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Sibear - More Unique Features


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With the costs for building it and people's expectations out of it, especially compared to the Jat Kittag, I can understand why many consider the weapon to be mastery fodder. I've always felt that DE hesitates too much when it comes to adding nifty features/quirks to weapons, even though it wouldn't render the weapon broken unlike certain ones in the market right now. While I won't suggest a direct buff to stats just so it is on par with Jat Kittag, I want to suggest more unique features to it, in order to make it stand out in another way than looks and adding synergy within its effects. Since it's an ice hammer, I want to base the CC features on the warframe Frost, without undermining him. The 30k cryotics has to have some uses, right?


Replace the inconsistent Cold proc on slam/AoE attacks with a guaranteed Freeze effect

- Based on Snow Globe's effect when casting it within range of enemies, the Freeze will occur and send enemies flying a short distance, taking damage to whatever obstacles they hit.
- They will stay frozen for a time until they receive a certain threshold of damage (not affected by any mods).
- While they won't be knocked down and subject to the "getting up" animation, this CC can be refreshed more easily with slam attacks or AoE attacks within combos (such as Shattered Village and Raging Whirlwind from the Crushing Ruin stance).
- The Freeze will occur no matter the elemental combination on the weapon, and its range (around 8-9m), being smaller than Jat Kittag's AoE (10-11m), may balance it out a bit.


Create a radial Cold wave when performing a spin attack + cone Cold wave

- At the end of the spin attack animation, the hammer releases a short radial Cold wave
- When performing an aerial attack (not to be confused with slam attacks), it creates a short burst Cold in front of the user, in a cone. Useful against airborne enemies and cameras
- Affected by damage, channeling damage and range mods, but doesn't combine with elements, so it will always proc Cold).
- The Cold damage has a higher status chance than its base value, and is increased by status mods)


Charge Attack Effect: Glacial Burst

- Grant a +50% Status Chance bonus, as it does currently (can proc any status on the weapon), affected by status mods
- Charge Attack will send a cone of Cold damage, like the slide attack and aerial attack, but with 100% status chance to proc Cold.
- If done on an already Cold proc'ed (slowed) target, it will Freeze them
- If done on a Frozen target, they take x1.5 more damage, with half of total damage done as Finisher damage, and are sent flying (receive damage on obstacle).
-- Velocity of flight is increased when Channeling
-- If target dies in this scenario, whether from the direct hit or the obstacle impact, it creates an AoE of Cold damage with static 50% chance to proc Cold (unaffected by status mods). A Channeling kill will bring that Cold proc chance to 100%.
- All effects synergize with any Cold procs (from other weapons or other Sibear users), and Frost's warframe powers. This means you will gain a much higher damage output if, say, you cast Avalanche to Freeze and debuff enemy armor, then perform charge attacks on them to benefit from Glacial Burst.


Stats Change?

If following these suggestions, I think that an big increase in attack speed, but decrease in critical chance, may help balance it into more of a support/CC weapon with good damage output, without relying on crits. That's just a personal thought since I feel there's way too much emphasis on crits lately.

Edited by Casardis
Slight changes on Glacial Burst effect to include Channeling synergy
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