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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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Just now, NightBeatz said:


Samantha : "I loved the tune the part I heard that is didn't hear all of it" she looked around "mind if I sit down with the two of you?"

Elize: she smiled seeing his face "look at that handsome " taking a sip of her drink "I'm no longer in a clan any more I guess it's a long story really" her emblem would shine even brighter 

Namite: "eh, not really. not like any boys are gonna be interested in me, so why not?"

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15 hours ago, IllumiMahdi said:

"Scarlette, and yours?" she asked before turning to the osprey and ordering, "A peppermint tea, please."

"Kosar Led. Nice to meet you Scarlette" the Corpus replied. The osprey blasted off to the bar, it should be back with the drinks soon.
"So, what is such a pretty thing as yourself doing here? People usualy come here when they are having trouble finding a partner. And judging by your appearance, I doubt you'd have any trouble with that"

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23 hours ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

"Thanks...(i guess...?)" 

"So how's the demolision stuff going on then...?"


"Maybe i should tamper with that pinball machine abit. That volt seems addicted to it"

Nuela: "oh, look who's mister i-don't-understand-speed dating-procedure. no worries, i'm probably just as awkward as you are. as for blowing stuff up, it is going quite nicely. and now for something completely different. do you want something to drink?"

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3 hours ago, Yzjdriel said:

"Uhh, I'm not depressed.  You seem to be really confused, so I'll just explain the whole thing."  Lydia finished her glass and motioned for an Osprey to bring another.

"Right now I'm working with a Tenno named Nikolai Vensiron.  He goes by Nihlai now as a result of some shenanigans that happened during the Cicero Crisis.  We mostly do fear campaigns and the like.  Whenever some Grineer or Corpus lowlife gets too big for their britches but doesn't quite make it to the big time, we step in and knock them down a few pegs.  If they don't stop trying to move up, we put them down permanently.  The job's fun, don't get me wrong.  But recently I've noticed that I don't actually remember why I started doing it in the first place.  It's not really an intellectual position, as you can imagine.  I'm using my brawn instead of my brains, and that's something I'd like to change.  Now I get this job offer from Councillor Kiri.  'Come work for me,' she says.  'I can give you a job where you use your intellect to help people.'  And I think, yeah, that'd be a nice change of pace.  But then I realize I don't want to completely reverse things, you know?  I still want to get out there and use my hands to make an immediately noticeable, intrinsically tangible difference.  So I want to take the job, but I also want to be able to go out and kick arse when I feel like it.  So I don't know if I want the job after all."


"Uh. Do you know that..." he began to answer while being properly surprised, but then he stopped to reconsider things again. Once his expression normalized, he continued, "It is surely natural to aim for comprehensive development, but... Why limiting yourself to only two opposite choices? You don't really need to stick to one job up to the moment when you can't even remember the reason behind it. And If you don't feel like encaging yourself, there is still plenty of possibilities to live your life for full and to be useful" He sat closer to her, so she could see the display of his on-board computer, "Here is a Steel Meridian recruiting portal and contracts board," he opened a window,"they provide me with almost half of all contracts that I do. They seek not only for mercenaries, but also for volunteers, field agents, functionaries, and even lobbyists. I can recommend you, in case if you consider such option as a viable one," he opened another window,"here you can find a bank of freelance tenno projects, starting from colonies support and defence and finishing with heritage artifacts recovering raids", he swapped the windows again,"the Lotus network always searches for reckon operatives. And I'm not even mentioning the fact that you can join either a classic clan or an open society, just like I did" he closed the holographic interface. "The universe is wide, Lydia, why not taking advantage of it?" he said and smiled slightly confused.

Edited by Teloch
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1 hour ago, KuraioNokami said:

Namite: "eh, not really. not like any boys are gonna be interested in me, so why not?"

She taken a chair from a other table that was empty "why should boys not be interested in you?" She waved at an osprey "what music the Two of you like?" 

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Just now, NightBeatz said:

She taken a chair from a other table that was empty "why should boys not be interested in you?" She waved at an osprey "what music the Two of you like?" 

Namite: "boys wouldn't like me because i'm clumsy. i mean, did you see my entrance? also, i like classical, but also rock, metal, and some Oro-Pop songs. how about you?"

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2 hours ago, Sartactics said:

Esaka: Well then what are they?

"Well...(this is going to take forever...). I have trouble raising my voice, trouble speaking to new people, troubles trying to ask people about something, troubles with trying to make myself look good, troubles trying to get myself noticed, troubles...erm...there's far too many...heh...heh...


2 hours ago, KuraioNokami said:

Nuela: "oh, look who's mister i-don't-understand-speed dating-procedure. no worries, i'm probably just as awkward as you are. as for blowing stuff up, it is going quite nicely. and now for something completely different. do you want something to drink?"

"Don't mind at all. I normally have a glass on certain occasions and this one seems to be perfect for it!"

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35 minutes ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

"Well...(this is going to take forever...). I have trouble raising my voice, trouble speaking to new people, troubles trying to ask people about something, troubles with trying to make myself look good, troubles trying to get myself noticed, troubles...erm...there's far too many...heh...heh...


"Don't mind at all. I normally have a glass on certain occasions and this one seems to be perfect for it!"

Nuela: "sure thing!" *Grabs her Kulstar and shoots down a serving osprey that is flying too high* "one glass of Rum mixed with Kubrow blood for me and... what do you want? oh, and don't mind the Kubrow's Blood. it's a liquor type."

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10 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Nuela: "sure thing!" *Grabs her Kulstar and shoots down a serving osprey that is flying too high* "one glass of Rum mixed with Kubrow blood for me and... what do you want? oh, and don't mind the Kubrow's Blood. it's a liquor type."


"I'll just have a cup of wine, thank you very much (God, she's nice but she's a little bit crazy...)"

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22 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Nuela: "sure thing!" *Grabs her Kulstar and shoots down a serving osprey that is flying too high* "one glass of Rum mixed with Kubrow blood for me and... what do you want? oh, and don't mind the Kubrow's Blood. it's a liquor type."

"That's going to cost..." Luv said to herself, looking at the demolished ceiling. Out of all weapons, why a Kulstar?! That's like a suicide weapon! Well, at least the ospreys are already repairing... and taking what's left of the broken one for the funeral... heh, and Kubrow Blood? Maybe she should invite Alice here...

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59 minutes ago, crimsonspartan1 said:


"I'll just have a cup of wine, thank you very much (God, she's nice but she's a little bit crazy...)"

Nuela: "oh, i'm sorry, did i creep you out...? maybe i'm not the most fit to be sitting here... Naela, your turn." *morphs, changing warframes from Nova to Valkyr and suddenly seeming less confident and speaking with a softer voice* 

Naela: "h-hi... i heard from my sister Nuela... we're... Speed Dating, right...? i'm... Naela. n-nice to meet you..."

Edited by KuraioNokami
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6 hours ago, KuraioNokami said:

Namite: "boys wouldn't like me because i'm clumsy. i mean, did you see my entrance? also, i like classical, but also rock, metal, and some Oro-Pop songs. how about you?"

"i thought your entrance was kind of funny and if i was a boy i would really like that kind of people" she paused and blushed for a moment as the osprey got close "ah yes 3 wines please"

she looked at the mag again "as for your question i like hard rock metal en some pop" she then looked at the banshee and the mag  "ah i totally forgot my name is Samantha but everyone calls me samy what about you two? " 

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1 minute ago, NightBeatz said:

"i thought your entrance was kind of funny and if i was a boy i would really like that kind of people" she paused and blushed for a moment as the osprey got close "ah yes 3 wines please"

she looked at the mag again "as for your question i like hard rock metal en some pop" she then looked at the banshee and the mag  "ah i totally forgot my name is Samantha but everyone calls me samy what about you two? " 

Namite: "the name's Namite. Everyone calls me Nami, though. Even though i hate water."

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4 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Namite: "the name's Namite. Everyone calls me Nami, though. Even though i hate water."

Samy would smile "nice to meet you namite... so what are you doing here?"   the osprey brought the 3 drinks  "i hope you don't mind a drink?"

Edited by NightBeatz
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Just now, NightBeatz said:

Samy would smile "nice to meet you namite... so what are you doing here?"   the osprey brought the 3 drinks  "i hope you don't mind a drink?"

Namite: "nah, i don't mind. I came here because i was... Bored. And alone. But mostly bored. You?"

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Just now, KuraioNokami said:

Namite: "nah, i don't mind. I came here because i was... Bored. And alone. But mostly bored. You?"

samy would hand one of the wine to namite "well i came here to find someone... special i guess" she would then hold both necklaces and let out a deep sigh.

"its been a while that i had someone that actually cared about me you know" she holds out her drink "cheers on a fun day i suppose" she said with a shy smile


((samy don't you tell me you like her))

ok i won't tell you then 

(( ugh really samy just watch what your doing remember what happened to him two years ago))

you don't have to tell me that creator i wil never forget what happened two years ago

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6 minutes ago, NightBeatz said:

samy would hand one of the wine to namite "well i came here to find someone... special i guess" she would then hold both necklaces and let out a deep sigh.

"its been a while that i had someone that actually cared about me you know" she holds out her drink "cheers on a fun day i suppose" she said with a shy smile


((samy don't you tell me you like her))

ok i won't tell you then 

(( ugh really samy just watch what your doing remember what happened to him two years ago))

you don't have to tell me that creator i wil never forget what happened two years ago

Namite: "huh. What was your creator going on about? Meh, whatever. Cheers."

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wait did she hear that???"uhh nothing really its just he reminded me of something i would never forget anyway"  she then paused again looking at the two broken hearts around her neck taking a sip of her wine  "i might as well tell you because he is probably gonna talk again two years ago i had to kill my boyfriend after he got infected"  she would sigh again  "the necklaces is the last thing i got from him and some videos of me and him together playing songs" she then looked at nami  "you probably didn't expect that right?"

your happy now creator ?? 

((not gonna say im happy just you did right to finally tell some one)) 

yea sure ....

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5 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

Alex walked off to an open table and sat down.

"hey banshee why you going away" she looked a at her with a sad face  "common join us again you didn't even tell us your name"  she would smile at the banshee

(( damn you Yzjdriel don't walk away :P ))

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