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30,000 Cryotic isn't actually a problem


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This video sums up my feelings pretty well :

It's insulting to force your fanbase to farm the same mission type for 300 successive extractions to be able to afford a single weapon. I though DE were trying to find ways to make Warframe less of a tedious grind , yet it seems to get progressively worse. As a MR21, one would think I would have enough Cryotic , right ? Wrong, I only had 4.5 K cryotic, mostly because I don't enjoy Excavation that much , and I never jumped on the Hieracon core and key farm grinding bubble. I thought DE wanted people to stop playing the same nodes over and over, yet the specifically target a weapon to a part of their userbase that only plays a single game mode.

After a couple of hours farming cryotic, I'm at 10K now... Still have 20k to farm ,and I basically gave up for the time being, as I feel like it's a waste of my precious time.

Is this what warframe is about now ? Farming Shadow Debt mods for days, farming ducats the rest of the week to be able to afford everything Baro has to offer (a bigger inventory each week and items that cost upwards of 500 ducats , great), and now farming ridiculous amount of single ressources to keep players occupied for longer for their mastery rank points. At that rate, I'll quit before long.

Fix that crap. 3000 Cryotic would have been a reasonable price for a single, mastery fodder item. That still requires 30 successive excavations, which will take a while... Not 300 excavations.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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For new players, it's not as trivial as you think. Starting from scratch, it actually does take a while. Personally, I still only had low level stuff open back then, so I had to farm it through Lua/Tikal, and you can't always find parties for them. Got neurodes for days (y'know, ended up with like, a whopping 40 after the farming was done), but the cryotic was pretty slow. Especially when some groups only wanted to do 1-2 excavators and then extract.

But overall, the grind wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Took about a week of off-and-on farming of mindless low level excavations. Was pretty disappointed when I found I hated the weapon, though. >.>

And no, please DE, don't make more weapons with insane mat costs like this. I really don't want to see a 200 neural sensor gun come out next, or a 1k gallium sword.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem is it requires from 5 to 8 hours of constant farming to  acquire that much cryotic, which is no fun.... Especially for a mastery fodder weapon...

When I first complained about this, it was before Vauban Prime and his 20 Nitain, 7000 Oxium and 9000 Cryotic inflated cost...My point being, it doesn't seem DE got the message that huge grind walls on new stuff is a bad idea, since they did even worse with Vauban. So please, make your voice heard so we aren't stuck farming resources for days every update.

And for those that go "I have a huge stockpile of most resources , it doesn't affect me".... Well, let's see how you feel in a couple of months when it's gone due to the new trend and you're back to farming stuff that you had acquired naturally through play over years of warframe activity.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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