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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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1 minute ago, Psychotoxin said:

"Hey, thanks!" the Oberon said and then suddenly kissed Lana.

((The ceiling was not supposed to cave in...))

Lana: "oh!" *Kisses back*

((But it did... Even though i didn't even type that. Wait, why did it cave in...?))

4 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

"Yes, if that's what that was."

((I kinda fell out of playing the games after the Grunty flag thing.))

Haseo: "that was my Avatar, Skeith. I destroyed AIDA, like that Anna just now, using it."

((Grunty Flag? Wow, you never even got to use Skeith, did you? Or am i just confused? Wow... Too bad... I had a person i know kill Magus for me so i could finish all the games...))

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34 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"You know celebrities, they always got something to hide... and with another dimension I meant literarly another dimension. He got the robes from some mage or whatever, feels cozy though. But I can tell she's gonna get REALLY pissed if I borrow from her. She has a temper problem..." she giggeled at the thought.

"Woah. Wait. A Zephyr. With a shiny spear. That has temper problems. Is her name Nuro?" Ryder asked. He was seriously concered for her now.

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14 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Haseo: "that was my Avatar, Skeith. I destroyed AIDA, like that Anna just now, using it."

((Grunty Flag? Wow, you never even got to use Skeith, did you? Or am i just confused? Wow... Too bad... I had a person i know kill Magus for me so i could finish all the games...))

"I see."

((Yeah, the race mode thing?  I watched a friend play the game after that, but never had time to play myself.))

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5 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

"I see."

((Yeah, the race mode thing?  I watched a friend play the game after that, but never had time to play myself.))

Haseo: "Hmmm... You seem... Familiar... Wait a moment." *grabs Alex' arm for a second* "ah... an Epitaph, huh... That explains a lot..."

((Oh... Shame... The games are really good, too. That Grunty Race thing is just a minigame, too...))

27 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

((Ignore, stupid glitched misclick.))


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2 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Haseo: "Hmmm... You seem... Familiar... Wait a moment." *grabs Alex' arm for a second* "ah... an Epitaph, huh... That explains a lot..."

((Oh... Shame... The games are really good, too. That Grunty Race thing is just a minigame, too...))


"Wait, what??  Epitaph?  I'm not dead, you crazy sonofa-" she cut herself off abrubtly.  "Sorry.  How would a tombstone inscription explain anything about someone who is a) NOT dead, and b) won't be buried in the ground, or have a tombstone?"

((I'll get around to it eventually.  I knew it was a minigame, but it was still dumb.  I'm god-awful at racing games.))

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Just now, Yzjdriel said:

"Wait, what??  Epitaph?  I'm not dead, you crazy sonofa-" she cut herself off abrubtly.  "Sorry.  How would a tombstone inscription explain anything about someone who is a) NOT dead, and b) won't be buried in the ground, or have a tombstone?"

((I'll get around to it eventually.  I knew it was a minigame, but it was still dumb.  I'm god-awful at racing games.))

Haseo: "nah, i meant an Epitaph like Skeith. Skeith, the Epitaph of "the Terror of Death.". You have something similar, it seems..."

35 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

((Ignore, stupid glitched misclick. Again.))


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4 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

"Wait, what??  Epitaph?  I'm not dead, you crazy sonofa-" she cut herself off abrubtly.  "Sorry.  How would a tombstone inscription explain anything about someone who is a) NOT dead, and b) won't be buried in the ground, or have a tombstone?"

((I'll get around to it eventually.  I knew it was a minigame, but it was still dumb.  I'm god-awful at racing games.))

((I forgot to do this, so yea. Yeah, i suck at racing games too. But the games themself i can reccomend...))

39 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

((Ignore, stupid glitched misclick. Again. Dang.))


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30 minutes ago, ShrimpOverlord said:

"Woah. Wait. A Zephyr. With a shiny spear. That has temper problems. Is her name Nuro?" Ryder asked. He was seriously concered for her now.

"Exactly! How da hell did you know? Please tell me you're her ex, cause that'd be freaking halarious!" Bird replied.

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2 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Haseo: "nah, i meant an Epitaph like Skeith. Skeith, the Epitaph of "the Terror of Death.". You have something similar, it seems..."


Alex relaxed.  "Ohhh....  You mean an epithet!  Yeah, I have one of those.  I'm a Screamer." she said with a wink.  "Iffya know what I mean."  She paused, then asked nervously, "That pun was too much, wasn't it?"

((I hear ya.  Banshee pun was horrible when I thought of it, but it kind of became her catchphrase....))

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3 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"Exactly! How da hell did you know? Please tell me you're her ex, cause that'd be freaking halarious!" Bird replied.

"Oh." Ryder said. His expression changed. "You want to steal her spear. Yeah. Don't do that. I'm her uncle's best friend. I know her well. You don't want to mess with her, and with her spear in perticular. Huh... Nuro's married..."

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1 minute ago, Yzjdriel said:

Alex relaxed.  "Ohhh....  You mean an epithet!  Yeah, I have one of those.  I'm a Screamer." she said with a wink.  "Iffya know what I mean."  She paused, then asked nervously, "That pun was too much, wasn't it?"

((I hear ya.  Banshee pun was horrible when I thought of it, but it kind of became her catchphrase....))

Haseo: *facepalms* "not that... Quite literally one of Skeith's sisters is living inside your soul. I get the pun, though. It wasn't bad. Sounds like something you would say... Which is a compliment. Somehow. ...nevermind. Ever since She was killed i've been awkward around girls..."

((Haseo is sensing an Avatar... But yeah. That pun was... Painful.))

46 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

((Ignore, stupid glitched misclick. This is getting annoying.))


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3 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Haseo: *facepalms* "not that... Quite literally one of Skeith's sisters is living inside your soul. I get the pun, though. It wasn't bad. Sounds like something you would say... Which is a compliment. Somehow. ...nevermind. Ever since She was killed i've been awkward around girls..."

((Haseo is sensing an Avatar... But yeah. That pun was... Painful.))


"You lost me there..."

((XD I KNOW, RIGHT!?  I want to stop using it, but I just can't.))

3 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

((Ignore, stupid glitched misclick))

You know you can remove quote boxes with the backspace (if cursor behind) and delete (if cursor ahead) keys, right?

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3 hours ago, NightBeatz said:

Elize nods at Luv as she understands her words

while taking a sip of her drink she watches the event of the rhino and the Oberon "hehe so fun when people see familiars .... to bad i won't" she mumbled to her self "but hey girl ain't that a cute one lets see what will happen" whispering her self then the word of the rhino that actually sounded funny didn't have that impact on the Oberon it seems as he looks a bit sad now she walks up to that same table the Oberon took a seat "hey strangers need some company?" she asked as she already stood next to the empty seat hoping he would invite her to sit down




Because Elize didn't get an answer from the Oberon she took her seat in front of him and putting her own drink in front of him "hey uhm... Mister if you are that sad that your not noticing me at least drink this it will help you loosen up a bit I promise "  she said with a little smile still hoping the man in front of her would notice her waiting once again for the Oberon to react she ordered a new glass of whiskey again a double "can i have one more here please" is what she said 


((now don't *@##$ again there ain't any errors in this post i double checked it ;) hehe kidding i used that extension you mention it's pretty useful :D ))

Edited by NightBeatz
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3 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

"You lost me there..."

((XD I KNOW, RIGHT!?  I want to stop using it, but I just can't.))

You know you can remove quote boxes with the backspace (if cursor behind) and delete (if cursor ahead) keys, right?

Haseo: "You have an Avatar, like me. As for the one that died... She was my girlfriend... But she was killed by Tri-Edge..."

((Welp, we are doomed to be punned on forever.))

1 hour ago, Yzjdriel said:

((Ignore, stupid glitched misclick. Removing it crashes my browser, too...))


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46 minutes ago, ShrimpOverlord said:

"Oh." Ryder said. His expression changed. "You want to steal her spear. Yeah. Don't do that. I'm her uncle's best friend. I know her well. You don't want to mess with her, and with her spear in perticular. Huh... Nuro's married..."

"Nobody tells me what to and to not borrow. If it's shiny, I'll get it eventualy..." her ring started glowing again.

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2 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"Nobody tells me what to and to not borrow. If it's shiny, I'll get it eventualy..." her ring started glowing again.

"Nononono, you don't get it..." Ryder shifted in his chair. "Borrow what you want, but if Nuro loses her spear... nothing good will come out of it. Her temper problem is more extreme than it sounds. She'll flip every rock in the system untill she finds it."

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12 minutes ago, ShrimpOverlord said:

"Nononono, you don't get it..." Ryder shifted in his chair. "Borrow what you want, but if Nuro loses her spear... nothing good will come out of it. Her temper problem is more extreme than it sounds. She'll flip every rock in the system untill she finds it."

"You're only feeding my temptation Volt, oooooh the look on her face..." her ring started glowing brighter.

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1 hour ago, KuraioNokami said:

Lana: "oh!" *Kisses back*

((But it did... Even though i didn't even type that. Wait, why did it cave in...?))

((Buuuuuut... You did type that... :P))

"Well... We're trapped here. What now?" Scrubby looked around. He was slightly blushing, and avoided Lana's gaze as best he could.

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1 minute ago, Psychotoxin said:

((Buuuuuut... You did type that... :P))

"Well... We're trapped here. What now?" Scrubby looked around. He was slightly blushing, and avoided Lana's gaze as best he could.


Lana: "hmmm... You forgot already? I'm from the future. I can get us out. On one condition..."

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13 hours ago, Teloch said:

Teloch leaned backward in a relaxed way; he actually smiled after hearing to Dawn's explanations. "So, a harsh nurse you are, Dawn. Honestly, I thought that this image exists only within the realm of collective imagination of combatants. And yet here I am - observing a living character of the mercenary folklore. Seriously, the policy of anesthetics nonuse surely cuts costs and can even have some educative function for those carefree individuals who take treatment for granted and so under evaluate the risks, but your professional beliefs are a poor justification to losing key personnel to pain shock. I'm not trying to judge you, just pointing out the reasonable points. In fact, your harsh mercy could do a long-term good for those rookies from my society; they grew dangerously naive and spoiled about the matters of risk lately. Making them feel the consequences of their actions may be an efficient cure to the carelessness disease". 

He leaned forward, placed his elbows on a table, and tapped on his frame's detached arcane helmet "I surely can understand your love of music. Would've gone crazy without it myself. Should I say that firing long LMG bursts at groups of various scum while listening to intense requiems is a strangely pleasant experience. Not sure if I can express the feeling in more details, though" he paused while relaxing, "Nothing horrible so far, judging by your words. Tho the possibility of exploring past your "defining traits" sounds intriguing: there is always something behind the "minefield".

As soon as the man shifted his torso and elbows closer to the center of the table, the sudden sound of a collapsing ceiling in the room nearby took his attention. He addressed the event hostess in sarcastically-cynic tone: "Ey gal, in case if you don't want to add the fact of uncovering two corpses in your establishment to the accusations of bribing security commission, there is a deblocking specialist and a medic sitting at this table. Just sayin' "

Dawn smiled. "You're the first one to react this way. I've never been told that not using anesthetics is a good thing. Okay, I have a question for you. The same question you asked me. What are your three defining traits?"

15 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"You're only feeding my temptation Volt, oooooh the look on her face..." her ring started glowing brighter.

"I'm seriously worried for you here." Ryder removes his aviator glasses. "You do not want to mess with her. It's not worth it. I know from experience. She will be wearing her frame anyway, you won't get to see her face. Also, that ring, did you borrow it too? Not from Nuro, because you're still here. From who?"

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35 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Lana: "this." *kisses Scrubby again* "all right. Let's go." *warps Scrubby and herself to her future*

((A kiss as a condition... Wha-...?))

"A kiss as a condition... Wha-...?" Scrubby mumbled not understanding what he'd missed.

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3 minutes ago, Psychotoxin said:

((A kiss as a condition... Wha-...?))

"A kiss as a condition... Wha-...?" Scrubby mumbled not understanding what he'd missed.

((The kiss is the gesture. The emotion is the condition))

Lana: "yeah, what the Creator said. Now then..." *walks out of the nonexistent door, a hole where it once was* "come over here..."

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