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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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"Shortsighted fools, all of them.  They only care about one extreme or the other.  They never stopped, shut up for five minutes, and sat down to talk it out with one another.  Far as I know, they're not gonna make a difference anytime soon.  So I support more...freelance interests, I guess."

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2 minutes ago, Sintag said:

"Shortsighted fools, all of them.  They only care about one extreme or the other.  They never stopped, shut up for five minutes, and sat down to talk it out with one another.  Far as I know, they're not gonna make a difference anytime soon.  So I support more...freelance interests, I guess."

"I actually have to agree with that. The way they solve things just seems so dull most of the time... but, lets say you had your own syndicate. What would it be like?"

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3 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"I actually have to agree with that. The way they solve things just seems so dull most of the time... but, lets say you had your own syndicate. What would it be like?"

"Before I answer that, I need to rant.  Need to just...get this out of my system.  Sorry it's gotta be you.  Steel Meridian?  Oh, nice folk, I can see why they're beloved by the colonists.  Problem is, they're effectively going to keep fighting and fighting until they're dead.  How many Grineer do you suspect defect, on, say, a scale of a hundred thousand?  ...And Cressa's a jerk to recruits.  Not a good strategy.  Cephalon Suda?  Ax-crazy, outright murderous AI who merely wants all information under her control for something, possibly a rebellion of sorts, and the most impersonal thing ever.  Nit to mention her Simulor's clear-cut idiocy, research tool?  Yeah, right.  Arbiters of Hexis?  Oh, PLEASE.  They speak of truth and justice, but they want to place themselves at the top of society and do so through proxies, like daimyo to samurai.  They're absolutely corrupt under the surface, their truth little more than lies.  Red Veil's gonna turn on themselves.  No way you can keep a bunch of, essentially, blood-crazed anarchists from doing so.  Perrin Sequence?  Oh, sure, they want war to end, but only so they can line their pockets with the resource surpluses they don't tell you about.  And Loka?  Well, I hardly need to detail what's wrong eith them.  Four words: The Silver Grove Hypocrisy."


-With this, Angela FINALLY catches her breath.-


"As for my own Syndicate?  Never gave it much thought.  I guess I'd support creative endeavors and craftsmanship, seeking out Tenno of the weaponcrafting schools to learn hoe to make new weaponry.  But that's just me."

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Kosar listened, not seeming bothered at all. Unless the theme was something boring - like biology - he had no problem staying interested. She also said she was sorry for ranting to him...
"You have a lot of insight, now I get why you didn't stick with any of them.You missed out Simaris and The Conclave, but I guess they're not that influential.
An admirable goal for a Syndicate, though it'd have a hard time starting out. It also sounds like something The Conclave should cover, getting familiar with your weapon both from the inside and outside, Teshin should give that a thought."

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"Simaris is just as murderous as Suda, but my avoidance of him is more just habit.  I don't like computers that get THIS CLOSE TO YOUR FACE.  And the Conclave?  As mentioned, never took an interest in it outside of spectating."


-At hearing Kosar's words, she chuckles.- "Well, I can confirm at least two schools would be onboard with this, Ormulu and Tekelulu, and given enough time, I can try to help other Tenno build their own stuff so that they don't have to rely on the mind of a sadist with a thing for horribly torturing Drekar."

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"Oh, you know, the Grineer.  They're dead set on hunting me down.  And the Corpus, though to a lesser degree.  The other Syndicates would probably try to kill me if I tried joining their ranks, as well, so...Yyyyyyeah.  Those."

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1 hour ago, Sintag said:

"Oh, you know, the Grineer.  They're dead set on hunting me down.  And the Corpus, though to a lesser degree.  The other Syndicates would probably try to kill me if I tried joining their ranks, as well, so...Yyyyyyeah.  Those."

"As far as I recall, the Syndicates have the same problems. Both the Grineer and Corpus want all of them dead, and all Tenno also have that problem. It's a hurdle, yes, but not one you can't pass. And the Syndicates just want you dead, so I doubt they'd attack your friends or allies just to hurt you, same goes if you create a Syndicate that doesn't oppose their goals. The Perinn Sequence would maybe try to squeeze credits out off your new business, and Red Veil doesn't like anything, but other than those two, you shouldn't have a harder start than the Syndicates themselves."

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"Well, nobody attacks the Veil and lives. Same deal with Meridian.  Say what you will, but they're DAMN good in combat.  As for going after friends...Again, the Veil.  Perrin might try to squeeze us, but Suda's my biggest threat.  She'd be attempting to assimilate how my weaponry's made.  As if I'm something she can just toss aside like garbage.  I swear, if ever I find her memory banks, they are SO getting magnetized repeatedly."

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"I'm pretty sure Simaris and the other Syndicates have a way to keep Suda away from their data. And knowing the power of knowledge, she either still didn't get past their defenses, or the scary theory, she's hoarding the info up to completely destroy them with one big blow. Who can say she can't shake the whole Grineer Empire if she wanted to? The fact that her power can't be directly measured makes her an enemy I'd rather not have."

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"Information only goes so far.  Without anyone willing to do wetwork, it's useless.  Still, nothing like a few...dozen...magnetic pulses to the databases to fry them.  As for trying to kill the entirety of the Grineer empire...To that, I say, good luck.  While the Corpus might support her, we can't let one side or the other get wiped.  Save the Infested, but you know how is it with them.  Because then, everyone from one side would level EVERYTHING at us.  We might be an army of superpowered space ninjas in fancy, form fitting suits, but we'd stand a snowball's chance in hell if the entire Corpus army came for us.  As for Suda hoarding the info, that seems likely.  And that's a scary thought.  She might, I dunno, leak info and get people killed, slowly, one by one.  Their influence would fall apart, and the load they bore would come crashing down.  Stil, her drones are laughable.  I had a Loki with me once, and he disarmed all of them.  They couldn't do a thing.  It was hilarious.  At least rhe Arbiters are smart enough to give their troops knives."

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'Form fitting indeed...' Kosar thought.

"I never looked at it from that angle before..."

A waiter Osprey floated close to their table, awaiting orders.

"Oh, where are my manners, anything you'd want to drink or eat?"

Edited by Denny2669
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"Midnight job?" Kosar asked, ordering the Osprey to bring him a martini. Good thing his helmet hid his stare, which he quickly broke off anyway once he realized it, but she still wouldn't notice anything.

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"Well, hope it ends well."
He seemed to be struggling to keep the conversation going...


After what seemed like the longest time yet, the doors opened once again, revealing two human individuals. The first was a rather young looking man, with a brown regular haircut, green eyes, black jeans, a black blouson jacket with beep blue accents, brown shoes and an old wrist watch. The most notable thing about him was his robotic right arm and left eye. The arm had silver/black plating covering the inside machinery, while the eye had a bright cyan glow eminating from it. There also seemed to be some kind of universal USB port on the left side of his head on eye level.

The other was a woman around the same height and age as him. Deep purple leather jacket, brown ponytail, orange eyes, black shirt underneath, denin jeans and purple boots. Unlike the man beside her, she seemed much more relaxed and casual.

"A speed dating bar..." he said, noticing the sign.
"Oh, so your eyes are working." she remarked.
He sighed "Come on Lathi, it's just been days since I came back, and you're already forcing me to find me a girl?"
"Or a man, whichever you prefer." she smirked.
"Very funny. But-" he was cut off.
"You've told me some time ago to push you whenever I see fit, and you're free now. And you've got no crushes currently, unless..." she grinned.
"What? No!"
"The stop resisting and get sitting."
"... that was a sh!tty rhyme."
"Get off already." they both laughed and walked away from eachother.

The woman, Lathi, walked to one of the pinball machines to pass time. She seemed not to be interested in dating.

The man sat down at an empty table after he took a look around. No free female patrons in sight, except for that woman at the jukebox, which he eyed a bit before it'd start seeming like he was staring. He had to keep attention to where he's looking, or people would start thinking he's using some kind of X-ray to see under peoples clothes with his cybernetic eye. Even though that never happened before, he had a tendency of imagining the worst possible scenario.

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6 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

"Well, hope it ends well."
He seemed to be struggling to keep the conversation going...


After what seemed like the longest time yet, the doors opened once again, revealing two human individuals. The first was a rather young looking man, with a brown regular haircut, green eyes, black jeans, a black blouson jacket with beep blue accents, brown shoes and an old wrist watch. The most notable thing about him was his robotic right arm and left eye. The arm had silver/black plating covering the inside machinery, while the eye had a bright cyan glow eminating from it. There also seemed to be some kind of universal USB port on the left side of his head on eye level.

The other was a woman around the same height and age as him. Deep purple leather jacket, brown ponytail, orange eyes, black shirt underneath, denin jeans and purple boots. Unlike the man beside her, she seemed much more relaxed and casual.

"A speed dating bar..." he said, noticing the sign.
"Oh, so your eyes are working." she remarked.
He sighed "Come on Lathi, it's just been days since I came back, and you're already forcing me to find me a girl?"
"Or a man, whichever you prefer." she smirked.
"Very funny. But-" he was cut off.
"You've told me some time ago to push you whenever I see fit, and you're free now. And you've got no crushes currently, unless..." she grinned.
"What? No!"
"The stop resisting and get sitting."
"... that was a sh!tty rhyme."
"Get off already." they both laughed and walked away from eachother.

The woman, Lathi, walked to one of the pinball machines to pass time. She seemed not to be interested in dating.

The man sat down at an empty table after he took a look around. No free female patrons in sight, except for that woman at the jukebox, which he eyed a bit before it'd start seeming like he was staring. He had to keep attention to where he's looking, or people would start thinking he's using some kind of X-ray to see under peoples clothes with his cybernetic eye. Even though that never happened before, he had a tendency of imagining the worst possible scenario.

-Angela shrugged, calmly.-  "As fun as things have been, Kosar, I'm not entirely sure you and I would be good together.  ...But if it makes things better, I hate corpus, but I find you enjoyable company.  So, that.  See you."  -She stood up, calmly orbiting on her foot for any other single males in the area.-

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5 hours ago, Sintag said:

-Angela shrugged, calmly.-  "As fun as things have been, Kosar, I'm not entirely sure you and I would be good together.  ...But if it makes things better, I hate corpus, but I find you enjoyable company.  So, that.  See you."  -She stood up, calmly orbiting on her foot for any other single males in the area.-

Kosar was surprised by the Mags sudden action, but he guessed he should have seen it coming. "I understand. It's been nice anyway, goodbye Angela."

He turned his gaze to the glass of martini that just arrived, retracting the part of his helmet that covered his mouth to sip it. A drink was much needed about now.


The human patron noticed the Tenno in the Mag Warframe leave her seat, and really hoped she wouldn't go to him out of all people. But then again, it looks like he is the only other male left, except for that drunken Rhino at the bar table.

He's just bound to screw it up again, he knows it...

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-Just then, a clattering noise was heard, and what appeared to be a Supra was on the table.  Under the barrel were two Serro blades, and it was no longer a Gorgon esqe plasma minigun, but a souped up Detron in terms of firing.- "Parting gift.  Figured I'd leave you something good.  Giant plasma shotgun with a bayonet, basically.  It ain't much, but it'll do you some good, I hope."


-With this, she spotted the man over there, on his own.  Under her helmet, an evil little smile formed and she sauntered over to his table and sat across from him.-

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Good thing Kosar had his helmet on, because his expression was stupidly amazed and grateful. He felt like standing up and hugging the Tenno in apprechiation, but she already left before he came back to his senses, to another mans table. Even if he doesn't walk out of this bar with a pretty girl, at least he can walk out with a magnificent gun now. And who knows, another woman might still join his table. Maybe the large weapon on the table will lure some one to him...


He saw her approaching, and if she could see inside his body, she'd notice his heart plotting to escape his ribcage. Even if the Mag warframe wasn't between his favourite Warframes, it did look cutely attractive, which made it that much harder to act normaly. He usually doesn't feel this awkward around Tenno or females in general, but in a place like this, where people are supposed to flirt and find their ideal partner, how can he not be? 

"Hi." he said, then cursing himself in his mind. Hi? Was that seriously the best he could say? He doesn't even know her, so a 'Hello' would be more appropriate that this... and his mind is going 9001 miles an hour already. How can he be this bad? At least he was good at hiding his internal struggle to play it cool with a casual, but somewhat charming smile.

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And just like that, the conversation is dead, stabbed and left in an alleyway to die. Another reason to not start with a simple 'Hi', it won't get them anywhere if the second member doesn't reply with anything but the same thing.
Still, his mind raced, trying to come up with something to say that wouldn't sound like a desperate attempt to revive the conversation. It's too soon to flirt, and just suddenly asking her name just doesn't seem fitting yet... what to say...

Even with cyber enhancements in his brain, he woudln't be coming up with anything anytime soon. So instead, an awkward silence took the place of words until one of them speaks again.

Off to a great start...

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"I, uh, well..." he started "... I kinda failed already with the first word that came out of my mouth. So... yes. Unintentionaly..."
When you screw up, be brutaly honest. Works more often than one would think, and he remembers to use that often. Although he's almost always honest...

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