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Sentients' teleport glitched


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So, this happened about 4 times now.

I'm playing on the Moon tileset, trying to get the War parts. We kill the first wave of sentients just fine, then they wont spawn ever again.
We waited about 10 minutes and they never showed up. Then when I was going to pick the Focus (which spawned 5 rooms back), I found one lost Sentient stuck behind a door. After killing him and waiting another 5 minutes, then more spawned.

Then other thing happened, we are killing the Sentients, when suddenly they vanish. We waited and they never came back or more spawned. Then while we were going to extraction, we actully found them, but they were sort of ragdolled on the floor, and when we tried to attack them, they would vanish again. A teammate got to mark one of them and the waypoint kept warping around the map and screen, we could never catch up with them, so we could only extract.

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On 26/03/2016 at 6:21 AM, N64Gamefreak said:

Did you have a Mag that used Crush?  That used to cause the Sentients to glitch and teleport like crazy, but I was hoping that had been fixed by now.

Now that you said it, I was Mag. I used Crush a few times but they never got affected by it, later when I used, they floated up a bit then vanished.

That might be the problem.

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