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Ash recommendation


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Dunno if this has been brought up before but I searched Ash and didn't find anything. Anyway Ash's ult really needs invincibility. I have died multiple times while using his ult. I mean its insane to think that if I am jumping around so fast how the hell am I being hit.

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Dunno if this has been brought up before but I searched Ash and didn't find anything. Anyway Ash's ult really needs invincibility. I have died multiple times while using his ult. I mean its insane to think that if I am jumping around so fast how the hell am I being hit.

In higher levels the enemy aim bot tends to be overpowered. This issue has been brought up before and might get fixed in the comming patches. So try using your ash ult in rooms with lots of cover, try not to use it if you are low on hp and playing solo. Also a better tactic with ash is using some sprint mods and upgrading you melee weapon, it works for me (charging and retreating becomes easier, I only use the ult if I can survive it xD).

And the reason you didn't find anything is because "ash" is too short a word for the forum search engine to find anything, if you used more words or a different combination you would have had more luck.

Edited by Malkav
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I agree, at low levels it wasnt a big deal to take hits (even tho its kinda weird that you do cause you're teleporting in and out of harms way) but at higher levels it is rendered nearly useless as you have pointed out, die in the process of using the BlasdeStorm. Furthur more, Ash's teleporting skill seems to be more of a "moving from point A to B" rather than "vanishing from one point and reappear in another", which means theres a line of sight of sorts that will break a teleporting chain of BladeStorm. I find myself not to be able to teleport to an enemy (3rd skill) just because the enemy was either crouched or behind something that was semi covering the enemy. same with allies, if they are jumping, the teleport breaks. Then theres the case of being able to see allies behind walls (cause they glow) but i cannot "teleport" to them. again the terrible concept of line of sight based teleporting system.

Shuriken anyone? sigh* as an offensive ability in higher level areas, it is useless. Change it so it hits multiple targets and at least have a knock back effect or stun or something. Description says high damage output but that is not the case really. works well in low levels tho but as we all know skills/abilities are put to the test best in high levels because that is where the mechanic shines.

Smoke Bomb, the most functional ability for Ash so far, still could be better. Make it so that when Ash is invisible, every enemy kill you make refreshes his invisibility, so skilled players are rewarded with extended invisibility. Also, Smoke Bomb should effect allies within the Smoke Bomb's range making them invisible as well, this in my opinion will work as a support skill whenever allies are downed and can be revived safely.

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