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Ingame Advertisement Screen Built-In Game Client


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Which is why some friends I know hate Steam. It may be relevant to games, and even to sales for games, but nonetheless it's a popup. I know people who hate anything remotely representing Adware. I can tolerate a daily dose of some ads as I browse (though I use Ad-blocker), but honestly Warframe isn't the place for them.

i thought i should mention this


In the game I was talking about it did not act like a popup, you could continue playing as if you were still on the screen

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I kind of like it, and the other pic he posted as well


What? His second and third image I think is fine, but that first image where there's an ad on your HUD like that in the middle of the game would suck.


Well for anyone asking "Why not have advertising?" first ask yourself why does a game need in-game ads supporting them? It's because they aren't making enough money. This "Why not?" mind set is &#! backwards. We do not need to make the UI ugly.


That's flawed logic. They don't need to be going broke to start needing ads. If they're making good revenue now, then ads could give them even more money on top of that. The game could also benefit from it because the developers can use it to further improve and add to the game.

Edited by Kaibah
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Which is why some friends I know hate Steam. It may be relevant to games, and even to sales for games, but nonetheless it's a popup. I know people who hate anything remotely representing Adware. I can tolerate a daily dose of some ads as I browse (though I use Ad-blocker), but honestly Warframe isn't the place for them.

Those friends need to get over themselves. Their paranoia is off the charts.

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What's the problem with that? You can easily ignore it if you're not interested and DE benefits.


If there's something I should say, is that it may not bother you, but it can bother other people. And as you can tell in this topic, there will be people that will be bothered, and there's nothing you can do to change their minds. If I could explain it better, I would.


i thought i should mention this


In the game I was talking about it did not act like a popup, you could continue playing as if you were still on the screen


I'm aware of this, but keep in mind Steam is just advertising their games hosted on their domain. DE can't do anything like that.

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If there's something I should say, is that it may not bother you, but it can bother other people. And as you can tell in this topic, there will be people that will be bothered, and there's nothing you can do to change their minds. If I could explain it better, I would.


I can see what you're saying, but it seems kind of silly to me that people would complain like they're having a tooth pulled out about an ad that is really insignificant and could be easily ignored (like SgtColonel's second and third images).

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For the reason:


DE have done such a great job on to create something that feels alien and sinister.

A simple ad on the startup screen would already rip the player out of the atmosphere its starting to built.

No matter what mastery level you have attained in "ignoring". It doesn't change the fact that you unconsciously notice its existence.


And as such, it is an idea I cannot like

Edited by Kasamoto
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9dragons did the banner ad thing, it ruined the gaming experience for a lot of players and caused a mass exodus.

If they tried putting ads someplace unobtrusive it wouldn't generate much ad revenue and that kinda negates the point.


Bottom line, NO


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Steam gives you advertisements each time you close the game for example


Picture this scenario:


You're playing solo and have become surrounded on three sides by Moas with a Shockwave Moa charging at you.

You're dealing death and nothing can possibly stop you from finishing the mission.

Suddenly the game minimizes and a Steam popup appears advertising something.

You quickly close the Steam popup and return to the game.

You're now lying dead on the floor.


Now imagine this happens every third mission.


And don't say that it won't happen as some ad companies will look to find any way to force their product down your throat even with DE trying to prevent that from happening and that includes ads that cover the entire screen or minimize the game.

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Steam gives you advertisements each time you close the game for example

V V 


I'm aware of this, but keep in mind Steam is just advertising their games hosted on their domain. DE can't do anything like that.

^ ^ ^

This, and if you think about it DE have a featured tab when you first open the market cycling through the new and popular content> That is almost exactly the same pop up from steam their featured content. I actually like that pop up from steam tho as it always fills me in on the latest sales they have on which I often end up buying. For example got both borederland 1 & 2 for under £20 because of that pop up a few week back ;)

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I can see what you're saying, but it seems kind of silly to me that people would complain like they're having a tooth pulled out about an ad that is really insignificant and could be easily ignored (like SgtColonel's second and third images).


Keeping the UI or just the game as clean as possible affects how a person looks at the game. It may not affect you obviously because to you, the company is more important. But if DE offers you an ad-free game, and the only thing you really had to pay for was slots, wouldn't you be surprised?


On a different point, you also realize there are people out there that want stuff faster. You get those kind of people in every game. A ton of Void keys were purchased when it came out, just from my clan alone, yet you can farm this stuff. Why? Well to each their own reason. But one reason to many, would be because the game entices them to do so, and that's said throughout this forum. You hear a small comment about people wanting to spend 300 platinum to get the Vauban, or 800 for the Stalker pack.


So for now since people have incentive to buy platinum to get stuff faster, this is funding DE. If DE is failing, I'd imagine they would prefer to think of a new way to entice players, rather than take the lazy route like most companies and use ads. DE has proven themselves that they are constantly working. Even when E3 is coming up, they managed to release a juicy patch last Friday. So let's keep it ad-free and let DE stay on this healthy path.

Edited by Xelorx
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Just put animated advertisements on the walls of levels we play through.  Like product placement in movies.......Whne will teh industry actually use decent ideas.  Make it part of the game if implemented, not a gaudy ui element....

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Just put animated advertisements on the walls of levels we play through.  Like product placement in movies.......Whne will teh industry actually use decent ideas.  Make it part of the game if implemented, not a gaudy ui element....



I guess the next step would be the dojos looking like a bus stop or train station with ads on the walls. SIGH

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