & z. Whenever i'm trading, i generally ask for the mid price plat of the item I wish to sell.

from what I have gathered though, a lot of people think that this site "low balls" on the plat prices. If your looking to buy something? forget this site, cause most will ask for something higher since they want the max amount of plat which I kinda understand, but people need to understand not everybody has money to throw away. If they did, then what's the point of the trade chat then?

so, Farm Void Missions or Orokin Derelict Missions, get a prime bp/part or cool mod, look up the selling price on the site and then try to get rid of it in the trade chat. if you see the item you wish to selling being asked for higher or lower then what the site says, might want to adjust your asking price for a possibly lower plat value since most will want to buy something cheap unless your one of the people that thinks the site "low balls", then you shouldn't be buying things cheap then...should you

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2 hours ago, Jierrsul said:

You can also dump $20 on the game after 30+ hours of playing. To make the spending easier you will sometimes even get a 25 - 75% discount. Reserve those plats for slots and orokin catalysts+reactors and accumulate all dem prime stuffs. Sets/Parts you don't need can then be sold later.

I'll never understand buying potatoes with plat. Just be patient for the next one. You can spend the time waiting perfecting the gear you already have so you don't have a bunch of 3/4 finished weapons.

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9 hours ago, Tyranem said:

I'll never understand buying potatoes with plat. Just be patient for the next one. You can spend the time waiting perfecting the gear you already have so you don't have a bunch of 3/4 finished weapons.

It's easy. I got since I began the game 4 months ago 18 frames and at least the same amount of weapons. The potatos the game provides are nice, but didn't satisfy my demand.

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